
The city's situation

In the dipalitated castle nestled within the city of Bathsheba, Ryan found himself in the castle's office, Gilbert at his side.

Ryan had been at the castle for several hours, during which time he managed a brief conversation with some high-ranking officials from the Thornvale region who had come to visit. However, Ryan kept the exchange brief, wary of their intentions, suspecting they might be corrupt elements he'd eventually need to deal with. Aside from that, Ryan had the opportunity to sample the local cuisine—primarily fruits and vegetables—which, to his surprise, was quite palatable, especially considering he had braced himself for the worst.

Seeking insight into the state of affairs in both Thornvale and Bathsheba, Ryan turned to Gilbert.

Gilbert responded with candid concern, "I must admit, my Lord, this is my first visit to Bathsheba. The reality here is far grimmer than the rumors that had reached the capital suggested."

Ryan remained silent, absorbing the gravity of Gilbert's words, while Gilbert observed him quietly. Despite the challenging circumstances, it was evident to Gilbert that Ryan was deeply committed to his duties.

"Let's step outside and gauge the state of this city ourselves," Ryan proposed, catching Gilbert slightly off guard.

"Understood," Gilbert replied with a compliant nod. Together, they departed from the castle, making their way into the village beyond its walls.

As they ventured forth, Gilbert shared his insights on the Thornvale region with Ryan. "Apart from the city of Bathsheba, which stands as the only notable city in Thornvale, the region is dotted with various tribes, the exact number of which remains unknown."

"Unknown, you say? So, if the kingdom hasn't got a tally, it's safe to assume these tribes aren't under royal jurisdiction?" Ryan inquired, his brows knitting together in thought.

"Exactly, Your Highness," Gilbert confirmed. "Moreover, Bathsheba or Thornvale as whole, is well-regarded among merchants. They procure forageable goods here at low prices. The region of Thornvale is not only rich in such resources but also boasts a wealth of leafy greens and herbs."

Ryan pondered this as they left the castle's confines. "If the city has access to these resources, why does it remain impoverished?"

Gilbert sighed, "The city may have resources, Your Highness, but it's the tribes in the surrounding areas of Thornvale who manage to sell these goods to merchants at more attractive rates."

"They're trading with the tribes?" Ryan echoed, surprised.

"Yes, Your Highness," Gilbert confirmed. "It's believed the tribes place little value on money. Merchants often trade goods acquired cheaply from the capital or other kingdom cities—items like furniture, or even food—for these resources."

Ryan, puzzled, asked, "Given this information is known, surely the royal family and their ministers are aware?"

Gilbert looked confused. "I'm familiar with the royal family, Your Highness, but I'm not sure what is the term 'Ministers' you're referring to."

Ryan chuckled dryly, realizing the term 'minister' might not align with the vernacular of this new world he found himself in. "Never mind that. Just tell me, isn't the royal family aware of this situation?"

Gilbert let out a sigh, "Sadly, Your Highness, neither the royal family nor the royal council, nor even the citizens of Valthorn show concern for Bathsheba's welfare. The merchants, who opt to trade with the tribes rather than Bathsheba, hold significant influence due to their wealth, seem to have swayed the kingdom's indifference."

Internalizing these revelations, Ryan couldn't help but chuckle to himself. "It appears the kingdom of Valthorn doesn't see Bathsheba as a true part of its domain, does it?"

As they conversed, Ryan and Gilbert navigated the cluttered and unkempt streets of Bathsheba. The sight of them prompted the locals, who were going about their daily routines, to quickly retreat into their small, crumbling homes.

Ryan couldn't help but notice the apprehension in the air. He turned to Gilbert, "It seems the locals are quite wary of us, don't you think?"

Gilbert agreed, "It does appear so, Your Highness."

Ryan then shared his concern, "As the new lord of this city, how can I govern and serve my people if they're afraid of me? I need to understand this city better, to be guided by its people. Who will help us navigate and grasp the full extent of the situation here?"

Gilbert was visibly surprised by Ryan's words, reflecting on how much Ryan had changed. He remembered how, just days ago, Ryan had pleaded with the king, begging not to be sent to this remote city. Yet now, here he was, showing genuine concern for his new subjects.

Ryan sought to confirm some facts, turning back to Gilbert, "The Magistrate mentioned that the city's population is 738, correct?"

"Yes, Your Highness, that's correct," Gilbert replied, impressed by Ryan's memory and newfound resolve.

It was clear to Gilbert that Prince Ryan had come to terms with his fate, ready to embrace his role as the ruler of Bathsheba and the Thornvale region at large.

"We need someone from Bathsheba to show us around and help us truly understand this city. I prefer not to rely on officials who may have their own agendas. Hearing directly from the residents about their experiences and getting their guidance is what I'm after," Ryan explained, then continued with a hopeful expression, "Let's gather the citizens in the square. I wish to speak with them directly, to connect with my subjects."

Despite its appearance as a small village, Bathsheba boasted a square, an open area built by previous lords as a communal gathering space for its citizens.

Although not as expansive as those found in other cities within the Kingdom of Valthorn, it was amply sized to hold the city's population of 738.

Gilbert, observing the prince's initiative, felt a surge of admiration for the change in him, thinking to himself, "Lady Elena would be proud to see this," feeling a sense of joy at the prince's positive transformation.

As these thoughts passed through Gilbert's mind, Ryan was taken aback by a sudden, internal mechanical announcement: [Ding! The "Leadership" skill gained 0.10 XP! Level: 1.10!]

Puzzled by this unexpected notification, Ryan wondered, "What exactly did I do to earn experience points in leadership?"