
First day

Morning, my mom came and waked me up and said "come Saisha it's your first day in new school so you don't have to be late today." I wasn't in a mood to went this type of school I was kinda stressed or nervous but I know this is my fate and i have to follow this. I was on my way to new school I felt nervous but deep down I knew that " I am very intelligent or confident girl that I can bear everything or every problem.

I was at the front of school and in very nervousness entered in the school. As expected, it was a normal school I questioned to myself," Why are you being like that all the time? It's a normal school and you being a nervous or stressed all the time come on it wasn't like that you wouldn't attend school before go and make new friends you cool girl." I became normal now but students around made me nervous again because they all were gave me strange looks. Finally, I found my class it was 9th 'A' I entered and with my open heart I made many good friends after that my friends took me out to gave me a round to school and i started observing students there I saw there were many students who belongs from a poor families some look likes they were from lower middle class families like my family but I saw some students were from rich and good families too and this drives me crazy "what they're doing here"? I was about to scream what kind of school is this and why rich families kids there too. I started observing school now the classrooms and other activities areas I said to myself," it's not that much bad school it seems interesting". My friends were look normal with me but the other students gave me that strange looks that I was an alien or something. I saw there are three sections for 9th class A, B and C and I became confused after that which one was my class but I made some friends in A section so I wanted to stay there. There was some school function on my first day so teachers didn't came properly and it was a day when I was only made friends and played with them. I was satisfied because my mood was good I made friends and saw many good things.I decided to go this school without any complaints.