
My escape to him

Rebirth!!! Shouldnt the protogonist be happy about it . I DONT THINK SO. our protogonist is currently cursing the god his nine generation of family. She is swearing in her heart that if she will get a chance she will personally behead this annoying god. Was her life this scary that she really wanted to die again and really really started hating god and started cursing him like this?? Then answer will be a big 'NO' She can only do one thing now " Submit to fate for sometime and change a bit detail of her life as compare to previous one and then she can enjoy a bit and after that when she will be bored she can die agaain" " Seems like a nice plan!!!" But this little bit change will make her really surprised. The rebirth really gave a chance to not to get bored this time.

Thrishalaupadh1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs



The tickking of the clock, sound of water drops falling can only be heard. As a certain someone slowly opened her eyes, her gaze met with something familiar. A room not big but enough to have a bed fit inside, windows tightly shut with no curtains. A little light comming inside from the closed window glass. The place was completely silent.

A certain someone after staring at those familiar things "_"

A certain someones first words " what the fuck!!!!!"


That certain someone ran towards the hall then towards the kitchen then towards the bathroom then towards the toilet and finally back to little bedroom. In her suprised yet shocked state, she switched on the light and the first thing that entered her eyes were the image being reflected on the big but not wide rectangualr shaped mirror.

A certain someone zooming herself in front of mirror . Next second her small hands touched her two little lemons and she angrily shouted " My footballs are lost... AHHHHHH....."

The next second her mind crashed. wait this isnt the main problem. The main problem is " I AM ALIVE"



A certain someone ran out of her tiny doors. Upon getting out she can clearly see that the sky is a bit pink in colour. Its evening!! But the main thing is that she is standing at a very familiar place. wait... The familiar place isnt the problem the problem is : She is looking young and currently present in her very very old rented house.

Offcourse becoming young again is nice but again becoming alive is full of crap.

After a lot of thinking a certain someone came to a decent conclusion about her situation " Like a lot of lovable novels she had read so far and enjoyed greatly, she also miraculously have a rebirth!!!!"

Mainly people will get happy in those novels and appreciate god and will start their revenge plan and will swear for a lot of killing but a certain someone is currently crying loudly like a 4 year old toddler and rolling on ground and even pulling her hairs.


After an hour our little todller is finally bored of crying and decided to sit calmly. But she cant help but curse the god. Her thinkings were " Like in novels god got bored or pitied someone thus goving a second chance. The latter reason was atleast a bit better. But the previous was bullshit. "

According to certain someone that stupid god was bored so that stupid god gave a second chance which she really dont want.

Her long term planned peaceful sucide was destroyed by that stupid god. A certain someome's next plan : Lets hang on this ceiling. It wont be that painful.

Smiling like a michieve kid showing her little cannine teeths a certain someone put a little knot on ceiling then stood on the chair which was kept on bed. Then put the fine cloth hanging from celing around her neck. With a proud expression, showed her middle finger towards the sky ( obviously abusing the god) then pushed the chair hence hanged herself. A certain someone was struggling, it was a bit painful but the next second the cloth got tore off . Yes the hard cloth was torn. A certain someone fell on her bed and grasped for air. Her face had became full red. To her amazement , the cloth that she used to die was now burning in blue flames. Then she heard a very arrogant sound of a certain old man " You impudent!! You dare to disrespect my gift of second chance."

A certain someone who should be starteled and surprised actually stood up and held her neck that was in pain and shouted " You fucking old man dared to destroy my plan again."

The supreme god -_-

A certain someone still angrily looking above. The supreme god finally said " Little child you cant take your life yourself before 6 years. Thats my blessing little child."

A certain someone's mind became blank and glared at top then shouted " You got to be kidding me, you stupid old man."

A certain supreme god's voice contained a bit of naughtiness and a bit of arrogant tone " Hahaaa i am seroious little child. I will visit again until then enjoy little child." The god's sound echoched in her ears and then faintly his sound getting far away.

A certain someone again started crying like a toddler and this time she was hitting her head and cursing " You fucking old man , wait for me to become a spirit , i will drag you to hell with me personally."

And hence a certain someone has to accept this unwanted gift "REBIRTH" personally given by our supreme god.

After crying heavilly for her misfortune and sorting her thoughts out , a certain someone checked the time. It was currently 6 :00 pm and it was the time her mother arrives back at home.

A certain someone washed her face and destroyed evidence of her crying episode ,then clearly started thinking about her next 6 years. She was again set to sucide after 6 years in that beautiful blue sea.

so for now she can try to remember her situation of this time. ' Her name is eveline yang , a 14 year old girl , currently studing in a private school near her house , she is attending her 9th standard. Her family consist of her mother who use to work for a private company, her father who is basically doing a very low job and her brother two years younger than her. Its going to be end of her summer holidays. She has joined a taekwondo class last week according to her memory. This short taekwondo class will make her life more messy. She is currently single , virgin, a bud which is not close to beauty. According to her memory she should have a crush on her old classmate which already left her school a year earlier from now. His name was chen yulli something. '

As she was trying to organise her memory ,there was a knock on her door. she stood up and opened the door and she saw her mother standing at door. Her mother came inside and looked a bit tired. Our little eveline obediently poured a glass of water for her mother. As eveline still want to make plans for her future , she told her mother that she is sitting outside on stairs .

As she sat on little stairs made of white tiles her mind started making plans and sorting out her memory. At last our little eveline came to an easy conclusion " For now lets follow the flow."


A certain author : You little bastard why to think this much when your answer didnt required any IQ