
My Dragon and My Demon System: The Reincarnated God

"Once afraid of the dark, now I dance with its mysteries." ------------ In a realm where vengeance meets.destiny,Arion emerges from the Land of the dead, a soul reborn from tragedy(died as a child and reborn as a young man). His family was slaughtered, being victim of demonic possession, while he, untouched by darkness, was also condemned. As a formidable mountain god, his sole purpose is revenge upon Golangane's four sect leaders who executed merciless orders. Yet, an encounter with Heka, the leader of one of these sects, unexpectedly entwines their fates. Arion's relentless pursuit of justice becomes complicated when he bonds with Liora, Heka's enchanting daughter. Love collides with vengeance, challenging Arion's quest. Will he avenge his family or succumb to the allure of romance? Unearthing secrets, his relentless pursuit uncovers a path to reshape destiny. Will he find solace in revenge or let love redefine his rebirth's purpose? Discover the captivating world of Arion's choices in this gripping tale of revenge, romance and destiny. Volume 001 — Becoming the strongest mage. Status — Completed. Volume 002 — Demon System Activated. Status — Ongoing...... ------- This is my WSA entry. Please give me full support. Power stones are deeply appreciated, as well as Golden tickets! 2 golden tickets= mass release of 2 chapters. 10 golden tickets= 6 chapters in the following two days Top 100 golden ranking= 4 chapters in the following four days. Any gift results in additional 1 chapter on the day it's sent. ------+ I hope you enjoy the novel @kutley

Kutley · Fantasy
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52 Chs

A Stab in the heart

Liora's heart shattered as she beheld her father lying in a pool of his own blood, her emotions spiraling out of control.

"No, it can't be," she mumbled, tears streaming down her face as she shook her head in disbelief.

In the blink of an eye, Arion vaulted over the fence, prompting Liora to question, "How...how could he?"

Demons and Heka disciples joined the chase, determined to make him atone for his actions.

Amidst the chaos, the demon general awoke to find Lysander surrounded by a pool of blood and water, his heart sinking with despair.

"This can't be another nightmare! My-my father!" Tears welled in Liora's eyes as she rushed to her fallen father's side, her voice trembling with desperation.

"Father...please look at me!" Liora cried, her hands shaking as she reached out to him. "How...how are you feeling? We need to find a doctor or...or something..."

"Daughter," Lysander faintly spoke, his voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart. He touched her cheek weakly, his face pale with pain. "I apologize for not being able to protect you further. I'm sorry, my dear daughter. Promise me you'll stay safe, even if it means running away from danger."

As her father's eyes closed, Liora's world shattered around her. She pounded his chest desperately, pleading, "Father, please wake up! Don't leave me... Wake up! Wake up! Please, father!"

Witnessing Liora's agony, Immortal Jasmin felt a pang of sadness, tears welling in his eyes as he observed the heartbreaking scene.

The demon general broke free from Jasmin's enchantment, his rage palpable as he clenched his sword tightly in his hand.

"You still want to fight?!" Immortal Jasmin exclaimed in frustration. "Haven't you seen what's happened?!"

"It was that psychopath, right?!" the general fumed, his anger boiling over. "Tell me, did that jerk kill him?! Was it HIM?!"

Immortal Jasmin sighed heavily, shaking his head in dismay. As he walked past the demon general, he vowed to capture Arion and bring him to justice.

As he leaped into the air, he felt the crystalline dagger Liora had given him slip from his grasp, a poignant reminder of the turmoil surrounding them.

Thorian arrived unannounced at the palace, catching the emperor off guard. Sensing a potential complaint, the emperor greeted Thorian with surprise. Thorian, standing beside the Bandu sect leader, bowed respectfully.

"Any reports today, Lord Elasander Stormwaden? I am surprised to see you!" the emperor remarked with curiosity. Thorian, inwardly smirking, conjured a silver cup.

"Your majesty, I obtained a pair of mysterious cups. Just state your preferred drink, and you can enjoy it fully," Thorian suggested smoothly.

"That's considerate. I'll instruct the palace maids to safeguard it," the emperor responded, attempting composure.

Thorian suggested, "Why not try it now, your majesty? Bandu sect leader would be excited to see how it works."

He shifted his icy glare at the sect leader.

"Consider it my heartfelt gift and have a sip from it," Thorian pressured.

The emperor, intrigued, agreed to try it. Thorian sent the cup to the emperor's table and loudly called for Yaksan wine, causing the liquid to flow into the cup mysteriously. The emperor, amazed by the spectacle, asked for an explanation.

"Yaksan wine, made from freshly preserved tea leaves and sunflower flavor, perfect for refreshing in this weather, your majesty," Thorian explained, hiding his hidden smirk. Meanwhile, the Bandu sect leader observed Thorian's left hand movement under his cloth, sensing something amiss.

In the forest behind the Heka sect, chaos ensued as furious men closed in on Arion. Immortal Jasmin arrived, surprised to find the general appearing behind him.

Meanwhile, Caelum and Darian were en route to visit Liora when they stumbled upon the scene. Observing the situation, they realized the central figure was Arion.

Darian, concerned about the involvement of other men among the Heka disciples, discussed with Caelum.

"Who do you think those men are? Why are they after... the 'unemotional' guy?" Darian inquired, puzzled by the unfolding events.

Caelum, noting the dragonfly symbol on their swords, exclusive to the demon realm, implied Arion's serious offense.

"He must have committed a grave offense, not only to the demons but also to the Heka sect," Caelum deduced, rubbing his jaw thoughtfully. "This has me thinking; what could he have done to warrant outsiders' intervention? And where is the representation from the Heka sect? Could it be...?"

Arion, amidst the chaos, raised his sword, channeling thunder along its sharpened edges before slamming it into the ground, sending the surrounding men flying against trees. In the midst of the chaos, the demon general and Immortal Jasmin soared into the air.

"He's killing people! He is running wild, Caelum!" exclaimed Darian, his voice filled with urgency and concern.

Suspicion arose in the Bandu sect leader, prompting him to address Thorian, who seemed preoccupied with something under his cloth.

"Is everything alright? Do you need assistance?" the Bandu sect leader inquired, noticing Thorian's constant hand movement.

Thorian, with a glare, revealed the bell in his hand, dismissing the sect leader's concern. "I am fine. There's no need for interference," he retorted sharply.

The sect leader, undeterred, observed Thorian's treasures, including the auto-fill cup, and asked about its purpose, sensing something amiss.

"I use it for purposes beyond your comprehension, much like the current situation," Thorian scoffed cryptically.

Meanwhile, Caelum sensed abnormalities in Arion's behavior and intervened in the fight, leaping into action.

However,vArion swiftly dodged his attack.

"He's fast," Caelum thought to himself as he landed with surprise, assessing the situation.

Concerned about the involvement of the Heka disciples, Caelum pondered their absence and the seriousness of Arion's offense.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Caelum instructed Darian to check on Liora, who promptly disappeared from sight.

Immortal Jasmin conjured a bow and arrow, aiming at Arion, but Caelum intercepted the attack, determined to protect his friend.

"I can't let you harm my friend. First, tell me what he has done," Caelum declared boldly, unaware of the impending danger.

Immortal Jasmin explained the dire situation, revealing that Arion was being manipulated by demonic forces and posed a grave threat to everyone around him.

A procession of mages gathered at the palace, flanking Thorian and the Bandu sect leader, as the emperor addressed them with an important announcement.

As the emperor revealed his intention to abdicate in favor of his son, shock rippled through the assembled mages. Thorian silently protested against the decision, clenching his fist in frustration.

Meanwhile, Darian discovered a tragic scene in the Heka sect compound, where Liora wept beside her father's lifeless form.

Darian, overwhelmed with disbelief, questioned the reality of the situation, hoping it was just a nightmare.

As Liora clung to her father, screaming in anguish, Darian held her close, offering what little comfort he could.

Struggling to console Liora, Darian apologized for not arriving sooner, his heart heavy with anger towards Arion.

"But how could he?! How could that do this?!"

Elsewhere, Arion found himself bound to a tree, unable to break free, while Immortal Jasmin and the others approached him, preparing to confront the demonic forces controlling him.

Caelum suggested transporting Arion to the palace for punishment, prompting a discussion about the seriousness of the situation and the need for intervention from the Golangane faction.

Caelum questioned the seriousness of the situation, his voice tinged with disbelief, as he noted that Arion had only rendered the men unconscious.

"The demonic power controlling him is so strong that even with his immense strength, he couldn't prevent his sword from stabbing the Heka sect leader," explained Jasmin solemnly, his gaze grave with concern.

The revelation hit Caelum like a thunderbolt. "WHAT?!" he exclaimed, his emotions swirling into a mix of tears and anger.

Meanwhile, Arion broke free from the imaginary rope, unleashing a surge of magical energy that sent all three of them crashing to the ground.

Caelum's eyes reddened with a fierce determination as he gripped his sword tightly, his heart pounding with resolve. With swift determination, he charged towards Arion, his mind clouded with a torrent of emotions.

But just as Caelum was about to strike, time seemed to freeze around them. Immortal Jasmin and the demon general were also frozen in their actions, trapped in a moment of suspended animation.

Seizing the opportunity, Arion bent down and retrieved his sword, igniting flames upon its blade. With a steely determination, he raised the weapon high, poised to strike with the swiftness of the wind.

As the bell rang with a higher frequency in his head, Arion felt the weight of his pain and struggle pressing down on him. Despite his inner turmoil, he felt compelled to carry out his dark purpose.

However, before he could unleash his devastating blow, a sudden sharp pain surged through his back, jolting him back to reality with a brutal force.

"AHH!" Arion cried out, his voice echoing with agony.

A piercing sound played momentarily, intensifying Arion's distress as he cried out again. His sword slipped from his grasp, and his magical essence extinguished, leaving him vulnerable and defenseless.

Pain surged down his spine like an icy current, jolting him with a sensation akin to being electrocuted.

Turning around, Arion was startled to find Liora standing behind him, her hand gripping a dagger dripping with blood.

Confusion clouded his thoughts as he struggled to comprehend her actions. "Li...Lio...." he gasped, his voice choked with disbelief. "Why...why are you doing this???"

Liora's voice trembled with raw emotion as she shouted, "You killed my father! You are a monster! Die!" With fierce determination, she stabbed him straight in the chest, the blood splashing onto her clothes.

Arion's mind raced with conflicting emotions.

He felt an agonizing surge of searing pain shoot through his body, like fiery tendrils wrapping around his heart and squeezing it mercilessly.

How could he have known he was possessed when he took her parent's life? And how could Liora accept such a truth?

As he gazed into her eyes, memories of their shared past flooded his mind. He remembered the days they had spent together, the laughter and the love they had shared.

But amidst those memories, there was also pain. He recalled their first meeting, when accusations and misunderstandings had marred their relationship.

Despite the hurt, Arion knew that Liora had changed him in ways he never thought possible. She had given him a reason to live, a purpose to strive for.

Yet now, as he lay dying at her hands, he couldn't help but feel a profound sense of loss. He knew that he would never have another chance at reincarnation.

With a gentle touch, Arion grabbed the dagger and pushed it further into his chest, his heart heavy with sorrow.

"Huh...." Liora whimpered, her voice barely audible over the tumult of emotions.

His body shifted backward, and he fell to the ground, lifeless and still. As the reality of his death settled over them, everyone present was left stunned and speechless.

Liora trembled, her heart aching with a pain that seemed unbearable.

Her eyes widened in horror, and she stumbled backwards, desperate to put as much distance as possible between herself and Arion.

Suddenly, the wind picked up, howling through the trees with an eerie intensity. Thunder grumbled ominously overhead, filling the palace with a sense of foreboding and curiosity about the sudden phenomenon.

Meanwhile, the sign that had appeared in the sky on the day the mountain god was reincarnated reappeared, casting an ominous glow before vanishing abruptly. Trees began to wilt, their leaves shriveling under an unseen force.

As Thorian gazed into the sky, a sinister grin spread across his face. "That's more like it now!" he thought to himself, relishing in the chaos he had unleashed.

The general assembly of mages hastily departed to address the unknown problem, leaving Thorian alone with the emperor. With a sly smirk, Thorian said out loudly, "Your Majesty! Apologies, but I've taken the liberty of spiking your drink. Your entire army has also been possessed by me."

In the forest, Liora and the others succumbed to the powerful gusts of wind, collapsing unconscious on the forest floor.

Darian stirred from his unconscious state, his head throbbing from the blow he had received earlier. As he blinked away the haze of confusion, he was met with the sight of the strange weather unfolding around him.

"Father, mother, what do I do now? I am on the verge of going insane," Liora thought desperately, her mind reeling as she struggled to make sense of the chaos engulfing her.

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