
Chapter 65

Those days passed by. We sat for all our tests and all that we had to do was wait for our graduation, sot hat means that there were two days when we were highschool students even though we actually weren't. And I had expected to stay by Calen's side throughout the entire time but his work as the head of the student's board as well as his other responsibilities forced him to take care of some things. And he also had to deal with various cases where some students believes they were past the point of following the rules simply because they would be graduating soon. And so they sought to wreck havoc without a care in the world. The entire situation had almost gotten out of control,but Calen Silverstein had been chosen for a reason. When he spoke the others had no choice but to listen,and if they chose not to then he had no fear of reminding them about the value of respect. And the good thing about this love of mine was that he was never harsh, he was never physical...he just used his words in ways that left the ill behaving students bowing their heads in shame and regret. But on the afternoon of the last day before our graduation he finally told me that he had finished up on his work and Oliver had volunteered to finish up on whatever remained. He found me on that bench...the same one he had been sitting on the day we first met. I was on my phone, trying to learn Spanish through an app he had installed for me a couple of days before. Back when I had let the good news sink in. 

He walked up to me from behind, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck before he came over to sit next to me. I flinched at the unexpected touch, but my entire body relaxed once it realized who it was. 

" An hour would be the best amount of time to learn, after which you ought to take a break and then continue later on, " he advised me when he realized I was still learning. I had been doing that for a few hours by then. I shrugged and told him I found it fun, I enjoyed actually learning it. And there was nothing too complex about it, not when I had been forced to translate an entire Mandarin documentary after only two weeks of learning the subject. I had been thirteen at the time, and I had tried my best but failed. 

" Here, " Calen handed something over to me and I immediately knew what it was. Those were the graduation gowns we would be expected to wear the following day. I placed it on my lap and held up the hat, laughing when he grabbed it from me and made me put it on. 

" Dashing, " he said as he fixed the tassel hanging on the side of it. I took it off and felt as my smile began to fade. 

One of the reasons I was seated there was because everywhere I went all I heard were other students as they spoke of how they couldn't wait for tomorrow to arrive. How they really missed their parents and wanted to see them again. 

And I didn't want to think about the fact that no one would be coming to watch me, my mother couldn't come and neither could Aliyah. That would have drawn too much attention. But I supposed it wasn't a big deal, Calen's parents were also not going to be there. We had each other and that would be enough.

" You'll study music. " He suddenly said and I turned to find him taking out his notebook and pen and quickly writing something down. He always did that, we'd be walking and an idea or an intriguing thought would come to mind and he'd stop and put it down. 

" Perhaps..." I said. Turning back around to look at the Jacaranda tree a few feet away. I knew that I had an opportunity to do so, but the only issue would be time. According to M.r Harrison, playing polo would literally be my main focus. And I would be required to follow through with whatever schedule I would be given and to avail myself whenever I was called. Listening to him talk had managed to make me nervous about it all, because I was fairly good in Seville, but there were chances that was only because all the other players didn't out their heart into the sport. 

What if I went there and discovered that I wasn't as good as everyone claimed I was?

Calen tapped two of his fingers on my temple.

" There are too many thoughts in there, " he said and I sighed. Then I shook my head and turned to face him,my hands on the garments on my lap. 

" I just realized that there are chances of me being a pathetic player once I get there, " I told him. I needed him to assure me that I was overreacting, because hearing him tell me so always managed to cool me down. 

" Is that some sort of joke?" He asked. Looking confused, he arched a brow and then scoffed. 

" Watching you play ought to be termed as one of the most spectacular sights there are. Your talent is inborn J.R, you don't see that kind of ability everyday. "

I breathed out and felt the tension dissolve. 

Later on he said he missed to listen to me play, and so I played for him. For him......

He was there, right in front of me, yet he was also in my head. I held the instrument but Calen Silverstein was the main reason behind the symphony. I liked how he listened, how he watched me with depth in his brown eyes. Whenever he smiled I could tell it was genuine. I could tell that he meant it. And that night when he saw old ghosts trying to take over my thoughts once more, he made me forget. With a single soft butterfly touch he brought me back to life. 


The following day the parents and the siblings and the friends of my classmates began to arrive as early as six. We heard the sounds of vehicles driving in. And the entire atmosphere was filled with excitement that I sadly did not join in. I was glad that we were graduating, and I was overjoyed that Calen and I could finally dare to dream, what I wasn't too happy about was having to go through the entire day watching families take photos and laugh and talk. I didn't want to watch fathers embracing their sons and congratulating them on their achievements. And when I turned to face Calen, I could tell he was thinking of the same thing. 

" Morning, " he lazily said. His hand smoothing over my hair. I replied and turned to face the ceiling, my head on my chest and a lingering feeling of anxiousness blooming within me. That was it, after today we wouldn't have to worry about anything else. We had talked everything over last night before falling asleep. Both of us unable to hide our anticipation. Calen had suggested that we plan everything well first and then leave the following week. And so I had agreed, we'd be staying over at his cabin for the few days before we left. 

" I miss that place, " I had confessed. I have no idea why but those walls held a special place in my heart. I tried to think of my favorite place in the world, the first one was in Calen's arms,and the second was that cabin where we had played and laughed. 

" Me too, which is odd considering the fact that I had always hated going there, " had been Calen's response. 

We stayed like that for minutes that I never bothered to count. But eventually we both woke up and got dressed. The graduation gowns serving as proof that Seville would soon be another part of our history. The most important one. Because it was there where I discovered that I had spent the last seventeen years of my life without a clue of what actual love was. I glanced at myself in the mirror, taking in the details from head to toe before Calen stood Infront of me and obstructed my view, saying I was taking too long. But then he had reached his hand back and gently pulled me to stand next to him. I watched him as he slowly narrowed his eyes and tilted his head to the side. 

" Time weighs on us like an old and ambiguous dream...and suddenly you know it's time to start another page of another book and usher in the magic of beginnings, " he said. His arm around me and his eyes on mine in the mirror. I smiled and he did the same. 

" Be grateful for this moment my J.R. This moment is your life, " he added. Then he took out his phone and took a picture of us.