
Major Mission Accomplished

Ryan captured the tavern owner, his three subordinates, and the five elders. Aware of the potential trouble these captives could cause, Ryan knocked them unconscious to prevent any resistance, ensuring a smoother operation.

Meanwhile, Sid, one of Ryan's soldiers, continued to stir up trouble. Despite this, they managed to exit the tavern with minimal difficulty. Accompanying Ryan and his soldiers was a mysterious figure, clad in a robe and hood, along with the captives.

As Ryan and his men, followed by a mysterious figure, navigated through the city's uneven streets with their captives, they were fortunate that it was night and the streets were nearly empty. They managed to approach the castle undetected. Just as they neared the fortress, a mechanical voice echoed in Ryan's mind:

[The Major Mission: Strategize to Address Corruption — Completed!]

[Reward: 1000 XP! 7 Points!]

[Bonus Reward! You have received a blueprint: Kiln.]

Upon hearing this, Ryan quickly accessed his system status to view his rewards. He was particularly thrilled about the unexpected bonus reward.

[Race: Human

Name: Ryan Fitzroy

Title: The Reborn Prince, Lord of Bathsheba

Location: Bathsheba, Thornvale

Role: System User/Prince/Lord

System Level: 2

Experience: 1080.30/1000]

[Congratulations! You have gathered enough experience points to level up your system.]


- Strength: 8

- Agility: 8

- Intelligence: 13

- Wisdom: 11

- Charisma: 12

- Luck: 12

Available Points: 7

Current XP: 1080.30]

[Bonus Reward: Kiln Blueprint!]

[Would you like to claim your bonus reward now?]

[Yes] [No]

Ryan's face lit up with a smile, though he chose not to claim the bonus reward just yet.

The kiln blueprint he'd received could revolutionize various industries, from cement and lime production to pottery, ceramics, glass making, metallurgy, tile and brick manufacturing, food preservation, and even charcoal production...

The technology was potentially groundbreaking, yet Ryan was uncertain whether the kiln blueprint could actually achieve and sustain the high temperatures necessary for efficient operation. Without the ability to maintain adequate heat, no amount of charcoal or coal would make the kiln as effective as Ryan hoped.

Lost in his contemplations, Ryan was suddenly brought back to reality when the cloaked figure beside him spoke, expressing gratitude for the rescue.

Turning towards the voice, Ryan observed the figure cloaked in a robe, her head shrouded in a hood. From just the contour of her lips, he could tell she was a young woman. Even with her face partly obscured by shadows, the visible portion of her lower face hinted at her beauty.

Indeed, she was the elf Ryan had inadvertently rescued during the apprehension of the corrupt elders.

"Don't dwell on it too much," Ryan said with a casual smile. "Honestly, rescuing you wasn't my main goal; it just happened that you were there and got swept up in the action." As he spoke, he tried to catch a glimpse of her distinctive elven ear, but it remained hidden under her hood.

"Nevertheless, I am thankful. Without your intervention, I might have..." Her voice trailed off, laden with concern and solemnity.

Upon entering the castle, Claude, the captain of Ryan's soldiers, approached. "Your Highness, we have secured the prisoners in the castle's dungeon," he reported.

Ryan nodded in approval. "Good. Now, go and check on the other team that was sent to apprehend the remaining officials."

"Understood!" Claude responded with a salute before departing from the castle, leaving Ryan alone with the elf.

Turning to her, Ryan inquired, "So, you're an elf, correct?"

The elf nodded in affirmation, and Ryan continued, "Why were you captured? I was informed by my men earlier that elves are quite rare, even in the capital of Valthorn. What brings you here?"

With a heavy sigh, the elf began, "It's a long story..."

Ryan listened attentively as she unfolded her narrative.

Her name was Nalia. She and her companions set out from the Kingdom of Eldoria, located at the western border, venturing into the Mystwood Domain, which lies adjacent to the Thornvale region of the Kingdom of Valthorn. Their journey took a perilous turn when they encountered powerful magical beasts. In the ensuing chaos, they were scattered, leaving Nalia alone and weakened. Disoriented in the vast expanses of the Great Eldertree Forest, she lacked the strength to fend off the beasts. Even the sight of a goblin sent her fleeing in fear.

Struggling to survive, Nalia resorted to hunting smaller, weaker animals for food. She maintained her hygiene and changed into the spare clothes she had prepared, managing to survive despite her vulnerable state. Unfortunately, her weakened condition made her an easy target, and she was eventually captured by a group of tribespeople who handed her over to the tavern owner in Bathsheba.

As Ryan listened to her tale, he reflected on the complexity of the region. He remembered that the Thornvale region, vast as it was, formed just a part of the even larger Great Eldertree Forest. This immense forest was divided among four kingdoms, each holding sovereignty over its respective portion. This division was a strategic agreement, enabling each kingdom to exploit the forest's resources, maintain peace through clear boundaries, and provide mutual defense against external threats. It represented a delicate balance of power, ensuring that no single kingdom could claim dominion over the entire forest, thus promoting stability and cooperation among the neighboring realms.


After his conversation with Nalia, Gilbert and the rest of the soldiers who were with him came back and informed Ryan that they had successfully imprisoned the three officials in the castle's dungeon.

"Your Highness, are you certain about this?" Gilbert inquired, concern evident in his voice. "Won't the citizens grow suspicious if their officials suddenly disappear?"

Ryan simply smiled and replied, "It doesn't matter. I plan to present the corrupt officials to the public in the city square and explain the entire situation to them."

Gilbert and the rest of the soldiers looked at each other, taken aback by Ryan's bold strategy.