
meeting a stranger

mari woke up early as she had to clean her apartment,she was humming some songs and cleaning when her phone rang;she looked at the caller ID.

"thank goodness, you picked up",her friend screamed excitedly;mari had to put the phone down before placing on her ear.

"brina,i didn't expect you to call",she said still cleaning;brina frown as she pouted her lips.

"are you scolding me or what",she said in an annoyed tone which made marina giggle;brina was her childhood friend.

they did almost everything together until brina got separated from her because of her work,"i am excited that you called,happy now".

they kept talking about things before she hung up,marina sighed as it had been a while since she contacted her sister and grandfather;she missed them a lot but she had to do this for them.

- - -

kas looked at the laptop in front of him,"this is the lead on that person";Tim said as he pressed something on the keyboard.

"i love to play a game of hide and seek",he smirked as his aura blazed scaring the other men in the room;Timmy didn't look affected at all as he stood his ground.

"i think it is time reigns to come home,don't you think",Tim asked feeling pity for him;kas groaned as he remembered his brother which he sent on a task.

"let him rest there for a while,i can't get headache now",kas said as he waved his hand;Tim kept quiet as he decided to tease this boss of his.

"did you like your assistant",kas choked on his wine before giving him a dead glare but emotions flashed through his eyes which Tim understood.

"kas,you have to forget everything about her and move on",Tim said before turning his gaze back to the laptop;kas didn't say a thing and just let do what he wants.

* * *

mari was out shopping when she met a man staring at her,"hi";she heard the man mutter.

"hello,i found you staring at me for a long time",she said with a curious gaze;the man scratched his head before giving a shy smile.

"i am Rhys",he changed the topic immediately;mari nodded taking his photos with her eyes as she wanted to remember this face.

"marina,is a pleasant to meet you",Rhys beamed before following her like a toy;mari picked the things she bought taking it to the cashier.

she paid and watched him pay for the veggies he bought,"you didn't buy anything much";she asked feeling comfortable with him.

she could tell the friendly vibe coming from him unlike someone she knew,she hope he was not related to the underworld in anyway;"i don't need all that just wanted to get what i can eat".

she understood his point and when they got to where his car was parked,mari bade him goodbye and turned to leave when he called her giving her one of his card with a smile;"you can contact me with that".

she nodded and left immediately,she was eating her dinner when she remembered the card he gave to her;she quickly brought it out of her pocket looking at it before gasping.

"i can't believe that i talked to a famous actor",she said looking at his ID;at least he is somehow better than that coldhearted man{she thought}.

_ _ _ _

kas felt lonely when he looked at the couch,he didn't know why but he missed her;he began wondering when that started as it had only been months since she started working here.

he felt strange somehow,he ruffed his hair before picking up his phone;he began texting but deleted it over and over again.

he finally sent one as he waited for her reply as nervousness took over him.

{how was today,i mean did you enjoy your leave}.

mari was sleeping when a notification appeared on her phone,her eyes widened when she saw the person who sent the text;"what does he want by this time".

she replied to his text immediately,she didn't know how to bring up a conversation between them so she waited for him to chat her up;kas felt satisfied when she replied to his text.

{goodnight,sleep tight}

mari put the smiley emoji before dropping her phone,she rolled on her bed go sleep.

*the next morning*

mari got ready to go to work as she brushed her long hair,she parked it into two buns before smiling in satisfaction;she sent a message to brina before leaving.

she was trying to get a taxi when she saw a familiar car stop in front of her,"Rhys";she said looking at the man who opened the car door for her.

"i see that you are off to work,why don't i drop you off";Rhys said before accelerating the car.

"i still can't believe that i meant a CEO without him being cold",she couldn't help but comment;Rhys had a slight smile on his lips.

"don't you like someone that isn't cold",mari debated on it but ended up not saying anything;"we just met Rhys,i think we should try to know each other more".

she looked out the window when she pointed the white big building before telling him to stop,"you work here";Rhys asked and mari hesitantly nodded her head before closing the door.

Rhys looked at the building for the fourth time before driving away,he wondered why she worked there and how she got connected with them in anyway but he would bring her out before she reaches her doom.