
Chapter 1 Beginning of my new journey

30th March, 2013, the day when my means "Saisha's " 8th standard result were about to announced and I was very excited to see my results and after that I went to school with my parents. From the beginning I was very intelligent and brilliant student all the teachers like me but not all the students or my classmates because of my true and honest personality. My parents were also loves me or admires me because of my sharp mind. As expected, I was at school and result were also same I got a first position in the class and as usually my parents and teachers were happy but I wasn't that much happy actually I was very boring person till on that date or day always

got 1st position and loved by the people arounds me but who knows after this day my life were changed totally. Next morning, the morning which changed my life and made me excited person through the boring person before. I am a normal and simple girl who belongs from the middle class family. I wasn't belong from rich family. In the morning, after breakfast my dad got call from his office and he was in shocked my dad said he lost his job. We're four siblings my dad earns that much money to send us good school and fulfill our basic need they don't have any kind of savings we all were shocked after this incident. My dad was very hard working person and he just want to give us good education. This became the toughest part of our life after two days when my dad didn't got his job again then my parents decided to change my school because of our home's condition and I understood all the problems and I agreed to changed my school and ready to took an admission in a school which have cheap rate of fees. After two weeks all process of admission were done. Now it's a time to went new school I wasn't happy or excited but I was nervous to handle the atmosphere of that kind of school. At night, I was on the bed and thinking about loosing my best friend, my classmates, teachers and all the memories of my old school because I knew after that night my new life will begin. I was depressed and fall asleep.