
My Harem of Legends

[Read my new novel: The Devil in Space] He was the strongest man alive in Argoth. But from a bit of an accident, he was given the chance to transmigrate without losing his soul to the heavens. What shall he do now? As a non-leveling mage in a world where leveling is everything, he must thrive to survive the stronger beings... But one of his stats seems to be leveled to the max. His handsomeness. As a wildly handsome boy, he snatches every woman’s heart and shows the world that even a non-leveling mage can handle the world... But what if he manages to snatch the most powerful woman’s heart? [Despite the Harem... The plot is massive in the book. So anyone who enjoys a good plot can enjoy this novel too :3] Tags: #Harem #KingdomBuilding #MultipleProtagonists #Romance #Comedy #Overpowered (Not MC) #reincarnation #magic #system Volume 1: Looking at myself, but... Not from a double sided mirror. When he searches the world that was built up by himself, he finds himself looking at the suffering of his own people under his nose. And worst of all, he finds himself falling for one of the women he hated, one of the leaders who runs the most effective conspiracies against his own castle. But he died? How is he not dead? He’s transmigrated... And what was happening? He begins to search about this mystery but the struggle for a lower class human to even get past the castle walls is too much... (Caution: MC has a trash personality at first but will change in time :> People change. Also, the story is a little slow on progress. Try reading 30 chapters at least, before dropping it!) [By the way guys... I recommend you skip from chapter 59 - 73 because all those chapters were a bit rushed. I can’t edit the story completely because there will be plot holes then. Sorry... I will try editing these chapters later on. HONESTLY THEY SUCK) *** Author’s system, [Hit on those votes if u want more chapters and works from this author. Let’s reach the bloody top!] Follow me on Instagram for the latest news: @the_real_dark_fox Discord id: Despot#6898 Discord Server link: https://discord.gg/c6g4sVtx9g My other works, > I’m an OP Glitch!

The_Dark_Fox · Fantasy
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91 Chs

C18: The Midnight

After receiving the quest, the team didn't want to go back. They accepted it gladly because the only way to make it to Telor was through this.

Across the road, there were many inns for travelers to rest. They decided to stay there in the night and discuss the mission before heading off to their quest.

But before that, Elijah had something to do.

"Guys... You go on. I will come after I get the letter Endier sent." While the others stepped into the inn, Elijah waited outside.

"Good luck, Elijah." The team waved her and went in. Yet, Owl remained in her shoulder, too afraid to let her out of his sight.

"Owl... Go on. I'll be safe. It'll just take me minutes." Elijah whispered to the little Owl, rubbing its face with her finger.

Owl stared at her for a while and after she smiled at him, he made up his mind. 'Elijah is strong after all," he thought.

The Owl rubbed its face on Elijah's cheek before taking off.

"Mmm..." She blushed as Owl flew into the inn, following the others.

She looked at the crescent moon and pulled up her hood. The cloak she was wearing had the power of changing its form, just in case an emergency happened.

And she knew that it was time to change the colors. She hid behind a large tower and spoke the words, "Blismere."

It was the chant to change the cloak's shape and form.

The dark cloak she was wearing turned into a white long cloak, with a pattern of green leaves embroidered to the cloth.

She looked at the distant elevation of the tower. It was a tall tower and had the perfect edges for her to climb. She had been working as an assassin for 3 years, so she had the skill of climbing.

She climbed up the tower, leaping from one window to another, grabbing whatever she could. In seconds, she reached the dome of the tower.

Standing at the edge, she took a glance at the enormous town.

The West Lake-town was gorgeous at night. Few thousand lights twinkling in the night, a calm and chilling wind of the evening.

Elijah didn't get to breathe the air of the evening, because the nightmares would always interfere. She hoped that the villagers would likely get a chance to see this view someday, or even see this view on their own village.

The West Lake was filled with ships, constantly carrying goods to the West, along with some travelers.

Elijah sat back in the dome of the tower, taking her flute from beneath her coat. It was the flute she used to signal the birds to find their way to her.

She placed the end of the flute to her lips and started to play the song that the messenger owl loved the most.



The few teammates booked a large place to rest. It had enough rooms for each member, alongside a living room. The place was a permanent stay for travelers.

Since the Shadow Phoenix was big, they decided to stay on that one. And they weren't hoping to leave the place any time soon.

Alan made himself comfortable on a chair placed in the living room. All the others settled in their rooms.

Luke pulled all of his baggage into the apartment and tried to close the door and a bird flew in right at that moment.

"Aghh —" he jumped back from the door, only to see that it was bloody Owl.

"Bruh? Why?"

Flash! The Owl suddenly turned into a man radiating a bright blinding light. This was the first time Alan had seen his real appearance.

He was quite a tall man wearing a black suit with a hood. He had an unusual tattoo drawn across the bridge of his nose and his face.

Alan looked at him and he seemed to be a silent person, and a nice guy. He walked through the hallway to his room.

"So? Alan, right?" Luke placed his baggage down near the wall and came to sit beside Alan. "You seem to know your way around Argoth... Do you know anything about the Dalahad family?"

Luke's eyes gave off a suspicious feeling. Alan knew about his family, the family that constantly tried to take a higher seat... But eventually got fucked up.

"Dalahad... Not much. Just know that they got fucked up after that conspiracy in Edin where they met their death sentence."

Luke went silent. He sighed and laid back on the chair.

"You know... I never really loved the royal blood. I hated it, honestly. Growing up, I've met so many bastards who tried to bow to me, and when our family went down, we were like rats in the gutter."

Alan raised his eyebrows. "Oh I know the feeling," Alan said to Luke, thinking about how disgraceful he was now.


The beautiful song played in the flute could only be caught by the owl itself. It was a magical piece made to fix only the owl's ear.

'Endier... I hope you are fine.' Elijah thought as she continued to play the song. And right as she finished it, a bird came flying from the distance.

"Ha! There you —"

BOOM! Before she could move an inch, a fireball came and hit the dome of the tower. Elijah fell from the dome, but she managed to hold on to the edge of the dome.

"Motherfucking hell! What the fuck!"

She couldn't help herself. Her face was boiling up with anger, but she didn't lose hope.

The roof of the other building was only a few feet away from the dome she was in. With one leap, she managed to jump to the other side.

"System! Unlock White Arrow!"

[White Arrow Unlocked]

White arrow, what Elijah liked to call her ace. This was one of the greatest bows ever. For Elijah, it was the greatest.

She stood at the roof of the building next to the tower and took a good look at the enemies.

Two people wearing black suits and wrapped around in a cloak with a hood were standing on the dome of the tower.

"Who the fuck are you two?" Elijah asked from the two strangers, patting off the dust from her cloak.

The two didn't answer, simply pulled down their hoods, revealing the mask underneath. A mask resembling a crow and at the very top of the mask, there was a symbol of a crescent moon.

"We're the Midnight."

The two strangers answered at the same time. Elijah smirked upon hearing this, not even slightly frightened.

"Well, it's sad. I'm Captain Leaf."

Thank you so much for reading, many thanks to all who support the novel :3

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