
My Familiar Space Is Bound To The Cultivation World

Chen Kun transmigrated to a world of beast-taming. Everyone here would awaken the Beast-taming Space when they turned 18 and become a Beast Tamer. When Chen Kun awakened his Beast-taming Space, he discovered that his space was bound to a cultivation world. Powerful beasts that were rare in the beast-taming world were overpopulated in the cultivation world. They were even regarded as demonic beasts and were hunted by cultivators. People in the beast-taming world complained that it was hard to encounter beasts in the wild. All they could find were low-level beasts. The cultivation world was overpopulated with high-level beasts. There were even some ancient savage beasts there! Any one of the beasts brought back from the cultivation world was considered a top-class beast in the other world. People in the beast-taming world complained that the resources were limited and that it was difficult for the beasts to evolve. The cultivation world was covered with countless spiritual stone veins. Resources were limitless. Chen Kun fed his beasts spiritual stones as snacks. In the beast-taming world, someone complained, “Coach! He is cheating.” Another person agreed, saying, “That’s right. How could his beasts be so strong and evolve so quickly?” With a look of enjoyment, Chen Kun lay his head on the lap of a maiden with soft beast ears. He said, “All that is just a piece of cake for me. My beasts can also cultivate martial arts techniques. They can even transform into human form.” In the cultivation world, Chen Kun eventually established the Demon Clan to gather all kinds of powerful beasts under his wing. He became the overlord!

Fallen Mountain · Eastern
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40 Chs

Concluding the Contract

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Their peaceful life continued for a few days.

And today was destined to be a dividing line between his life and his previous life. As everything was prepared and Little Moon had finished recuperating, the day of the contract arrived.

In the training room, Zhang Xuan looked at the wolf cub lying on the ground and laughed.

"Little Moon, we're going to form a contract now. After that, there will be no more obstacles between us. Are you happy?"

"Owwwwuuu! Ah!" Little Moon cried out as if she understood something. She stood up and jumped around happily. She raised her butt and wagged her tail as she whimpered at Zhang Xuan. Even without a contract, she could understand the emotions in Zhang Xuan's eyes.

If Zhang Xuan was happy, she would be happy.

After seeing Little Moon's reaction, Zhang Xuan let out a long breath and started to reimagine the meditation technique.

This "meditation technique" was one of the more common basic knowledge on the Blue Planet, and it included the technique to contract familiars.

A contract-binding technique required condensing a spirit imprint, and then engraving the imprint into the familiar's mind, fusing it with the familiar's spirit to form a contract. However, there was a risk. If the familiar resisted too strongly, it was very likely that the spirit imprint would be destroyed. Although it wouldn't be fatal, it would still cause a certain degree of damage to the spirit of the Beastmaster and familiar.

If they failed too many times, for example, tens or hundreds of times, both of them were likely to become crazy or mentally incapacitated.

Normally, when a familiar fails more than ten times, the mental damage would be irreversible. As such, the beastmaster would give up after nine attempts.

This was also why when a beastmaster signed a contract with a familiar, most of the familiars were still young, and a high degree of compatibility was needed. That was because young familiars had yet to form their own thoughts and were relatively easier to accept the beastmaster. The degree of compatibility would also affect the success rate.

Normally, no matter how good a relationship a beastmaster had with their familiar, they would still fail once or twice when signing a contract. That was very normal.

That was because the beastmaster's spirit would suddenly burrow into the familiar's mind. It was as if another personality had suddenly appeared in your mind, speaking to you. Anyone would resist it at the first moment.

Zhang Xuan didn't expect to succeed on the first try. 

After some preparation, under Little Moon's curious gaze, Zhang Xuan started to draw the spirit imprint. This was simple yet detailed work. After he finished drawing it in his mind, he placed his finger on his forehead and drew out the golden imprint.

He then carefully pressed it against Little Moon's forehead, and the golden mark instantly melted into her head.

After that...there was no response.

'That's not right. Shouldn't she be either shocked or resistant? That's strange…' 

Zhang Xuan suddenly felt excited, like he had done something he wanted to do or saw something he liked. He didn't know where it came from, but it was really sudden.

'Huh? Have I seen too many beast-eared girls? Am I hallucinating?' 

'I'll burn the books under the bed! At such a critical moment, an inner demon actually appeared to disturb my mind?' 

At the same time, Little Moon also looked up. 

Along with Little Moon's actions, Zhang Xuan's heart once again transmitted emotions and doubts that didn't belong to him.

"Little Moon," Zhang Xuan called out and wanted to verify it.

Hearing Zhang Xuan's voice, Little Moon wagged her tail excitedly. 

The joy was once again transmitted to Zhang Xuan's heart. This confirmed that the two of them had formed a contract.

He looked in shock at Little Moon's eyes, which were filled with anticipation. This child didn't resist his contract at all? Even just one step? Even if they were blood-related relatives, they would not reach such a level of trust.

Little Moon also sensed Zhang Xuan's confusion. She walked forward and licked the back of his hand. She placed her head on his hand and looked up at him. She seemed to be saying, "Quick, touch me!"

Zhang Xuan touched her head. Her fur looked tough, but it felt soft and fluffy.


After the contract was successfully formed, the relationship between Zhang Xuan and Little Moon became even closer. There was an invisible connection between the man and wolf, allowing them to hear each other's thoughts.

He could command his familiars as if they were his arms. He could also cut off this sense at any time. 

But after each time, Little Moon couldn't sense Zhang Xuan's heart and started to go crazy. Sometimes, Zhang Xuan's consciousness would be filled with anxiety from Little Moon.

A few days later, Zhang Xuan could only helplessly accept the fact that Little Moon was a bootlicker and maintain a smooth connection between the two.

In the past few days, he had also felt his own changes. His mental strength and physical strength had both increased. Although it wasn't much, it showed that the feedback effect of his familiar had already appeared.

Although this improvement wasn't even a hundredth of cultivation, meat was still meat, no matter how small it was. Moreover, beastmasters could contract more than one familiar, and Little Moon was only a familiar with an extraordinary bloodline.

Now that Little Moon could live in the familiar space, although it was good for her cultivation, there was nothing but unfathomable darkness inside. Naturally, Little Moon didn't want to stay there for too long. 

It was only a short while, but she was already bored and wanted to come out. She preferred to stick with Zhang Xuan and follow him wherever he went.

Thinking about her past, Zhang Xuan could understand her fear of darkness. After a few times, he let her follow him.

However, she was just too mischievous. Even though they could communicate, she still twisted Zhang Xuan's words on purpose and was even more arrogant than before.

Several couches in the house were broken by her. The emotion she conveyed was, "It's fluffier this way, so it's more comfortable to lie down." 

Due to her huge size, she ran at home like a tornado destroying a parking lot. If one was not careful, they would get hurt by the mess.

Although the cost of replacing the furniture was not much compared to the income of earth spirit crystals, he could not afford to keep buying. In the end, he could only throw it away as a threat to make her behave.

At first, this method was really useful. However, the little fellow felt wronged and stopped for a day or two. After seeing that Zhang Xuan didn't have any such thoughts and was only scaring her, she started to act wild again. She even started to be a little emotional and was even more boisterous than before.

Because of this, Zhang Xuan had a huge headache.