
Chapter 15

Calen's POV

I've never witnessed anyone move so swiftly.

I've never seen anyone ride and steer a horse with such grace. Like he'd been doing it his entire life. I had missed swimming practice today for the very first time since I joined the team. I hadn't intended to, but then I wasn't able to fight the compulsion of wanting to see him play.

My J.R was the pure definition of perfection, he reminded me of a picture I had seen once in one of the old history books in the library. It had been some sort of war in Greece. And he reminded me of one of the warriors. 

The mallet in his hand held as securely as the warrior had held his sword. His hair now a wild dark mass on his head, swaying with his movements and blowing with the breeze. 

And his face, already carved to such beauty seemed even more mesmerizing. Jerald was completely focused on driving the wooden ball into the opponents goal. 

One hand held the reigns to the horse like it was an extension of his arm. Looking at him I wondered whether he could somehow silently communicate with the large stallion. 

" Kid's a natural. I think we have an actual chance of winning the competitions this year, " I heard the coach tell the captain of the team . He sounded excited. And I felt extremely proud, like somehow my J.R's achievements were mine as well. 

He scored goal after goal, and the few other students watching cheered him on. Looking on with profound fascination. Terming him a sensation.

I couldn't have stopped staring if I tried. And after the practice was over and my J.R's team won, he got off his horse and handed the reigns to the gentleman who ran the stables. The man said something to him as he took the reigns and I watched J.R smile warmly and nod. Then he turned directly towards my direction and lifted his arm to wave at me. I waved back, then I watched him approach the coach who was standing a few feet away from me.

" Mind telling me where you learnt to play like that? " the captain asked him as he used a towel to wipe the sweat from his forehead .

" At home, my father purchased some horses and he thought to make the most out of them by ensuring I learnt how to command one, "

" And what better way that with polo! "the coach added excitedly. Then I listened in as he continued to sing Jerald's praises and ensuring him the best spot on the team. He took the praises and the offer with nothing other than humility and grace. I suppose he was just a naturally easygoing individual.

Then afterwards he came to where I was standing, leaning against the fence of their training field.

At first he said nothing, and I wanted to congratulate him on his skills and victory, but then he inclined his head towards the direction of the sleeping quarters and asked me to follow him. 

" You must have been really eager to hear my response if you were willing to miss your swimming practice, " he said .

" I was more eager to see you play actually. And I'm glad that I got to, I would have hated to miss watching you demolish that other team. "

" That was actually me being nice, you ought to see me play while I'm grouchy...I would have positively wrecked them. "

" A grouchy J.R? Now that I really must see. "

It was a fairly nice and normal conversation. And we talked with such ease all the way to his quarters, only pausing while he took out his keys and unlocked the door. Then he ushered me in and locked the door behind him. That intoxicating scent of him filled my lungs. 

" I visited the canteen yesterday and bought some fruits, would you like a salad? "

" You don't have to trouble yourself..."

" It's no bother, I was going to make myself one anyways, so it's either you join me or watch me eat. "

I smiled when he lifted up his brow, then he pointed to the nice sofa by the window and asked me to sit. 

" I watched him as he sliced the various fruits into a large bowl before serving them into two smaller bowls, then he placed two forks in each and brought one over to me.

" Do you have anywhere urgent you ought to be?" he asked and I shook my head. Realising that he was being strangely hospitable today. And he seemed more..... comfortable around me. 

" Not at the moment. "

" Great, then just sit tight while I shower, and then we can have that conversation that you've been fantasizing about since I got here. "

That actually almost got me to blush, and the way in which he said it, the sureness in his voice....I watched him as he moved around the room, taking out some clothes from his closet before he disappeared into the washroom. I heard the shower run and then it stopped after several minutes. And throughout the entire time I tried my hardest to keep my concentration on my bowl of fruit. The main purpose of doing so being to prevent myself from thinking about him in the room mere steps from mine. I tended to have a bit of a wild imagination, and I liked him probably more than I had ever liked anyone in my life...so I suppose it was only natural that my mind and body went crazy whenever he was in close proximity.

I picked some mangoes first, then pineapple...tending to eat them one fruit at a time as opposed to biting a piece of each...I was absurdly uniform that way.

He finally exited the washroom, wearing a shirt that greatly resembled the one he was wearing on his first day here. Only white this time, and underneath the long traditional tunic he wore a pair of faded jeans. 

I studied him intently as he walked towards the dressing table and grab a hairbrush, running it through his strands only a few times before he settled it back down, then he went to this chest at the foot of his bed and took out a mat. Laying it gently on the flooring in the direction opposite from me. Then he stood and turned towards me, but his attention was fixed on my bowl of fruit.

" Are there brands of fruit you don't fancy? " he asked and I shook my head.

" I like them all just fine, why? "

He shrugged and faced away from me again.

" Nothing, " is all he said, then he knelt down and started praying.

After he was done praying,he folded the mat and placed it back in the chest. And I now had some insight on the level of devotion he held for his culture. It was clear in each action he took,and in the way he held that prayer mat...with care. Delicate and fragile care.

He grabbed his own bowl and proceeded to sit next to me, yet still managing to maintain some distance.

" That's very peculiar, " he said , his attention yet again on my bowl of fruit.

" What is? "

" Your preferred method of eating...why not just eat them all at once? "

I was amused by how truly disturbed he looked, then he took a bite, a piece of almost each fruit on the fork, and I forgot the amusement. There was something about how he bit the fruits and how he chewed them. Something almost erotic. 

" I've always eaten it like this, when I was young my nanny used to mix pawpaws into my fruit salad, " he paused to look at me, a confused look on his beautiful face.

" I hated pawpaws, " I explained. Then I began eating the bananas before I continued with my explanation.

" They always looked so much like the mangoes, I could never tell them apart, which meant that I would eat them without my realisation, " 

" So you got weary and began eating everything else. "

I nodded, watching as his curly locks framed his forehead, as his dark lashes cast shadows on his cheekbones. The room was simply lit considering the time, but neither of us had bothered to switch on the lights.

" Once I was left with the mango and pawpaw mixture, I would analyse each and every piece to ascertain what it was before I dared take a bite. "

He smiled as if picturing it in his head.

" Why not just leave them both?"

" I really liked mangoes, and I knew she mixed them in to simply confuse me, So I guess I wanted to stick it to her face. "

He smiled, and I was reminded why I was so captivated by him from the first second I laid eyes in him.

His smile was heartbreakingly contagious. Beautiful without him even trying. The slight curve of his pink lips, the shy look in his eyes, the almost unnoticed blush that he tried to hide. It was simply breathtaking, especially when he turned to the side, unintentionally showcasing his right dimple. Attractive yet mild seductiveness I suppose.

It was like staring at the golden bloom of sunset, you just couldn't help but be happy and admire the lovely sight.