
Everything is proceeding as planned

The right and left teams were on edge, awaiting Ryan's signal. Ryan, with keen eyes, assessed the battlefield, making sure the forward team had successfully monopolized the enemy's focus. Once satisfied, he gave the command — a sharp, decisive drop of his clenched fist.

This was the moment the flank teams had been waiting for. Seizing the opportunity, they surged from the sides, capitalizing on the chaos sown by the forward team.

The sudden onslaught took the tavern owner, his three men, and the city elders by complete surprise. Their tight formation shattered, along with their morale, as the realization dawned upon them: their adversaries had cleverly orchestrated this division.

"Watch out!"

"Damn, Fal's been hit!"

"Olav's down too!"

The cries of alarm and frustration echoed from the tavern owner's ranks.

Cog glanced over at his men, now struggling with their injuries.

"Great, Cog, your hiring skills are impeccable," Pommel said sarcastically, clearly frustrated by their worsening predicament.

"We're losing ground here!" Ealric shouted, dismayed by their forced retreat.

"Who are you people? Why this attack?" Slyff demanded, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"You do realize who we are, right? We hold significant power in this city!" Piri tried to bluster, hoping to intimidate their attackers.

Despite their attempts at threats, the elders and the tavern owner found themselves increasingly outmatched and isolated by Ryan's well-coordinated soldiers. Even the tavern owner's most formidable men were systematically disarmed.

Ryan then took this as an opportunity to engage directly with Cog, seeking not just to confront but to learn from the encounter. With a nod to the soldier engaging Cog, Ryan stepped forward, intent on testing his own combat skills against the tavern owner. This move was not just about gaining the upper hand in the fight but about Ryan pushing his own limits, experiencing real combat first-hand.

While the city elders urged Cog to seize the chance to take down Ryan, hoping to turn the tide in their favor, Cog himself seemed inclined to act on their advice. However, perhaps due to years away from the fray, his response was sluggish, and he found himself outmatched by Ryan.

The clash of steel rang out as Ryan and Cog exchanged a series of blows, each seeking the upper hand. Ryan, ever observant, quickly identified a gap in Cog's defense. Seizing the moment, Ryan launched a decisive attack, his blade striking Cog's right side with precision.

Cog grimaced, his sword slipping from his grip as he clutched his wound, the pain evident in his expression.

Meanwhile, Ryan's soldiers had effectively cornered the five elders, leaving them no option but to surrender. As they cast aside their weapons, the other soldiers swiftly detained the tavern owner and his men.

Slyff, his gaze heavy with defeat, turned to Ryan, the unmasked leader of their assailants. "Why are you doing this?" he inquired, his voice tinged with desperation. Receiving no immediate reply, he hastily offered, "Just leave us in peace, and we'll pay you 20 gold pieces!"

Ryan's only response was a bemused smile.

"Is 20 gold not sufficient? Then we'll double it to 40 gold! But that's all we can afford!" Slyff pressed, hoping to negotiate their freedom.

"And where might this 40 gold be?" Ryan retorted, amusement clear in his voice.

"In our homes. Release us, and the gold is yours," Slyff started to explain, only to be cut off.

"Enough games. Do you think me a fool? The moment we let you go, you'll rally the city against us," Ryan replied, his tone light yet firm, seeing through the desperation in Slyff's offer.

There was a moment of heavy silence before Slyff and the other elders, driven by desperation, came up with a new proposition.

"What if... What if we offer you the elf instead? How does that sound?" Slyff proposed, gesturing towards the elf confined within the cage.

"Yeah, take the elf, just let us walk free!" Pommel added, his voice betraying a hint of regret at the thought of surrendering the elf.

Ryan pondered their offer, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

The elders looked at one another, sensing a potential breakthrough. Slyff added, "In addition to the elf, we'll throw in the 40 gold pieces!"

However, the elf protested from her cage, "Don't listen to them! They're deceiving you!"

The elders snapped at her, telling her to be silent, their frustration evident.

Ryan, still smiling, cut through the tension. "Thank you for the offers, but," he paused, his gaze sweeping over them, "I can just as easily take both the elf and your riches without releasing any of you."

Slyff and the elders were struck with horror at Ryan's calm declaration.

"Please, we'll do anything!" they pleaded, their earlier defiance crumbling into desperation as they fell to their knees.

As Ryan signaled his soldiers to close in, the kneeling elders transitioned from begging to hurling insults and threats in a frenzied panic.

"You heartless fiend! Who even are you? Why are you doing this to us?"

"You'll regret this if I make it out alive – you're a dead man!"

"You're making a grave mistake!"

"Show your face! If you're so bold, reveal who you are!"

Their voices were a mix of fear, anger, and desperation as they faced the consequences of their actions, all the while Ryan remained composed, unmoved by their threats and pleas.

Ryan offered a serene smile to the bewildered elders as he slowly removed his mask and hood, revealing his identity under their astonished gazes.

"Hehe... Apologies, elders. It's me, your lord," Ryan casually announced, the corners of his mouth lifting in a subtle grin.

"Lord Ryan Fitzroy!" Slyff stammered, his voice quivering with shock.

"Why... Why are you doing this?" Pommel managed to ask, his disbelief palpable.

"Please, Lord! You're arresting your own people! What is the meaning of this?" Ealric cried out, his voice laden with confusion and disbelief.

The elders continued their relentless questioning, their anxiety growing as they were detained by Ryan's soldiers.

"Why am I doing this?" Ryan mused with a smile, pausing dramatically. "You'll find out soon enough."

As Ryan spoke, Slyff burst out, "Lord! Have you considered the consequences? What will the other officials think if they find out about this?"

Piri, with a tone of grave certainty, added, "I once respected you as a member of the royal family, but this... If our subordinates find out, your highness, you'll find yourself in deep trouble."

"He's nothing but a bastard. The king, the royal family, and the council won't care what happens to him here," Ealric sneered with contempt.

Hearing their threats and scoffs, Ryan simply replied with a calm, reassuring smile, "Don't worry about me, esteemed elders."

The room fell silent at his composure.

Then, Ryan delivered another shock. "You see, besides arresting you, my men are currently dealing with your 'subordinates.'"

The elders exchanged horrified looks, Slyff shaking his head in disbelief. "No, you must be bluffing!"

"Absolutely, he's just trying to scare us!"

Despite their accusations, Ryan remained unfazed, simply replying, "Whether I'm bluffing or not, you'll all find out soon enough."

Silence ensued as the elders exchanged anxious glances, pondering the truth of Ryan's words.


Meanwhile, at the residences of the other three corrupt officials, Gilbert, under Ryan's orders, led a covert operation. His task was to silently infiltrate each official's home and secure their swift arrest.

As for their families, their fate would be determined by Ryan after the completion of his overarching plan.