
My Fenrir System

(#WPC 252 -Bronze winner) Jamie a high school Student shuffled off his mortal coil because of an unfortunate event and gets reincarnated in a fantasy world of magic as a Wolf. Read his journey as he climbs up the ladder of evolution to become the mythical creature Fenrir with a system.What will happen in his life?, will he be able to climb up the ladder of evolution and become human? or will he perish?. Check it out :-) #Vote it with power stone or I'll steal your plushie.

Mister_Imaginative · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 8:Visiting tribe of the wolf pack

Jamie spoke up and the wolves were stunned that they can now understand what he's trying to convey."Lord we can understand you now, do you understand what we are saying?", questioned one of the wolves.Yes,I do replied Jamie promptly.

The three wolves howled after hearing this and they were wagging their tails."My lord now that you can understand what we are saying it's time for you to visit our tribe", proposed one of the wolves.Jamie thought about it for some time and was ready to visit the tribe.The three wolves were delighted to hear that and they started wagging their tails much faster than before.

With the three wolves Jamie started to get out of the dungeon meeting up with the wolves he placed before reaching the boss level which was on the 10th floor.The dungeon was full of howls to congratulate Jamie's victory.Upon getting outside of the dungeon the wolf that refused to fall in line was waiting.Jamie halted the pack and went ahead alone.I don't wish to fight you since you possess both a fearless heart and a brave soul which is not easy to be found, said Jamie looking in the eye of the wolf.

"I also don't wish to fight you, my lord,I have acknowledged you as the true leader of the pack",replied the wolf prostrating it's body.Jamie was on cloud nine for acquiring the trust and respect of a fearless brave soul like him.Tonight there is going to be a feast to celebrate my lordship, said Jamie with a loud voice.Hearing this the wolves howled as loud as they can till the soils of the land started to tremble.

Jamie told one of the wolves to lead the way.As the wolf was leading the way Jamie thought that they should have names.Jamie decided to name them after he's done checking the tribe and it's wolves.The tribe was located in a place full of trees and bushes.Jamie almost felt like the setup of the tribe was to hide and avoid enemies as much as possible.Upon reaching the tribe grounds the women wolves were looking at them in a rubbernecking manner.The woman wolves vowed to show their respect except one.The woman wolf who refused to vow was the sister of the wolf who didn't fall in line.The brother wolf approached her sister and yelled to vow but she didn't budge at all.Seeing this Jamie spoke up saying it's ok I don't mind besides more importantly I'm hungry.

Jamie was taken to a tree that had a big hole underneath.Jamie went inside and was waiting for food.As he was waiting the quarrels of the brother and sister were audible from inside the tree hole.The sister wolf was not believing the fact that her brother lost the fight with him.Jamie went outside and told the brother wolf to refrain from fighting with each other."Who told you to come between the quarrel of us," yelled the sister wolf.I'm sorry but fighting won't do any good, first and foremost your brother got beaten by me and that's true."I'm never going to believe it even if you stick a 30-meter rod up my ass", said the wolf sister with an arrogance attitude.

Only 30!?,how about I stick it up now but 10 meters extra, said Jamie with a merciless voice."I'm sorry for her behaviour please do not heed what she says", said the brother wolf with a sorry voice.Don't worry I don't mind as long as I get to stick the rod up her ass."I can defeat you myself let alone my brother, you cheated and defeated him", yelled the sister wolf.Ok,let's have it your way when is the match?,asked Jamie reluctantly."The match will start after you have eaten up cause I won't let you say you couldn't fight for being hungry",said the sister wolf with a voice of mockery.

After that, Jamie went back inside the tree hole and waited for his food.He was served raw meat and some mushrooms which were freshly plucked as there were bite marks visible.Jamie ate to his heart's content and was full.Jamie was ready for the spar with the sister wolf.The brother was trying to convince his sister to stop childish time waste and come to her senses but the sister wolf refused to stop the fight and one could say like brother like sister after witnessing the prideful arrogance.

Jamie took position and waited for the sister wolf to take her position.After the sister wolf was ready Jamie reverted to his original size and all the woman wolves were scared except the sister wolf."So what if you have a big body it all comes down to skills", said the sister wolf with an unnerving voice.Jamie used his skill Dark howl and the sister wolf was paralyzed and unable to move.The fight was over with one blow.The brother wolf approached the sister wolf and asked her if she still thinks his defeat was a cock and bull story.The sister wolf felt embarrassed as she couldn't do anything from the very beginning.

Jamie told everyone to gather up and announced that he was going to name everyone.The wolves lined up for their names.Jamie finished naming them one after another and named the brother wolf fear.The naming was complete the only one who was left was the sister of fear.Jamie went closer to her and decided to name her '40 meter please'.

After being done with the naming and everything it was nighttime and time for the feast.Jamie ordered some of the wolves to hunt some wild boars for the feast and they hunted a total of 12 boars.The wolves were ready to eat it raw but Jamie stopped them and taught them how to set fire and showed them that fried meats tasted much better than raw meat.

#Vote my book with power stone or I'll steal your plushie.

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