
Losing a child always hurts

No matter the stage "

Women upon finding out that she is pregnant

For the most part she causes him happiness and perhaps fear.

We began to get the idea of ​​having the baby in our arms and at the same time taking a great love from him from the first moment.

But there are risks of losses

The first few months are the most likely for a loss to happen, be it miscarriage or some other reason.

People have taken it upon themselves to normalize this early loss as something insignificant because the baby was not yet well formed and here is where they are wrong

A mother loves her child from the first moment she finds out that she is pregnant, the pain is the same or perhaps more than when she has a loss of an already formed baby, this depends on the woman.

Let's not be unaware!

a mother suffers the death of a child no matter what stage she was in, it is her child.

In these cases, the lack of support is immense and that feeling within that woman and a father is strong that they want to be hugged.

A loss will never be easy and more so when a couple plans to have a baby and then hopelessly lose it just like that.

Keep in mind that losses hurt no matter what stage is there.

And your wife, who you saw a loss, suffered or are suffering, is not alone God is wonderful and that baby that was not yet formed had life, so you have a baby in heaven that God will give you in your arms.

Maybe you did not get to name it or you put it, maybe you did not know what sex it had, but that does not mean that it is your baby.

This book is made for all of us who go through this pain.