
Chapter 70

UADE, the private university Calen's father had enrolled him in, was about ten minutes away from my own by car. Thirty five minutes if I chose to walk. Less than an hour if I went by train.

And the apartment his father been speaking of was rooted somewhere between the two institutions. It was more grand than I had thought it to be. His parents had made me promise that I would call if I ever did need anything. That they'd love it if I considered them my second parents. 

And as I stood on the balcony of what would be our home as we stayed there, I couldn't help but be happy. The streets were alive, there were people everywhere. I had done my research on the place and I knew it was more accepting. I hoped that was true. 

Calen and I made plans to tour around, get to know the place a bit better, and standing behind me he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. We had an entire dessert of eternity to spend together. I knew dir certain I would never get tired of having him with me.

" Tell me something, " I said. Having made a habit of uttering those words to him everyday. I always loved it whenever he talked, when he offered me words that were exclusively for my ears alone. 

He made me turn to face him, leaning down for the kiss we both needed. An that singular kiss lived all the ones we had shared before. I placed my hands on his chest and I looked at him afterwards. Smiling when he placed another tender kiss on the tip of my nose. 

But then he started talking and I grew attentive. Needing those words the sane way I needed the little confessions he'd give me before we went to sleep every night. The same way I needed him. 

" Love is not like your favorite piece of clothing, " he began, " You don't love because of the color, or the kind of attention you get from it, or because of reasons as petty as price. Love is rather like your favorite song, you crave to hear it over and over. You love both the high and low notes, it might wring tears from your eyes but that only makes you treasure it more. And I know that it's all really a matter of perception, but I choose to be positively perceptive. "

" Look at you, stealing my lines..." I teased. He laughed and inched closer, his hand in my hair. 

" You're all I need. " He added. And they were words offered in a playful manner, but I knew he meant them.

Calen Silverstein had my heart, and I had his. I would love him till the sun melted the rocks on our treacherous earth, until this world of ours dissolved into melted bits. We loved with emotions that were true, we survived on a passion that glowed.

Our love would forever dance in the moonlight, to the tune of the birds, in the company of the stars. He gave me the will to wake up every morning, like a river our feelings could not be quenched. And when we had stepped into that apartment two words came to mind. 



I now had him for a lifetime, a whole mystery in terms of years. We could finally take a moment to breathe, to let this love of ours grow into heights unimaginable. We didn't have to worry about limits, about barriers disguising themselves as traditions. And when I said a lifetime I meant it, there would be no one else for me. Ours was a love written in the soft pages of fate. He was sweetness, he tasted of a million tiny good things. His essence was imprinted in my mind, and on the very tip of my tongue. And so in Argentina, in that little apartment that was now our permanent home, we could both breathe freely. My mind was filled with images of him....my lungs rose and fell with air that was perfumed by his love. He was no longer my forbidden, I was rather his J.R.

I suppose our story ends here......but our life has just began.


From author to my beautiful readers; Thanks so much for taking the time to read. You're the reason I wrote. ❤️