
Zach's anger

Olivia finally slept in zach's arms,she was so tired to fight him that she gave up;zach felt the rush in his vein as anger showed in his eyes.

placing her on the bed,he covered the duvet around her before kissing her forehead and muttering;"i wouod be back soon,i love you".

zach drove off to a bar after informing his brother of his plans,he called vize over and she happily accepted;he waited patiently for her while clicking his tongue.

Vize Walked into the bar with a wide smile,she was so happy that zach wanted to see her;she went to his table as she sat down after greeting everyone at the table.

zach felt irritated by her presence but he had to bear with it for the main time,"how are you,vize";he asked softly.

vize blushed at the small gesture of zach,she was so happy that he finally moved on;she sipped her juice while rubbing his thighs.

"you smell so amazing and i hope we would both enjoy the night together",zach forced a smile on his face;kasper shook his head as he listened to the fake sweet talks from vize.

he just wanted to rip her head off,he had lust for blood in his eyes while sipping his wine and looking at the lady who didn't bother about his presence;he lost one of his best fighters because of this idiot.

he didn't understand why his brother was taking it too slow,"did you do something wrong,vize";kasper's voice was cold as he licked his lips.

vize felt his aura changed and clinged unto zach but his aura was the same,both brothers had this deadly vibe that vize felt like running away from them;"i didn't".

zach leaned down on her as he whispered,"i would you sometime to think";vize shivered with fear.

did they already know what she did to Olivia,she felt horror as she quickly looked for an excuse root;"you did something to Ollie,yes or no".

kasper asked again and she shook her head,he snapped his hand and men in black took her away;"she would go for questioning and you can do anything with her".

zach looked at the camera in his room and smiled,she was finally going to be in his arms;vize tried to cling to Zach but he dodged it.

she wasn't his friend anymore,she hurt his feelings deeply and he always asked himself;why did olivia leave him when it was because of this brat.