
My Falling Star

Will I truly wed this man who cherished my sister? I can't help but want to be with him and by my side. Will he still choose me, nonetheless, given that he is aware of the lies and deceptions I have told? I wished that he would be my falling star in the night. However, he doesn't seem to. He seems to be seeking retribution for my deceit.

PinkPearlz · Urban
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70 Chs

Love's Fragile Wings

Chloe sighed, her gaze drifting off into the distance as she recounted the events that had transpired.

"It was supposed to be a night of celebration, you know? But then, everything changed when he popped the question."

Sushi's eyes widened in disbelief. "He proposed to you? But why is that terrible?"

Chloe responded, "You already know why I can't accept him when he proposed to me. So I rejected him and went to the upper deck to simply stare at the stars, After a while, he returned upstairs extremely inebriated, I was trying so hard to get away from him when he came so close to me and held me so tightly. However, he made an attempt to seem desperate and truly upset, and I nearly fell where he was on top of me."

After taking a deep breath and preparing herself to go through the upsetting recollections, Chloe went on, "It almost appeared like he was sexually assaulting me. I then shoved him aside, striking him in the rear rod and causing him to lose consciousness. After I joined him in the hospital, I took care of him. I was furious with him, but I was also heartbroken that he perceived him in that way."

He left the hospital right away the next day, suffering from a head injury. He looked through the airport before locating me. It was in front of our parents when he approached and hugged me. I pulled him aside and had a direct conversation with him. I expressed my regret to him for hitting him, but he felt more guilty for having done so. He continued to apologize to me. I reasoned that would be the best way to put him in the distance. Thus, I forcefully told him that I had never anticipated such behavior from him and forbade him from ever entering my life again."

"For that reason, he didn't get in touch with me again. However, I remembered that I had urged him to call my new number in case of an emergency since I felt awful for you. He is, after all, a buddy of mine, so even though I couldn't have hurt him, I did. However, I think he was truly ashamed, which is why he never gave a call to that number throughout the years. I'm hoping he managed to get out of it. You understand his mindset, right?" Chloe sighed to end the discussion.

"Chloe, truly feel bad not knowing about it for all these years. It has been awful for you both. Sushi began to cry and said, "I shouldn't have done that; I regret my past decisions."

"It's nothing like that," Chloe reassured her, "but don't repeat the same error. Before it got much messier, fix it. Though June is sensitive, I don't think he can take falsehoods and betrayals. When he realizes the reality, his hurt will only grow."

After finishing her call with her sister, Sushi quickly got in cab and went to June's place.

As she approached the front door, her hand hesitated before knocking. What would she say to June? How would he react to her sudden appearance? Pushing aside her doubts, Sushi raised her hand and rapped sharply on the door, the sound echoing through the stillness of the night.

"Chloe? How come you're here?" June expressed worry at this late hour after being startled to discover sushi in that circumstance.

Sushi swallowed nervously, her resolve wavering for a moment before she found her voice. "I missed you", and she started crying and hugged him as she felt guilt towards him.

June's eyes widened in surprise at Sushi's sudden visit, and without hesitation, he enveloped her in a warm hug, sensing the distress that lingered within her. Leading her gently to the couch, he guided her to sit down, his arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders.

"Hey," he murmured softly, his voice filled with concern as he felt her trembling in his embrace. "It's okay, Chloe. I've got you."

He held her close, offering comfort as she gradually calmed herself, her tears slowing to a trickle. Handing her a glass of water, he encouraged her to take a sip, his touch gentle as he brushed away the tears staining her cheeks.

"I'm right here," he whispered reassuringly, his thumb tracing soothing circles on her cheek. "No more crying, okay? I am right here."

Once Sushi had regained her composure, June regarded her with a gentle expression, his concern evident in his eyes. "Now, tell me, what exactly happened? What's on your mind, Chloe?".

Sushi's voice trembled as she spoke, her words weighed down by a mixture of guilt and regret. "I'm sorry, June. I realize now that I haven't been kind to you since you returned. I've been a terrible person."

Her eyes glistened with unshed tears as she continued, "But, why didn't you reach out to me after everything that happened?"

June gently took Sushi's hands in his own, his touch comforting as he met her gaze with a reassuring smile. "Sushi, why dwell on the past? What's done is done, and we've both grown since then. We're in a good place now, aren't we? And hey, we're not just good, we're great. So great, in fact, that I can't imagine my life without you."

His words were filled with sincerity and warmth, his eyes reflecting the depth of his feelings. "And about getting married? Of course, we are. I've been waiting for this moment, Chloe. With you by my side, I know we can conquer anything."

"If that's truth, then why didn't you contact me sooner", Sushi asked again.

"I was terrified of causing you pain," June confessed softly, his hands cradling Sushi's face tenderly. "Every time I thought about reaching out, I couldn't shake the fear that I might hurt you again. The thought haunted me, kept me up at night."

His thumb brushed gently against her cheek, his touch tender as he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "So I waited, silently hoping that one day, we'd find our way back to each other.

"June, you could never hurt me," Sushi affirmed, her voice filled with conviction as she looked into his eyes. "You've always loved me, don't torture yourself."

A warm smile graced her lips as she reached out, intertwining her pinky finger with his. "From now on, I'll make sure you only have sweet dreams, ones filled with love and happiness. I promise."

"Thank you, Chloe, I thought I lost you forever." June murmured, his voice catching with emotion as tears welled up in his eyes. "Even when I didn't deserve it, you accepted me. I'll never forget that."

As Sushi gazed into June's eyes, her heart overflowed with empathy and longing. Without a word, she leaned in, her lips meeting his in a passionate kiss. Her hands caressed his face tenderly, mingling with his hair as tears streamed down her cheeks, with their shared emotions.

June responded eagerly, pulling her close until they were breathless with desire. With a gentle lift, he carried her to his room, their bodies entwined as they sank onto the bed, lost in the intensity of their connection. Every touch, every kiss, was a culmination of years of suppressed feelings finally finding release.

However, June suddenly withdrew from their intimacy, his look troubled as he sat up on the bed, leaving Sushi of what had prompted the quick shift.

Sushi, understanding June's struggle with recurring nightmares, moved closer to him, her heart full of compassion. With gentle hands, she began to unbutton her shirt, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"June, look at me," she whispered, her voice filled with tenderness. "You're not hurting me. You're bringing me happiness, so much happiness."

As she bared her heart to him, June met her gaze, his eyes reflecting a mixture of longing and uncertainty. But Sushi's words seemed to break through the darkness, and slowly, he allowed himself to be cradled in her arms, like a child seeking solace.

Wrapping him in a warm embrace, Sushi held him close, her soothing presence a balm to his troubled soul. His head nestled against her chest, finding comfort in the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.

Together, in that moment of shared vulnerability, they found solace and strength in each other's arms, their love transcending the shadows of the past.

Sushi and June seemed like two birds soaring across the sky that night as their bodies blended in a dance of desire and tenderness, their love a weak yet strong tie that kept them together.

With every caress and touch, they gave in to the depths of their desire, expressing their love for one another, and their hearts hammered in sync. On the other hand, their partnership was supported by the underlying fear of losing each other.

However, as they moved in harmony, their anxieties disappeared and were replaced by a strong sense of connection and trust. In that intimate hug, they found solace in the knowledge that no matter what challenges they faced, their love would always bring them home.