
do you think that i would love you again

zach went home foaming mad,he couldn't believe that his friend would want to do this to him because of love;he felt frustrated that he didn't know how to explain to Olivia.

he met her piercing eyes looking at him,"why did you bring me here";she questioned him.

zach sat at the side of the bed before sighing,"you fell asleep in my arms and i am very sorry for everything";olivia forced the tears back into her eyes as she looked away.

"Zach,there is nothing between us anymore so we can all go our separate ways",zach held her hands as he looked into her eyes;why is she saying all this.

"don't say that Ollie,i love you so much",zach said smiling wildly at her;olivia felt her heart being torn into two.

what could she tell him,she loved him too and was willing to be in his arms but she couldn't;not yet.

"i am sorry but i don't love you,i hate your whole existence",she lied as she pushed him away;Zach felt his anger boiling up.

he pinned her with his eyes scanned her body,"you don't love me,i would make sure you love me";olivia felt the enormous aura swallowing up the light.

"do you think I would love you again",she yelled;tears rolled down her cheeks as she spat out that words.

she would regret it since she was the one pushing him away now,she smiled bitterly at the thought that someone else would fill this man heart once more;she knew that she didn't deserve him.

she was always hurting him,he loved her with everything but she pushed him away like he was nothing;looking into his emotionless eyes she swallowed.

"miss olivia janes,that's so lovely of you",he said releasing her hands and standing up;his back was faced to her.

Olivia wanted to stretch her hand to him and tell him that she was playing but could she risk it all,"i am sorry Zach,please move on without me and be happy";she said getting up from the bed.

zach was silent till he hit the table beside him,it fell down making a loud noise.

bang, bang ,bang!.

Olivia stood outside the house with no emotion on her face,she would fight for them;she would risk it all just to gain his love back.

she cried as she entered a taxi looking at the house once more.

- - -

few days later.

Zach entered a dark room,he had really changed and all his playness was gone and what stood on his face was ice;he smirked as he sat down.

vize heard the door open and quickly ran to the person who entered,"please let me go,i beg of you";Zach pushed her away.

"you should have thought about that before doing all those bad things",his cold voice rang inside the large dark room;vize shivered as her lips trembled.

"i am sorry for the troubles,i would change but let me go Zach",she felt a sting at the side of her face;did he slap her.

"i would let you go vize",he sighed and got up before leaving.

what was there to fight for,his hopes were all gone;his investigations proved nothing;why was she hurting him like this.

his phone rang and he quickly answered without looking at the caller ID.

"boss,miss Olivia is planning something big",the person on the other side of the phone said.

zach hung up without saying anything,"you may not love me anymore but i would make sure to protect you".

he drove his car to his brother's office,he entered going straight to the first floor;he bumped into a lady and he looked up.

"i am so sorry sir,i didn't mean to",marina said with a guilty look;she was having a really bad day.

she was to prepare coffee for the boss but she poured it on someone,"you don't have to apologize,why don't you promise to help me when anything happens";marina nodded with a smile.

zach walked away when he noticed that she was following him,he didn't want to say anything but he couldn't help his curiosity;"are you perhaps following me".

marina shook her head and opened the door going in,zach felt confused but still went in;"big bro".

kasper looked up to see his brother,he could see the emotionless face that he couldn't help but wish his brother could smile even if it was once;Zach sat down picking up some files and going through them.

"i met her two weeks ago and she said she doesn't love me anymore",Zach held his chest as pain could be seen on his beautiful face;he couldn't hide his pain and tears rolled down his cheeks.

marina wondered what happened to him,she could see that kasper was his brother but why does he seek hurt;she wanted to console him but didn't know how to.

kasper hugged his brother,his brother was the one who told him about the surprise confession and he was like this;he knew olivia so well that he couldn't wait to find out what happened.

her arrival back to the agency was a secret,he couldn't wait to see his brother's reaction when everything was okay.

"i would help you,don't be so weak",zach chuckled as he pulled away from him;he felt at ease now.