
My Fucked Up World Traveling System

Status: Indefinite Hiatus. We live in a world where monsters dominate the earth, causing humans to be pushed into small colonies that are barely thriving, unable to fight back with our useless weaponry. But once we were on the brink of extinction, people began obtaining magic systems, which allowed us to push back and gain some of the lost land we had once. … Three years later, in a small house on the outskirts of the New York safe zone, lived a 15-year-old boy named Alex with his aunt and uncle, since his parents were killed in a siege of monsters three years ago. Today, Alex would be awakening his system, which would allow him to become an adventurer to fight in the dungeons or the monsters in the wilderness. … They soon arrived at the ceremony, and it started shortly after with hundreds of young men and women awakening their systems with their families watching. Eventually, it became Alex’s turn, and he stepped up to the awakening stone and pressed his hand against it. [Searching for Innate System] [No innate system has been found] [Providing A Normal System To The User] [Error] [Ding! Two powerful goddesses have granted you a system] [Host has acquired the World Traveling System] [The host is the first one to receive a Universe Tier System] [Giving Rewards] [Rewards will appear in the host's status] [The host will be taken to God Space] —- Discord Server: https://discord.gg/hqJrcdgr I don't own the cover; all credit go to the creator.

Reacix · Fantasy
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137 Chs

Mysterious Woman

"You should be cursing the first ogre. If he had just returned to his house, I wouldn't have to slaughter this entire outpost." A woman's voice was heard from behind Eoruk.

He hastily turned around and punched out. His fist hit air.

"Are you going to answer me?"

Hearing the voice from behind, he lashed out again—this time he feinted the punch and used the chance to grab a steel mace on the ground.

"Show yourself, you coward," Eoruk said as he was on high alert. He was ready to attack if he sensed the killer.

"Taunting me doesn't work," the woman said, this time taking attack.

By the time he sensed danger, he felt a sharp, cold blade slash across the area above his heel. His hard skin defended him, but I'd still made a small wound.

"Tough skin, tch."

Eoruk swung his mace and it hit the air. At the same time, Aurora would attack from a different direction. It was like a game of cat and mouse, but the mouse could fight back and it was always five steps ahead.

His anger rose. He hadn't ever been humiliated as he was of a high rank in the city; even the Oni, who ruled over the city as A-Ranked beings, respected him; but now, he had not only been humiliated by a woman, but someone who was of a lower rank than him.

'Finally, I've been waiting patiently.' Aurora thought, delivering another slash to the back of Eoruk's foot.

He kicked back, as his berserker skill activated automatically. His physical attributes rose by 50%.


From his kick, the wind turned into chaotic wind currents, destroying the wall of the house behind him. He was going berserk, causing his prior control over his power to vanish.

"You missed!"

Eoruk turned his head to where the sound came from. His eyes were red as blue veins popped out of his body. This time there was a woman standing there, her beauty unparalleled, but he wasn't there to admire her beauty, but to destroy it.

He charged toward Aurora and madly swung his mace.

Ice wall!


The mace broke through the wall.


The mace missed its target and slammed into the wall, breaking its glass. Thousands of fragments of wood were scattered all over the place.

Emerging above Eoruk, Aurora flipped her body down, stabbing her two newly formed ice sickles into his eyes up into the brain.


She was about to freeze his brain when she sensed danger from below.


Her figure flickered, appearing several meters away. She had escaped the attack by a hair's breath. Her two sickles dripped bluish-green blood.

'Tsk, his vitality is monstrous. I pierced his brain twice with my last attack, and he's still alive. At least he is a blind berserker now.' She sighed, watching the scene of Eoruk madly swinging his mace all around.

Taking a step, her figure flickered. She emerged behind Eoruk's head, aiming her two sickles at his two temples.



Infusing her mana, she gradually turned the brain into ice, but even now, she could still feel some resistance.


"Argh!" She coughed out blood. She had been grazed by one of Eoruk's chaotic attacks, but it nearly killed her.

Her body was sent flying like a rag doll, but her figure disappeared, returning to her initial spot, where she continued to rapidly infuse mana.

Glancing at her remaining mana, she sighed. She was beginning to run dry.

[HP: 740/7,500]

Increasing the conversion rate of his brain to ice, she felt that she was nearing her limit. She had been struggling to hold onto him, which drained her energy, along with the occasional swings that grazed her.

Her eyelids gradually fluttered closed, as if her body had reached its limit. It wanted to forcibly shut her body down.

Keeping herself awake, she used the last of her energy to finish the conversion.


His roar abruptly stopped, followed by his body falling forward. He had finally succumbed to his injuries.


By the time his body hit the ground, Aurora had already fallen unconscious, lying on top of his body.

As Aurora lay there unconscious, a woman who seemed to be nineteen or twenty appeared in the room several meters away from them. She had long pink hair as beautiful as sakuras, along with purple eyes, no different than two pretty Jules. Strangely enough, she wore a pink frilly bikini with a white coat covering her shoulders.

"Next time, at least have some decency." The woman shook her head after seeing the state Aurora was in. "I'll move you this time, but don't think I'll do it another time."

She walked over to Aurora and picked her up. Her figure flickered and she appeared in another house, lying on a clean bed.

"Before I leave, I'll initiate your evolution." She opened Aurora's system panel.

[Name: Aurora (Weakened)]

[Race: Demi Goddess, Succubus Empress, Snow Girl]

[Sex: Female]

[Titles: First Universe Tier, Daughter of Chaos and Order, Empress of Lust, Submissive, Sex Demon Slayer, Creator of Neko Succubus, Incubus Genocider, Incester, Brutal Slayer, Monster Genocider, Diligent Worker, Lazy Ass, Empress of Sloth, Empress of Diligence, Gorgan Servant Slayer, Ant Genocider, Guild Master Of The Moonlight Guild, Last Snow Girl, Advanced Monster (602/1000) Humans Killed, Merciful, Hybrid Nymph Slayer, Ice Princess, Naga Slayer]

[All stats will be reset until the host finishes the quest]

[Level: 100 (+)] (The host has met the criteria to evolve. Select the + sign to evolve.)

[HP: 7,900/7,900 (True Value 1 Billion)]

[MP: 3,250/8,850 (True Value 10 Billion)]

[SE: 1,992,050/1,992,050 (Locked)]

[STR: 98-160]

[VIT: 98-160]

[INT: 122-187]

AGI: 120-185]

[DEX: 103-165]

[DEF: 98-160]

[CHA: 2,002,084 (Locked)]

[Unassigned Stat Points: 378-0]

[Balance: 42.46 Million USD]

The woman pressed the (+).

[—Snow Girl—]

Evolution Choices:

Evolution has already been set. Tap on Evolve below to begin your evolution.


As she had before, a cocoon formed around her, signaling the start of her evolution into a Snow Woman.

'Now that everything's taken care of, I'll be going, bye.' She waved back with a cute smile as her figure faded away.