
My gay husband is a pervert

Kong Xian Wang one of the most eligible bachelor in China. Not only young ladies are head over heels for him but also the married and older ones. His one glance can captivate one's soul. But....... There is a problem.... There are certain rumors floating about him.... what are the rumors??? He is not into the opposite gender. He is a GAY!!! "What? CEO Kong is a gay?" Mai Yue Rui couldn't believe it. "Then what is that what I saw?" "The way he looks at the opposite gender it's absolutely of a straight person." "Btw why I am thinking about that... He is the most annoying person to me. He irritates me so much." "Wait... Now where did this come from? A bouquet of rose from the CEO?" KXW:I am offering you the honor to marry me. MYR: Is this what you call proposing for marriage? KXW:Yeah MYR: I am sorry sir I won't marry you. KXW:What do you want? Money, home, makeover? I can give you anything MYR:If you knew who I am then you wouldn't have asked me that. KXW:What do you want? MYR: I want peace. Leave me alone. KXW:Not leaving. MYR: Even if you are the only person on Earth I won't marry you..... .......... MYR: Why are you here. I don't want you in my life. I don't want you to ruin my life again. Stay away from me..... ........... MYR:Mr. Kong Xian Wang I am willing to marry you. KXW:As you wish wifey. ********* Hope you will like the story ********* You can check out my other other: •Treacherous Serenade Of Love ********* Btw the cover is not owned by me... I just edited it... Discord: https://discord.gg/GtnhPWpaaZ

ira_ni1049 · General
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274 Chs

Sleeping? Huh!

There he found a very familiar name….

Department : Marketing-------- Name : Run ruo

Xianwang saw the name and glanced at the person.

Ran ruo has wore extra two layers of makeup. And why wouldn't she? This is one of the occasions when she gets to sit close to Xianwang. She was looking at Xianwang with a shy expression.

'Long time so see packet girl.' Xianwang smirked in his mind.

Xianwang looked at Lin Zongguan and asked, "Are they good?"

All the directors present there gulped their saliva. Here his 'good' doesn't mean good. It has to be beyond perfect.

Lin Zongguan checked the files again and said, "Yes, boss. They are all experienced employees and worked really…." He was stopped in the middle.

"Did I said experienced?" Xianwang said looking at Zongguan with a blank expression.

The whole meeting room went in silence.

This silence actually helped Yuerui to sleep soundly. She was almost in her dreamlands to meet her oppas.

She was resting her face on her palm and sleeping soundly.

The huge meeting room went in pin drop silence and everybody was looking at each other and gesturing each other to say something.

This heavy tension was killing everyone of them.

On the other hand, Xianwang was enjoying this sight.

Xianwang gives utmost priority to his company. He can make no compromise with its image as well as profit. So not only he wants to take this opportunity to crack some deals but also remain the image and quality of the company. In this case, he gives not a damn importance to experience or seniority. But he also likes to tease people.

So why not ask them directly and also get some fun?

But when he was having his personal amusement he accidentally glanced at Yuerui and found her sleeping.

'Sleeping? huh! Lets see, how long can you sleep well.'

Finally, Xianwang broke the silence. He stretched both his hands and rested on the table.

"If you have problem in choosing the candidates, then let me help you."

Xianwang is called the best CEO in developing industry. Of course, there is reason for that. Every single information about the employees in the company are memorized by him. He personally hires detectives to collect information about them.

Not only that, he observes them personally without getting noticed. So, he is quite well known about the capabilities of them. This helps him to get the best of his employees. He arranges the working station of the employees in every six months and stations them in the positions in which they are most suitable. This helps the employees not to get bored during their work.

When Xianwang suggested to select the candidates, the directors were stunned as well as relaxed. Because they knew the CEO would select the best.

So, among the names Xianwang removed two names and selected another employee. Lastly in the list, there was the marketing department…