
My First Step Towards Power Began When I Married Vados

This is a translation I found on mtl, it was extremely awful so I decided to fix it up and add my own little snu snu chapters in there. Don’t expect much but I hope you enjoy :) … OG Title: I’m in the WesternCapital: Marry Vados at the start OG Author: Sbaer … In an alternate Dragon Ball universe, Kahn, a warrior from Planet Vegeta, becomes the elder brother of Kakarot. When the tyrant Frieza destroys their home planet, Kahn, along with Kakarot, is sent to Earth by their father, Bardock. Unlike his powerful brother, Kakarot, Kahn struggles with limited combat abilities due to his low-level warrior status. Years pass, and in Age 762, the long-awaited system Kahn has been anticipating finally activates. However, there’s a catch: the system requires him to marry a woman to unlock its full potential. With the help of a matchmaker, Kahn finds a bride who is renowned for her beauty and grace. As Kahn’s strength grows exponentially with each passing day, his wife proves to be the perfect partner—gentle, virtuous, and endlessly supportive. Together, they navigate the challenges of the Dragon Ball world, facing formidable foes and embarking on thrilling adventures, all while Kahn continues to develop his extraordinary powers. This unique tale of love, strength, and destiny explores the bonds of family and the pursuit of greatness, set against the backdrop of one of the most iconic universes in anime history.

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15 Chs

Betrayal and Bait

Facing Kahn's brutal beating, Raditz was speechless.

When he learned that Planet Vegeta was destroyed and that Bardock and Gine turned into cosmic dust along with it, Raditz felt nothing in his heart and even wanted to laugh a little. To him, it didn't matter if Bardock and Gine were dead or not. The important thing was that he was still alive.

After hesitating for a moment, Raditz reluctantly said, "Of course, I feel sad for my father and mother, but the dead cannot be resurrected, right? Kahn."

Kahn couldn't help but scoff at Raditz's words. "Sad? You? You don't know the meaning of the word!"

Moreover, Kahn didn't agree with the idea that the dead cannot be resurrected. In the world of Dragon Ball, people can be resurrected after death, and there is more than one way.

But Kahn didn't bother to refute him. Instead, he posed another soul-torturing question: "Then tell me, why did you work for the murderer of our parents for over 20 years? Are you worthy of them?"

Raditz shivered. "Ka… Kahn, before this, I didn't know…"

"Didn't know? Well, now you do," Kahn said coldly. "Raditz, for the sake of our parents, I'll give you a chance to live."

Hearing these words, Raditz was suddenly ecstatic. It didn't matter if he admitted to Kahn now; as long as he could survive, there would still be many opportunities to avenge his shame in the future. Where there is life, there is hope.

However, Kahn's next words stunned Raditz. "Since you are working under Frieza now, you must have many opportunities to contact him. Kill Frieza and bring his head to me, or I will personally send you to hell to apologize to our parents! Don't expect to escape. As long as you are alive, no matter where you are, I can easily find you. Believe me, I can easily do these things."

As soon as Kahn finished speaking, Raditz's scalp tingled, and he shuddered violently. Killing Frieza? What's the difference between that and dying? It's just a matter of dying by Kahn's hand or by Frieza's.

Kahn's words seemed to mock Raditz. But did Raditz have a choice? No. He could only bite the bullet and agree to leave Earth alive first. Only by leaving Earth alive could he have a chance to rise again.

Seeing Raditz agree, Kahn naturally stopped killing him. However, the matter was not over yet. "My wife is timid. You scared her just now. Apologize!"

"Yes… I'm sorry, sister-in-law. I was wrong just now. Please forgive me."

Although very reluctant, under the threat of Kahn's immense power, Raditz had to bow his head to Vados and admit his mistake. Vados didn't respond, just shrank behind Kahn, as if afraid of Raditz.

"Okay, you can go now."

After sending Raditz aboard his spaceship and leaving Earth, Kahn returned to Master Roshi's island. Seeing Goku staring at him, Kahn couldn't help but ask, "Goku, do you have anything to say?"

Kahn could guess that Goku must have something to ask, probably about Bardock and Gine. However, after a little thought, Goku shook his head. He had already figured out his life story. From the conversation between Kahn and Raditz, he learned that his parents had been dead for more than 20 years. It didn't make much sense to ask about Bardock and Gine now. For now, it was enough for him and Kahn to live on Earth.

After a pause, Goku suddenly asked, "Brother Kahn, will Raditz bother us?"

Kahn looked at the sky thoughtfully. "Who knows, maybe he will, maybe he won't. However, to be on the safe side, you should step up your training and improve your strength to deal with any dangers that may arise. This world is not as peaceful as it seems."

Goku nodded solemnly. "Understood, Brother Kahn!"

"Husband, I always feel that Raditz will come back. Is it just my imagination?" Vados, who returned home in the evening, was a little worried. She felt that Kahn should have killed Raditz today instead of letting him go. From her observations, Raditz was not someone who would be easily frightened by Kahn.

Kahn said, "Don't worry, he will definitely come back."

"Then why…"

Vados didn't understand. Since Kahn knew Raditz would come back, why did he let him go today?

Kahn smiled calmly. "Don't worry, my love. I have a plan for letting him go. Sometimes you need to use bait to catch the biggest fish."

Kahn knew Raditz better than anyone. Raditz wouldn't assassinate Frieza when he went back, and even if he did, he wouldn't succeed. The strength gap between Raditz and Frieza was too great. After Raditz returns, there's a high probability that he'll gather Vegeta and Nappa to come back to Earth. This is certain.

Vados nodded with a smile. "I trust you, husband."

While Kahn was taking a shower, Vados took out her Angel's staff and contacted her brother, trainee Angel Merus.

"Sister Vados, what's wrong?"

Merus was both surprised and pleased by Vados' call. Vados narrowed her beautiful eyes. "Merus, you are a Galactic Patrolman in the Seventh Universe, right?"


"Very good." Vados urged, "Use your position to keep an eye on a Saiyan named Raditz. He just left Earth today on a spaceship. Let me know if he makes any moves."

"Saiyan Raditz?"

Merus pondered for a while. "Okay, I see. I'll keep an eye on him."

Better safe than sorry. It's not that Vados didn't trust Kahn, but she wanted to ensure his safety. If Raditz came back with someone far stronger than Kahn, she would have to intervene. She couldn't bear to see her husband's life in any danger. Anyone who might threaten Kahn's life must be eradicated!

Planet Frieza No. 79.

With a hiss, the hatch of the healing device opened slowly, and the injured Raditz stepped out.

"Raditz, tell me why you came back in such a mess."

In front of Raditz stood Vegeta and Nappa. It was Vegeta who spoke.

Half a month ago, Raditz's spaceship had carried him back to Planet Frieza No. 79. Because Raditz was seriously injured and near death, Vegeta had placed him in a healing device for treatment. After half a month of recovery, Raditz was finally healed. During this time, Vegeta had developed a strong curiosity about Raditz's trip to Earth. What had Raditz gone through on Earth to return in such a condition?

"Vegeta, Nappa…" Raditz was slightly taken aback, then his expression turned cold, and he recounted his experiences on Earth.

"Your younger brother Kahn actually has a power level of 5,300? That's incredible," Nappa said, slightly surprised. Given that Kahn was on a low-level planet like Earth, his combat power reaching 5,300 was unexpected.

Vegeta said disapprovingly, "Hmph, a mere 5,300 is nothing to be afraid of. Have you heard about the Dragon Balls?"

Vegeta was more concerned about the Dragon Balls than Kahn's power level. He had sent Raditz to Earth not just to recruit Kakarot, but primarily to find the Dragon Balls. Although Vegeta was currently under Frieza's command, he had always desired to overthrow him. As a Saiyan prince, Vegeta had his own pride. He couldn't live in subjugation forever. However, Vegeta knew he couldn't defeat Frieza with his current strength, so he wanted to use the power of the Dragon Balls.

Raditz was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, I've heard about the Dragon Balls. They do exist on Earth."

In reality, Raditz hadn't had time to investigate the Dragon Balls during his trip to Earth. He said this just to persuade Vegeta to go to Earth. Raditz was well aware that Kahn's power level of 5,300 would be no match for Vegeta. He wanted to use Vegeta's assistance to eliminate Kahn. Letting Raditz go and kill Frieza? That was no different from dying. Raditz didn't have the guts, let alone the strength. To save his own life, Raditz could only use Vegeta to get rid of Kahn. He could only live if Kahn was dead.

"Is the news true?" Vegeta asked, doubtfully.

"Yes!" Raditz vowed, trying to hide any sign of deception. "The information I gathered indicates that the Dragon Balls on Earth can grant any wish!"

Vegeta's mouth curved into a smile. "Very well, let's go to Earth immediately!"


In the vast expanse of space, three miniature spaceships streaked past like comets, leaving long trails of flame behind them. These three ships carried Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz!

At the same time…

Galactic Patrol Headquarters.

Merus, who had been monitoring Raditz's movements, also noticed the activity of Vegeta's group and immediately reported it to Vados.

"How strong is Vegeta?" Vados asked.

Merus replied, "According to the records of the Galactic Patrol, Saiyan Prince Vegeta's combat power is around 18,000."

"I see. Thank you, Merus."

After ending the call with Merus, Vados reflected on the information. Vegeta's combat power of 18,000 was significantly higher than Kahn's. But Vados wasn't too worried because Kahn's strength had been growing rapidly. Since the trio of Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz were about a year away from reaching Earth, Kahn only needed to surpass Vegeta within that time. On this point, Vados had no doubts. Even if Kahn couldn't do it alone, she could provide some assistance.

So where was Kahn now?

At Capsule Corporation.

Yesterday, Bulma had notified Kahn to come and pick up the gravity training room. Although Bulma claimed she had no interest or ability in the project, she had actually helped Kahn develop the gravity training room.

"Here, it took me a lot of effort to make this, so don't break it," Bulma said, crossing her arms and handing over an exquisite capsule box.

Receiving the box, Kahn praised with a smile, "Bulma, thank you. You are indeed the most outstanding scientist on Earth."

"Of course," Bulma said, brushing her hair with a hint of pride.

Kahn couldn't help but smile. Bulma was truly one of the most outstanding scientists on Earth, rivaled only by Dr. Brief and Dr. Gero. As for money, Kahn didn't mention it. He had known Bulma for a long time, and even if he brought it up, she wouldn't want it. It would seem insincere.

Leaving Capsule Corporation, Kahn headed straight home. He had just received the gravity training room and was eager to try it out. From reading the original story, he knew that the gravity training room had high training effectiveness in the early stages, but he needed to test it himself.

As soon as he got home, Vados noticed the capsule box in Kahn's hand and asked, "Husband, what is that?"

"This?" Kahn said with a smile. "This is the gravity training room Bulma made. With this, I can train much more effectively."

Vados was surprised. "It sounds amazing."

Kahn chuckled and suggested, "Honey, would you like to come and take a look with me?"

"Really? Can I?" Vados seemed flattered.

"Of course, come with me."