
My First Step Towards Power Began When I Married Vados

This is a translation I found on mtl, it was extremely awful so I decided to fix it up and add my own little snu snu chapters in there. Don’t expect much but I hope you enjoy :) … OG Title: I’m in the WesternCapital: Marry Vados at the start OG Author: Sbaer … In an alternate Dragon Ball universe, Kahn, a warrior from Planet Vegeta, becomes the elder brother of Kakarot. When the tyrant Frieza destroys their home planet, Kahn, along with Kakarot, is sent to Earth by their father, Bardock. Unlike his powerful brother, Kakarot, Kahn struggles with limited combat abilities due to his low-level warrior status. Years pass, and in Age 762, the long-awaited system Kahn has been anticipating finally activates. However, there’s a catch: the system requires him to marry a woman to unlock its full potential. With the help of a matchmaker, Kahn finds a bride who is renowned for her beauty and grace. As Kahn’s strength grows exponentially with each passing day, his wife proves to be the perfect partner—gentle, virtuous, and endlessly supportive. Together, they navigate the challenges of the Dragon Ball world, facing formidable foes and embarking on thrilling adventures, all while Kahn continues to develop his extraordinary powers. This unique tale of love, strength, and destiny explores the bonds of family and the pursuit of greatness, set against the backdrop of one of the most iconic universes in anime history.

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17 Chs

Revelation and Wrath

Western Great Plains

Raditz had just had a face-to-face encounter with Piccolo. The two had a brief, tense exchange, each sizing the other up. Just as Raditz was about to demonstrate his true power to Piccolo, his combat power detector, worn over his left eye, beeped urgently.

"Huh? Two other powerful forces!" Raditz exclaimed. When the detector identified these two significant power levels, Raditz abandoned his lesson for Piccolo and soared into the sky using his Flying Technique.

"There!" Raditz muttered, looking towards the detected energy sources. "The distance is 12,990 units. These must be the strongest forces on the planet. No doubt, it must be Kahn and Kakarot!"

With a swift motion, Raditz flew off, vanishing from Piccolo's sight in an instant.


After Raditz left, Piccolo collapsed to the ground, drenched in sweat and gasping for breath. The fear of facing Raditz still lingered.

"Impossible… How could I be so powerless against him?"

Master Roshi's Island

Meanwhile, on Master Roshi's island, Kahn and Vados had arrived early after receiving the meeting notice. After a simple breakfast, they awaited the others. Shortly after, Bulma, Krillin, Goku, and Gohan joined them.

Over the past month, Bulma had gradually come to terms with Kahn's marriage. Surprisingly, she and Vados had developed a good friendship. Thanks to Kahn's introductions, Bulma and Vados were chatting like old friends.

"Goku, have you been keeping up with your training?" Kahn asked his brother.

"I haven't been training much recently," Goku admitted, scratching his head. "Chichi's been asking me to work to support the family, so I've had less time to train."

Kahn nodded, understanding. "It's important to support your family, Goku. You can't just focus on training all the time and leave everything to Chichi."

Goku laughed. "Got it, I'll help out more."

Suddenly, both Kahn and Goku sensed a powerful energy approaching.

"Dad, what's going on?" Gohan asked, noticing their expressions.

"There's someone strong heading our way," Goku said, his face serious. Even before the arrival, he could feel the immense power.

"Up there," Kahn pointed. A dark figure rapidly descended from the clouds, capturing everyone's attention.

"Who is it?" Krillin wondered.

"He's here," Kahn said.

A few seconds later, a muscular man with long black hair, a combat power detector over his left eye, and a furry, tan tail wrapped around his waist landed before them. It was Raditz.

"Oh no," Vados gasped, moving behind Kahn with a frightened expression. She decided to play the role of a wife perfectly and let her husband protect her. "Who is this person? He looks very unfriendly."

Kahn waved his hand, signaling her to remain calm.

"We finally meet," Raditz said, his eyes fixed on Kahn and Goku. "Even though you've grown, I recognized you instantly. Kahn, Kakarot."

"Kakarot?" Goku repeated, confused.

"What is this man talking about?" Krillin and Master Roshi were equally bewildered.

Ignoring their confusion, Raditz addressed Kahn and Goku sternly. "Kahn, Kakarot, what happened to this planet? Wasn't your mission to destroy all humans here? What game are you playing?"

Goku turned to Kahn, even more puzzled. "Brother Kahn, what is he talking about?"

Kahn, who had been silent, finally spoke. "Raditz, are you out of your mind? Do you really believe that Kakarot and I came to Earth to destroy humanity?"

Raditz's eyes narrowed, a grin spreading across his face. "So, you remember me, Kahn. That makes things easier."

"Brother Kahn/Kahn, what's going on?" Goku and Bulma asked simultaneously, seeking clarity.

Kahn sighed. "Raditz, let's clear this up. We're not here to destroy humanity. Whatever mission you think we had, it never existed."

Khan then proceeds to explain their origins and the planet the come from.

"Fighting tribe… Saiyan?!"

After Kahn's concise explanation, Goku finally understood his origins. At the same time, Bulma, Krillin, and Master Roshi were also shocked by the true heritage of Kahn and Goku.

It turns out, Kahn and Goku are not from Earth but from a race called Saiyans from Planet Vegeta in the universe. Now, they finally understood why Kahn and Goku had tails and why they transformed into a brutal great ape upon seeing the full moon.

"Honey, does it bother you now that you know my origins?" Kahn asked Vados, no longer hiding his extraterrestrial origins.

Vados shook her head, smiling gently. "No, I don't care if you're from Earth or not, as long as it's you."

"Thank you," Kahn said, relieved that Vados didn't mind.

Krillin, still grappling with the revelation, questioned, "If Kahn and Goku are from the Planet Vegeta, how did they end up on Earth?"

Raditz sneered, "They were sent here to kill everyone on this planet. We Saiyans are a fighting nation with high self-pride. After exterminating all humans, we sell the planet to others at a high price. Planets with high combat capabilities are attacked by adult fighters, while low-level planets like Earth are assigned to children like Kahn and Kakarot."

Raditz's words stunned everyone except Kahn and Vados. Cold sweat broke out on Krillin's forehead as he murmured, "If that's true, they're too cruel! Compared to them, Piccolo is much kinder!"

Goku, struggling to accept the truth, said, "Even if I come from another planet, and even if you call me Kakarot, it doesn't change anything. My brother is Kahn. I am from Earth. My name is Goku. Go back where you came from!"

Goku had forgotten the Saiyan's brutal nature due to a childhood injury and had become a kind-hearted Earthling. Therefore, he couldn't accept being a murderous Saiyan.

"Raditz," Kahn stepped forward, his gaze cold, "If you keep lying to my brother, don't blame me for being harsh. You said we were sent to kill all humans? Then tell me, do you know how Planet Vegeta was destroyed?"

Raditz replied without hesitation, "Planet Vegeta was destroyed by a meteorite. All Saiyans on Planet Vegeta, including our parents, turned into cosmic dust."

Vados couldn't listen anymore. The truth was, Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta and the Saiyan race, yet the surviving Saiyans believed it was a meteorite impact.

Kahn gently held Vados' hand, signaling her to stay calm. He then sneered, "Oh, my naive brother, do you really believe Planet Vegeta was destroyed by a meteorite? That's a lie Frieza told you. The truth is, Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta and killed our parents."

"And you're still working for the one who killed our parents. It's sad and ridiculous!"

Raditz staggered back, his pupils constricting in shock. "What?! This is impossible!"

Kahn continued, "Also, Kakarot and I were not sent here on a mission to kill humans. We were sent to take refuge! Our father suspected Frieza's intentions and sent us to Earth to save us."

Recalling that fateful night, Kahn's expression turned somber. "That night, he told us that if his intuition was wrong, he would come back for us. But over twenty years has passed, and he still hasn't come."

Kahn clenched his fists, his hands trembling slightly. Vados, noticing his distress, asked, "Honey, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Kahn shook his head, forcibly suppressing his anger. He would personally ensure Frieza paid for his parents' deaths.

After listening to Kahn's words, Bulma and the others were in an uproar. It turns out that Kahn and Goku were sent to Earth to be saved, not to kill humans as Raditz had claimed.

Although Bulma wasn't Kahn, she could understand his current mood. If their father hadn't sent them to Earth in time, Kahn and Goku wouldn't be here now. To protect his two sons, their father died at the hands of Frieza.

Having such a father, one must be very proud. But looking at Raditz's appearance, why doesn't he seem to care at all?

"Brother Kahn…" Goku stared blankly at Kahn. At this moment, he was shocked beyond measure. If he didn't believe what Raditz said, he had to believe what Kahn said. He and Kahn grew up together, and Goku still trusts Kahn's words.

Kahn waved his hand, motioning for Goku to stop talking. Raditz had also recovered from the shock.

"Hehe, hahahaha!" Raditz suddenly looked up and laughed. After laughing, Raditz looked back at Kahn. "So what if that's the truth? The past is the past, and we should look forward to the present. It is my honor to serve King Frieza." Raditz then extended his hand to Kahn and Goku, inviting, "Come on, Kahn, Kakarot, join us and serve King Frieza together. The Saiyan nation is extinct, and we survived. Saiyans should stick together, shouldn't they?"

"You think you're proud of siding with the enemy who killed our father? It seems your truly stupid. Forgive me and Kakarot for not agreeing with your concept," Kahn said coldly. "Kakarot and I will not serve Frieza. Leave; Kakarot and I don't need you."

Goku also yelled, "Raditz, stop dreaming. We won't help you!"

"I see." Raditz was not surprised by Kahn and Goku's responses. His eyes shifted slightly, landing on Vados beside Kahn. He sneered, "I can see why you are so comfortable with the humans on this low-level planet. This is your wife, right? As the oldest brother and first born you and Kakarot will follow me obediently. I just have to finish off your wife here."

Raditz was smart. Judging from just now, Goku obviously listens to Kahn more. As long as Kahn is dealt with and agrees, Kakarot will surely join them. Raditz strode towards Vados with a grin on his face.

"Ah! Husband, he is so scary!" In an instant, Vados played the role of a wife and her face turned pale.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Kahn shielded Vados behind him, and a flash of anger sparked in his dark eyes.

Under everyone's gaze, Raditz appeared in front of Kahn in an instant and blasted Kahn mercilessly with his knee. There was a muffled sound as Raditz's knee slammed into Kahn's stomach. But Kahn did not fly backward as Raditz expected; he stood still, motionless.

"What?!" Startled, Raditz looked up abruptly. He saw that Kahn was furious, and a pair of extremely cold eyes were staring at him! At this moment, Raditz felt a chill run down his spine!


In the next second, Kahn stopped hiding his power and all of it burst out!

"What power!" When Kahn released his breath, Goku's pupils shrank suddenly, and his mind was shocked! He hadn't seen Kahn for just a month, and now Kahn's power had become so strong!

"This young man… what a powerful force! This is the most power I have ever felt in my life!" Master Roshi was also shocked beyond measure!

Kahn's power was like a bottomless pit; he couldn't perceive the limit of Kahn's strength at all! Judging from the energy released by Kahn, Kahn's strength was not at the same level as theirs!

"This… this is amazing!" The bald Krillin was even more shocked and sat down on the beach. He looked at him and broke out in a cold sweat.

At the same time, the battle power detector on Raditz's left eye also moved. Under Raditz's astonished eyes, Kahn's combat power value continued to soar and soon broke through the 2,000 mark!

"Combat power… 2,000?!" Raditz thought that Kahn's combat power was only 2,000, but the value on the combat power detector continued to soar! 2,500… 3,000… 3,500… 4,000!

"4-4,000! This is impossible!" Raditz stepped back a few paces, his face turning pale with fright at Kahn's soaring power. But Kahn's battle power continued to rise!

Soon, Kahn's battle power broke through 5,000, finally settling at the terrifying value of 5,300!

"Battle power… 5,300?!" Raditz couldn't believe his eyes. Shocked, Raditz tore off the battle power detector on his left eye and crushed it.

"Impossible! Kahn's combat strength cannot be 5,300! It must be a failure in my battle power detector!" He was born as a high-level saiyan warrior at a battle power of 1,500. However Kahn, who was born as a lower-level saiyan warrior, actually had 5,300? Raditz couldn't believe it! The combat power detector must be malfunctioning!

"Being submissive in front of Vegeta and Frieza, and acting tough in front of others, why do I need a big brother like you?" Kahn's expression was stern, and his tone was cold. "Kakarot and I don't recognize you as our brother, and you'll pay the price for what you just did!"

Originally, Kahn didn't want to get rough with Raditz. But he actually wanted to harm his wife? That was unacceptable!

Kahn suddenly shot forward at incredible speed. There was a muffled sound as Raditz's body froze, his pupils widening as he looked down. Kahn's fist was deeply embedded in his lower abdomen, the terrifying power radiating through Raditz's body.

"Aahh!" A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Raditz's body crumbled, falling to his knees. With just one punch, Kahn had struck Raditz with devastating force! This was the stark difference in their strengths!

Kahn grabbed Raditz's hair, lifting his head, and snarled, "You dare to attack my woman? You are truly pathetic, Raditz."

"Tell me, how disappointed would our parents be if they saw you behaving like a coward?"

Facing the threat of death, Raditz, who had seemed invincible moments ago, finally panicked. Despite his domineering nature, he couldn't overcome the fear of death.

"I'm sorry, Kahn, I was wrong!" Raditz begged for mercy​, trembling. "For the sake of our parents, please let me go!"

Kahn said angrily, "Now you remember our parents? When you heard the news of their deaths what was your reaction? Tell me! What was your reaction?! Did you feel anything at all? Tell me, did you?!