
My gay husband is a pervert

Kong Xian Wang one of the most eligible bachelor in China. Not only young ladies are head over heels for him but also the married and older ones. His one glance can captivate one's soul. But....... There is a problem.... There are certain rumors floating about him.... what are the rumors??? He is not into the opposite gender. He is a GAY!!! "What? CEO Kong is a gay?" Mai Yue Rui couldn't believe it. "Then what is that what I saw?" "The way he looks at the opposite gender it's absolutely of a straight person." "Btw why I am thinking about that... He is the most annoying person to me. He irritates me so much." "Wait... Now where did this come from? A bouquet of rose from the CEO?" KXW:I am offering you the honor to marry me. MYR: Is this what you call proposing for marriage? KXW:Yeah MYR: I am sorry sir I won't marry you. KXW:What do you want? Money, home, makeover? I can give you anything MYR:If you knew who I am then you wouldn't have asked me that. KXW:What do you want? MYR: I want peace. Leave me alone. KXW:Not leaving. MYR: Even if you are the only person on Earth I won't marry you..... .......... MYR: Why are you here. I don't want you in my life. I don't want you to ruin my life again. Stay away from me..... ........... MYR:Mr. Kong Xian Wang I am willing to marry you. KXW:As you wish wifey. ********* Hope you will like the story ********* You can check out my other other: •Treacherous Serenade Of Love ********* Btw the cover is not owned by me... I just edited it... Discord: https://discord.gg/GtnhPWpaaZ

ira_ni1049 · General
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274 Chs

Yuerui in the meeting room

When Yuerui followed Xianwang she saw that they were heading to the meeting room.

'O boy... I have a baaaad feeling.' she thought.

When they entered the meeting room she saw a very familiar face along with Lin Zongguan.

'Ran ruo! I never thought I would see her here.' she was surprised to see her.

'Weirdo... Why did you bring me here? You never brought me here...' Yuerui was confused.

When Xianwang entered, all the directors and managers present there stood from there chair and greeted him.

The meeting room was like a long hallway. The huge table had almost hundred chairs and all were occupied by the directors, managers, investors and shareholders.

What was the reason of this huge gathering?

All present there were curious why Xianwang brought this famous young employee with him. He hadn't brought her here since the day he declared to train her. But today on this important meeting he brought her!

On behalf of the people present, Lin Zongguan gathered the courage and asked, " Boss, may I ask why is miss Mai here?"

"Training!" Xianwang replied while taking his seat.

'What training! Finally.... Finally something to learn.' Yuerui sighed.

Yuerui didn't know where to sit so she kept standing beside Zongguan.

"Miss Mai, you can seat beside me." Si ying offered her a chair.

So, Yuerui went there and took the seat.

The meeting started.


"Boss we are here today to discuss about the upcoming 'International building and construction conference' which is going to be held in our country. The government has given us the responsibilities to the whole conference." Lin Zongguan said.

"Boss, we are really eager to organize the conference differently" the director of human resource department said.

"So, we would like to suggest…." And the meeting proceeded.

It was already an hour and the meeting was still going. Yuerui was listening diligently for at least 40 minutes. But then she couldn't take it. She was drowsing like hell. When she couldn't keep her eyes open she tried to open them with her hands.

On the other hand, Xianwang was watching her movement from time to time.

At first, he saw her diligently sitting at her seat and listening to their discussion. So, he let her off the hook and merged in the meeting.

"Boss this conference is not any normal conference. Many international deals are cracked in this conference. So, we were thinking, if we make a presentation ceremony where all the developing companies can introduce themselves. Then we can use this opportunity to advertise our company." Lin Zongguan said.

He added, "There will not be only one presentation for a company. Each department of the company will present their speech and presentation."

Xianwang was listening to their suggestions carefully and found Zongguan's suggestion exceptional.

So, he nodded to agree with Zongguan.

Xianwang's consent gave Zongguan encouragement. So, he continued his suggestion.

"Boss, so, to give the presentation we have already come up with some names from each department. Since the conference is next week. So, we prepared some names for you."

Xianwang took the file and glanced at the names.

There he found a very familiar name….