
Chapter 17

" Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it. And the following day will be a Sunday. Do you know what that means?" 

We were so close now that if he dared to move his head an inch towards me, our lips would inevitably touch. We breathed in the same air, and I planted my free hand on the tree next to his head. Caging him in with my body. 

" I'm afraid not, enlighten me. "

I placed my forehead on his, both our breathing had hastened and he gripped my blazer.

" It means we can spend the entire day together, would you like that?" 

His attention fell to my lips, and mine fell to his, " You know very well that I would.. " he said, but the last bit of the words got lost because I captured his lips with mine. 

It was the very first kiss we had shared so I intended to make it memorable.

I doubt I had ever felt such a surge of emotion. I could tell he had never kissed anyone before and that made it all the more special, the knowledge that I was his first. And he was a naturally fast learner. It wasn't an intense kiss, but it was passionate in it's softness. He sucked on my tongue when I slipped it into his mouth, making me moan into the kiss, and when he dug his hand into my hair, I almost lost it. And when the kiss ended and we broke apart, I felt such contentment it was impossible to put into words .

" It's my turn to confess something,is it not?" I asked and he nodded. 

" Then I wish to tell you that I'd love to do that every single day. "

He brought our locked hands to his lips and kissed them. A hood of desire covering his eyes.

" And I'd like to tell you that had it been my turn to confess....I would have said the exact same thing.


That Saturday morning I woke up early and got ready. We were set to leave at six thirty inorder to try and beat the traffic. And after I was done I sat down in the edge of my bed and put on my shoes, leaving them untied because I was too deep in thought. 

During the weekends the students could wake up whenever they felt like and do whatever they wished, some who lived in London even travelled home after Friday classes and came back on Sunday evening. And considering how early they had to wake up during the weekdays, they tended to stay in bed till late on days like today. 

And I wondered whether it would be okay for me to go over to J.R's quarters and tell him goodbye before I left. Otherwise I knew that I would be uneasy throughout the day. The last few days had been the best I had ever had. Even though we still weren't clear on the exact status of our relationship, I felt a level of contentment. 

And now I had the memory of his kisses to keep me company.

I sighed and tied my laces, then I stood in front of my dressing mirror to fix my tie. I was halfway done when I heard a knock, and I assumed it was the deputy coming to ensure that I was ready to leave, but then I unlocked the door and my hands fell from my tie, ruining whatever progress I had made at tying it. 

My J.R stood on the other side, and when he saw me he used his eyes to smile, a private way of him telling me how glad he was to see me.

" I almost thought you had left, " he said as I ushered him in. 

" Not yet, I still have about fifteen minutes before I have to head to the administration building. "

He nodded, looking cold. And it touched me that he had walked all the way from his building to mine this early, when the weather was this cold. Because he had clearly told me that he hated the cold. 

" I'm glad you're still here then. "

" And I'm glad you're here as well, " he was dressed in the green hoody provided by the school as part of the uniform and a pair of sweats. Like he'd just gotten out of bed and made his way here. And as I stared at him all I could think was that countless times I had seen hundreds of students in the same ' Seville ' hoody. Yet I had never thought anything of it until now. 

He had tucked his hands into the pocket and although I couldn't see them I knew that his fingers were locked . I had just opened up all my windows to let the fresh air in as I was accustomed to doing. He breathed in the cold morning air then blew out a misty breath, clearly freezing. Being as early as it was, he hadn't bothered to comb his hair. His hood was on, covering his head, but I could still see some inky curls framing his forehead. The green of the hood intensified the color of his eyes.

So green they reminded you of an exotic jungle. Of a gem. Of the kind of beauty that was too rare to come by.

" I was wondering whether or not to stop by your room, " I confessed before returning to work on my tie. Then he moved closer and took over the task. His hands cold whenever they brushed against my skin.

" It sounds as if you were in conflict. "

" I was. "

He paused to look up at me, then went on. 

" Why so?"

His movements were swift, and within no time he was done with the task. I checked my reflection in the mirror and was impressed.

" I thought you might be asleep, "

He glanced at his watch, a frown on his face.

" It's already six. And I'm always up by five. "

I was intrigued, he might have just been one of the very few focused students in the entire institution.

" And besides, even if I were asleep I certainly would not have minded you dropping by. "

" No?"

He shook his head. Then I reached up and felt the strands on his forehead, a habit I had recently cultivated. I liked to feel out the soft texture of the locks. It made for surprisingly good meditation.

" Here, " he said, then proceeded to take off his watch and hand it to me. It was an exquisite time piece. And rare as well, I had never come across one of that type before. And I knew that his father had given it to him, so it made me wonder why he was giving it to me.

" I want you to wear this for today, you can give it back once you return. "

I took the watch from him and held it in my hand, glancing at him from underneath my lashes, noticing his shy smile. 

" Are you trying to ensure that I only think of you today?" 

I pulled him closer by the neckline of his hoody and loosely wrapped my arms around him, keeping his profile in view.

" Maybe, " he gently uttered removing his hands from his pocket and slipping them inside my blazer to rest on my back. Searching for the warmth I so desperately wanted to give.

" Then I assure you that's not necessary, because off late I can hardly think of anything else. "

We kissed in the gentle way we had gotten used to. But today there was something more in it. He kissed me with a sort of urgency, a hidden desperation. I sensed it and tried to assure him that there was no reason to worry.

" I'll be back before you know it, " I said as I drew him in for a hug. Resting my chin on his shoulder and taking off the hood so I could feel more of him, breathe more of him in.

" Shall I make a confession? " he asked and I told him to go ahead.

" I dreamt of you last night. "

The words sank in, the confession worth everything to me in that moment. And I unconsciously tightened my hold on him. I looked at the watch and slipped it on before letting go of him, and when I did felt deprived. And I wanted to hold him close to me once more. 

" The Epitome of Reality, page ninety seven written in bold, " I told him before I left and he raised an inquisitive brow.

" It's a book in the library, go search for it . "

I repeated the details of the book and once he mastered them, I stole another quick kiss and left. 

I had never before wished for the hours to move as quickly as I did on that particular day.


Jeralds' POV

" Culture is a thing of beauty. It's filled with life and colours. The exotic dishes of ethnic communities you never knew existed, a beaded bangle made by a child in Africa, the softness of fabrics from all around the world and wildlife species one would term as mythical. That's culture, that's life. And the basic essential of culture is that it does not discriminate....."