
My First Step Towards Power Began When I Married Vados

This is a translation I found on mtl, it was extremely awful so I decided to fix it up and add my own little snu snu chapters in there. Don’t expect much but I hope you enjoy :) … OG Title: I’m in the WesternCapital: Marry Vados at the start OG Author: Sbaer … In an alternate Dragon Ball universe, Kahn, a warrior from Planet Vegeta, becomes the elder brother of Kakarot. When the tyrant Frieza destroys their home planet, Kahn, along with Kakarot, is sent to Earth by their father, Bardock. Unlike his powerful brother, Kakarot, Kahn struggles with limited combat abilities due to his low-level warrior status. Years pass, and in Age 762, the long-awaited system Kahn has been anticipating finally activates. However, there’s a catch: the system requires him to marry a woman to unlock its full potential. With the help of a matchmaker, Kahn finds a bride who is renowned for her beauty and grace. As Kahn’s strength grows exponentially with each passing day, his wife proves to be the perfect partner—gentle, virtuous, and endlessly supportive. Together, they navigate the challenges of the Dragon Ball world, facing formidable foes and embarking on thrilling adventures, all while Kahn continues to develop his extraordinary powers. This unique tale of love, strength, and destiny explores the bonds of family and the pursuit of greatness, set against the backdrop of one of the most iconic universes in anime history.

Ximnax · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Shorty’s Final Form: Khan’s Knowledge


Vegeta, hiding in the shadows, was shocked as he watched the scene unfold. He knew Kahn was strong, and he knew Frieza was strong. But he didn't expect Frieza's attack to have no effect on Kahn!

This was Frieza, the Emperor of the Universe! With his immense power, he had ruled the universe for years, his authority unchallenged. Yet today, Frieza's attack was ineffective, and his opponent was a Saiyan—a race once ruled by Frieza and his father, King Cold!

"How strong is Kahn?!" Vegeta thought, feeling uneasy. He could sense Kahn's powerful aura, but he couldn't grasp its limit. It was beyond his current understanding. The stronger Kahn appeared, the more unbalanced Vegeta felt.

"Uncle Kahn is so strong!" Gohan exclaimed from behind a boulder.

Krillin added, "Yeah, Kahn has left us all behind. I have no idea how he trained." Back then, the backbone of Earth was still Goku. Although Kahn was strong, he was always overshadowed by Goku. But now, even Goku couldn't compare to Kahn. Krillin wondered if Kahn had been hiding his true power all these years.

"Go, Kahn! Beat that little tyrant!" Bulma cheered, her fists clenched in excitement. Dende and the village elders watched in awe.

Kahn dusted himself off and taunted, "The Emperor of the Universe? Frieza? You can't even hurt me. How dare you call yourself the Emperor?" It wasn't that Kahn looked down on Frieza, but Frieza in his first form was no threat to him. Frieza's combat power in his first form was only 530,000, while Kahn's normal combat power exceeded 10 million. Without transforming into his final form, Frieza was just an ant to Kahn.

Frieza stepped back, shocked, "Are you… the Legendary Super Saiyan?!"

The Super Saiyan! It was because of this legend that Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta and nearly wiped out the Saiyan race. According to the legend, the golden warrior Super Saiyan had defeated his ancestor, Zild. To prevent any future threat, Frieza decided to destroy Planet Vegeta.

"What?!" Vegeta was stunned again. "Kahn is the legendary golden warrior, Super Saiyan?!" Vegeta's unease grew. He was the Saiyan prince, a genius fighter, yet he wasn't a Super Saiyan. How could Kahn, a low-level warrior, be a Super Saiyan?

Above the clouds, Vados had a puzzled look. "Super Saiyan? What's that?" she wondered aloud.

Merus explained, "Before Frieza exterminated the Saiyan race, there was a legend among them about the golden warrior, the Super Saiyan…" Merus briefly recounted the legend.

"I see," Vados nodded. "But according to the legend, the Super Saiyan is a golden warrior. Kahn doesn't look like one now."

"Maybe he is, but I've never seen a Super Saiyan so I cant really say." Merus said.

Kahn denied Frieza's claim, "Don't panic, shorty. I'm not a Super Saiyan yet, but I will be soon."

"What do you mean?" Frieza asked, bewildered.

Kahn didn't explain further. "Stop talking nonsense. Transform already. I know you can increase your power through transformation. You in this form are no match for me. Just transform into your final form. I don't want to waste time with you."

"What did you say?" Frieza's eyes narrowed dangerously. Kahn knew about his transformations? Kahn seemed to know him well, but Frieza knew nothing about Kahn. This made him uncomfortable, but it didn't matter. He was Frieza, Emperor of the Universe! So what if Kahn was stronger? Even if Kahn was the Legendary Super Saiyan, he wouldn't be his match!

This confidence came from Frieza's immense power. In his final form, with his energy fully unleashed, his combat power could reach an astounding 120 million! This immense power allowed Frieza to dominate the universe, his status and dominance unshakable.

Frieza realized he couldn't defeat Kahn in his first form, nor in his second form. His second form's combat power was only a million, no match for Kahn.

"How many years has it been since someone forced me to transform into my final form? It's your honor to die under my final form, Saiyan!" Frieza said, his voice full of malice.

As he spoke, Frieza clenched his fists and took a stance. His power began to rise exponentially!

Crackling! Rumble!

In an instant, thunder danced around Frieza, and the ground trembled. Frieza was enveloped in purple energy as his body began to change.

"Frieza… is he transforming into his final form?!" Vegeta's pupils shrank in shock as he watched.

Frieza began to transform, and Vados, observing from above the clouds, grew more serious. According to the information she had, Frieza in his final form was far stronger than Kahn. If Kahn didn't have any special means or tricks up his sleeve, he wouldn't be able to defeat Frieza, who was overwhelmingly powerful.

"Merus, keep an eye on things and step in if Kahn is in real danger," Vados instructed.

"Understood!" Merus nodded solemnly. This was also why he had accompanied Vados to Namek—to secretly protect Kahn from Frieza. After all, Frieza was known as the Emperor of the Universe for a reason; his strength was immense.

In the village, Frieza's transformation continued. Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, the air trembled, and space itself seemed to shatter!


Finally, under everyone's gaze, Frieza transformed from his first form to his second form, and then to his final form! When the last ray of purple energy flowed into Frieza's body, his final form was revealed.

Compared to his first form, Frieza's final form was more streamlined and exuded a more terrifying presence. His scarlet eyes, purple-black lips, long off-white tail, and the innate confidence on his face gave off an incredibly powerful sense of oppression.

"Wow… what terrifying energy!" Krillin stammered, his voice trembling. "It feels like I'm being crushed. Can Kahn really beat him?"

On Gohan's face was a look of determination. "I believe Uncle Kahn can win!"

"So, who's stronger, Kahn or Frieza?" Bulma asked, puzzled.

"It's hard to say," Krillin said seriously. "From what I can sense, Frieza's energy is stronger, but…"

"But what? Tell me!" Bulma urged anxiously.

Krillin swallowed hard. "Kahn knows Frieza's power is greater, but he doesn't seem worried at all. He must have a plan to deal with Frieza."

"I see." Bulma nodded thoughtfully. She knew Kahn never did anything he wasn't sure of. Since Kahn could stand calmly in front of Frieza, it meant he had confidence.

"Frieza in his final form…!" Vegeta's face darkened completely. Frieza in his first form alone had seemed invincible, and now his power had increased dramatically. Under the terrifying aura of final form Frieza, Vegeta felt only despair.

"Frieza's strength is overwhelming," Vegeta thought, his hope dwindling. "How can Kahn defeat Frieza and avenge the Saiyan race?" Despite his dislike for Kahn, Vegeta hated Frieza more.

After transforming into his final form, Frieza's confidence was palpable. His sharp scarlet eyes locked onto Kahn. "As you wished, Mr. Kahn, this is my final form," he said, bowing slightly. "In this form, I only need to use 10% of my power to easily defeat you."

Kahn shrugged. "Sure, Frieza. Use whatever percentage you want. It's not going to change the outcome."

Facing Frieza in his final form, Kahn felt no fear. Instead, the Saiyan warrior within him burned with excitement. He could feel his blood boiling, eager for the fight.

Kahn took a fighting stance, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Come on, Frieza! Let's see who comes out on top!"

"Foolish monkey," Frieza sneered. "Prepare to die!"

In an instant, Frieza launched himself at Kahn. His seemingly simple punch sent Kahn flying back thousands of meters, smashing through several hills before Kahn managed to stabilize himself.

"Ha ha ha, good one!" Kahn laughed, his fighting spirit blazing. He rushed back at Frieza, meeting his attacks head-on. Their fists collided with immense force, creating shockwaves that shook the entire area.

Frieza's eyes narrowed as he realized Kahn's arm was longer than his, giving him a slight advantage. "Haha, so this is the benefit of being taller than you shorty" Kahn smirked.

"You filthy monkey!" Frieza roared, his expression twisted with rage. "I'll kill you!" His power surged, knocking Kahn back with sheer force.

Being called short again, Frieza was completely furious. Instead of using 10% of his power, he ramped it up to 50%.

The moment Frieza's aura surged, Kahn felt a chilling sense of dread. He retreated rapidly, trying to avoid a direct clash. But Frieza's speed was overwhelming. With 50% of his final form's power, Frieza completely dominated Kahn. Every move Kahn made was countered by Frieza, leaving Kahn in a dire situation.

"Kahn, come on!!" Bulma shouted, visibly anxious. Even she could see that Kahn was on the defensive, unable to counterattack.

"No! Frieza is too strong. Kahn can't match him at all!" Krillin said with a grave expression. Frieza's overwhelming strength had Kahn completely outmatched. In the face of such raw power, all techniques seemed futile—a notion that couldn't be more true in the world of Dragon Ball.

"Then what do we do?" Bulma asked, pacing in distress. She didn't want to see Kahn fall to Frieza.

Krillin shook his head, feeling helpless. "It's all up to Kahn now."

Above the clouds, Vados frowned. Merus asked, "Sister Vados, should I step in?"

"Not yet, Merus. Let's keep watching. I believe Kahn still has some tricks up his sleeve." Though she was concerned, Vados trusted Kahn's abilities.

In the village, Frieza's power continued to crush Kahn. Vegeta, watching from the shadows, was in disbelief. Frieza's power was far beyond anything he had imagined. "How can anyone defeat such a monster?" Vegeta thought, gritting his teeth in frustration.


Under Frieza's relentless assault, Kahn's defense finally collapsed. Frieza's powerful blow sent Kahn crashing into a mountain, which crumbled under the impact. Smoke and debris filled the air, and a deep fissure opened, allowing seawater to rush in.

"Kahn!" Bulma screamed hysterically, clutching Krillin's neck in her panic. Krillin almost choked but managed to pry her hands off.

Frieza landed gracefully, walking toward the rubble where Kahn lay. "Saiyans are just a barbaric race I once ruled. Even if you were a Super Saiyan, you wouldn't be a threat to me." His scarlet eyes gleamed with confidence. "What you saw was only 50% of my power."

From the rubble, Kahn's voice emerged. "Frieza, if you think that was all my strength, you're very wrong."

"Hmm?" Frieza stopped, sensing something was off.

With a burst of energy, Kahn stood up from the debris, his eyes sharp and determined. "More than 20 years ago, you destroyed Planet Vegeta to prevent the rise of a Super Saiyan. But there's a saying you should know."

"What saying?" Frieza asked, his unease growing.

"Misfortune can be a blessing in disguise." Kahn said. "You may have destroyed most of the Saiyan race, but there are enough survivors to produce the Super Saiyan you fear."

"Today, I'll show you what a real Super Saiyan is!" Kahn declared, his ki flaring.

Frieza narrowed his eyes. "You dare to mock me, you filthy monkey? I am not afraid of a Super Saiyan. I chose to exterminate your race to avoid any potential threats!"

"No," Kahn replied, his voice calm but firm.

"You chose to destroy Planet Vegeta not just because of the legend, but because someone instructed you to do so."

"What did you say?!" Frieza was stunned, not by the mention of the Super Saiyan, but by Kahn's implication.

"You know about him? The true lord?" Frieza's expression shifted to one of genuine fear.

"I know more than you think," Kahn said with a chuckle. "But let's focus on the here and now, shall we? Time for you to see what a real Super Saiyan looks like!"

"Impossible!" Frieza roared, his frustration mounting. "You're nothing but a lowly Saiyan!"

"We'll see about that," Kahn replied, his energy surging as he prepared for the next round.

In the shadows, Vegeta was also taken aback by Kahn's words. "There's more to the destruction of Planet Vegeta than we thought…," he murmured. "What could it be?"

High above, Vados and Merus were equally perplexed. Vados frowned, "It seems there's more to this than I realized. I'll need to uncover the truth behind what happened to Planet Vegeta."

Even though Kahn's parents died over 20 years ago, she still wants to uncover the truth about what happened back then. It's not because she likes to meddle, but because she loves Kahn deeply. As a result, Kahn's concerns naturally become her own.

"I agree and I'll help," Merus nodded. "But for now, let's see how Kahn handles Frieza."

The stage was set for an epic showdown, and Kahn was ready to prove himself against the tyrant who had once ruled over his people.