
Chapter 19

" They're young and their cooped up in this place. Let them enjoy themselves for a couple more hours. Put a halt to it all after that. "

We said our goodnights and went on our separate ways. Both of them looked tired, exhausted really. It came with the age I assume. 

I looked around, then I wondered exactly where I'd find him. I was positive he wasn't the kind to party, so I headed to his quarters, hopeful to find him but then disappointed when I realized he wasn't there.

My next stop was the library, but he wasn't there either, so I thought there was only one other place he could be.

I went to the woods, the box in my hand, and I headed straight to our spot. He was by the stream this time, seated next to it, knees up and his arms wrapped around his legs. And he seemed so deep in thought that I feared something was wrong. He didn't hear me approach, so I mimicked a habit of his and began stepping on the dried leaves. 

He looked behind, saw me, then his entire face lit up so brightly he out the stars above us to shame.

" There you are, " I said , my tone even and my voice as steady as I could make it. I fixed my eyes on him, drinking in the sight of him because I had missed him so terribly it had almost physically hurt. He slowly stood up, unconsciously wiping the dust off him, then his lips parted as if he was going to say something. But he said nothing, instead he ran and basically pounced on me. Wrapping his arms so tightly around me that I found it hard to breathe. But I didn't care about that, all I cared about was that he was finally in my arms again. That I could feel him next to me.

" I missed you as well, " I said into his neck. Then I pulled away just enough to be able to kiss him. And it was a needy kiss, like we both needed to confirm that the other was real. It was more passionate and intense that any of the other kisses we had shared. He took command, his soft lips firm and possessive against mine. I fisted my free hand into his hair and deepened it even further. My body reacting naturally to him, a need for something deeper arousing inside me.

" Please tell me you're not going anywhere else any time soon, " he said after the kiss ended.

" I surely hope not. I don't think I've ever experienced a day as long. "

" You told me you'd be back by evening, it's hardly evening anymore Calen Silverstein. "

" Traffic, " I briefly explained,my hand on his cheek and my attention on him completely. He leaned into my touch, then he locked his fingers on my nape and pressed his forehead to mine, his eyes closed for the moment. 

The level of intimacy that action held was profound. So great it almost made me choke. My sweet and gentle J.R was a calm breeze, but he was also a wrecking hurricane.

" We're you waiting for me?" I asked and he nodded. Then he opened his eyes and my breath held. From that proximity he looked otherworldly. And once again I found myself asking how he could be real. 

He blinked, then he looked down at my hand and saw the box.

" What's that?" 

I let him go and handed him the gift. Wanting to see his reaction when he opened it. He opened up the box and reached in, and once he took out the snow globe, a breath escaped from his parted lips.

" Is this for me? "

That look that he wore is one that I still see whenever I close my eyes. It was a snow globe, but he looked at it like it was the most wonderful thing he had ever seen.

" Who else would it be for? I take it that you like it?"

He shook it, turned it upside down and watched as the snow inside fell.

" I shall treasure it for eternity. Thank you, "

I gave him a curt nod, then I took off the watch and gave it back to him. He took it from me and tucked it into his pocket.

" How did the meeting go? "

" Too slowly for my liking. I was honestly bored out of my mind half the time. "

" Not a fan of mature and constructive conversation are you? " 

" No, I'm simply not a fan of anything that keeps me away from you. "

He didn't reply, instead, he smiled and placed the globe carefully back in the box. Admiring the patterns on it afterwards. Then he glanced back to the spot he had been sitting earlier, and I followed his eyes.

" As it so happens, I have a surprise for you as well, "

I narrowed my eyes and despite the darkness surrounding us, I managed to catch sight of his violin case. 

" And what might that be I wonder? " 

He held my hand and led me to one of the trees where he instructed me to sit on a rock I was certain wasn't there before, then he went to his case and went down on one knee to take out the instrument. After he had it, he moved to this spot that was a little brighter than the surrounding, a small section of the ground that looked as if a spotlight shone around it. 

" It's a small piece I was working on but I'm not yet done composing it. "

" I thought your music was private, not to be shared. "

He held the violin in place, ready to play, but before he began he said, ".. I thought a lot of things before meeting you Calen Silverstein."

Then he started playing and everything seemed to go quiet, and I could have sworn that a shiver coursed through me, my toes curling in my shoes.

The tune swirled in the wind. The sound soft and melodious. Precise in its softness. It was like listening to an angel I assume. Yet it wasn't actually about the music as much as it was about how he played. He held the violin like his dearest treasure. The fluid movement of his arm as he moved the bow was a heartbreaking sight. And with his eyes closed like they were, he looked otherworldly. Painfully beautiful. 

He played with his soul. He didn't have to channel his emotions because once he held that instrument, they overflowed. And one could tell. The violin made the lovely sound, but the music was actually from within him. It was a mystical sight really. And I wondered whether he was even aware of the immense talent he possessed.

By the time he finished my mind was conversing with itself. Having him offer to play for me came as a surprise. And now that he had, I couldn't be more convinced of what I felt. His music, just like my words, was an intimate thing. Not to be offered to just anyone. And considering how reserved he was,there had to be a special reason why he chose to gift I and I alone with the private concert. 

And I knew the reason.

Like I said, his music was a form of intimacy. And intimacy could not be handed to just anyone. 

He stood still after he was done, watching me and trying to gage my reaction. I slowly rose up and placed a hand on my heart, looking at him with all these raw emotions that I couldn't put into words. Emotions I was having trouble processing myself because they were threatening to drive me insane. Then with as much earnesty as I could summon, I told him the truth.

" You might have just made my heart stop... my J.R "

He smirked, his dimple visible even in the dim light, then he blew out a breath and went to keep the violin safely back in its case. 

" May I confess something? " I asked because it was my turn. And because I really wanted him to know. He glanced at me over his shoulder and nodded. 

" I wish we could spend more time together tonight. "

He licked his lips and after closing his case, he stood. He looked unsure, like he wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it. So I asked him to tell me whatever was on his mind. And after contemplating, he finally gave over and did just that.

" Stay with me tonight, " he whispered loud enough for me to hear. Then he glanced to the side as if he couldn't believe he'd just  said that.

" Not like that----"

" I know what you mean J.R, " I cut him short. He wanted more of my company as well. 

" And I'd like that. "

He zipped up his jacket all the way up then looked around. I listened to the sound of the stream and to the crickets chirping all around us. He took out his watch and read the time.