
My Domineering Husband

Since high school, Jin, a billionaire CEO, has neglected all the other women in his life in order to pursue Eunji, his dream girl. In his dreams, she wove an exciting future for them. But he was afraid to confess to her how he felt. Even though she had no feelings for him, Eunji, a cheerful young lady, agreed to date him. But he was too reserved for her. "He isn't my kind of guy" She gave up hope of ever seeing him again. Jin had plenty of time to catch her, but he let her slip through his grasp. In the end, he was left with nothing. Is this going to be the last chapter? Or is this the culmination of a fresh start that is about to begin? If he is shy, then why the Novel named 'Domineering Husband'? Find out reading the novel. MINE BOOK SERIES ★ My Playboy Is a Prince ★ My Domineering Husband ★ My Wicked Male Lead ═══════════════════════════ POINTS TO BE NOTED • [GOLD TIER WINNER in WFP#23] • No smut scenes uptill Chapter 10. • Read the auxiliary chapter if you are a New Reader. • This Novel features Mature and R-18 contents, however, no rape. • Join the author's server to discuss This Novel and get fanarts. • Any comments that are baseless and not meant for the novel will be Deleted. • Thanks for reading. ═══════════════════════════ Contact: •Discord - Tisha#6746 •Join my server - https://discord.gg/nzZuYFhVEX •Instagram - @imaginetishad , @tishad.arts , @mistress_of_leo SUPPORT ME: • https://ko-fi.com/imaginetishad • https://www.patreon.com/imagineTishaD For More https://linktr.ee/TishaD ═══════════════════════════ IF YOU ARE NOT READING THIS BOOK ON webnovel.com THEN THIS BOOK IS STOLEN BY THAT SITE. THE AUTHOR ONLY PUBLISH ON WEBNOVEL.

imagineTishaD · Urban
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32 Chs

She is willing?

"Second Young master?" the maid roared out in impatience.

"Ahh...What's wrong with you? What time is it?" grumbled the man who woke up just then spending the last night in the living room.

"It's 6am master. All the maids are about to come to work. You must unlock and check the first young master and miss." she pleaded.

"It's too early, let me sleep. I'll visit them after sometime. Let them make out properly." he hissed while he fell asleep again.

"Master stop snoring! You should go upstairs!" the helpless maid dragged her perverted master.

"Ahh... fine! Let's go and visit them."

They tiptoed toward Jin's room but couldn't hear any sound. Jay unlocked their door and opened it ajar just to have a glance of both love birds were still asleep and wrapped in each other's embrace.

He smirked and gestured to the maid to have a look, when the view came to her, just a smile of accomplishment played on her lips.

Jay closed their door and got back to his room. While the maid went back to prepare their breakfast.


The cold morning daylight fell on the two love birds entangled with each other which made Jin wake up suddenly recovering from his last night's unconsciousness, his eyes fluttering open but unlike last night, he was feeling hot instead of cold.

His eyes went wide the moment he saw Eunji in his arms. She was fast asleep and faced toward him. His left arm under her neck holding her tightly while the other on her waist. Eunji had her arms peacefully rested on his bare chest and her left leg entangled with his leg, so that his legs were between her legs.

Seeing the posture, Jin got scared that either he might have crossed the line or Eunji took advantage of him. But the little member between his legs invaded his thoughts.

He was aroused just by seeing Eunji in his arms wrapped in quilts and velvet duvets with his bare chest. He tried to move his hands from her waist but it made her snuggle in his chest. Jin couldn't remember anything about last night so he thought to enjoy the view until it was on his plate.

Jin caressed her blond hair slowly taking care of that he mustn't disturb her sleep, he grabbed her waist to bring her closer to him while caressing her legs with his.

"Hmmm" she moaned in her sleep, scaring Jin that he might have awakened her.

But he sighed when he realised it was just a moan in her sleep. He wanted to hear her moans, his body heat kept pulsating, adrenaline rushed into his blood making his little member harder.

He caressed her cheek followed by her slender neck and pale arms, which made her moan again. Being helpless in the arousal Jin positioned his lips and pressed them against the soft delicate lips of Eunji. The kiss was indeed short, cute, gentle and loving but he craved more of it. It was his first kiss which he saved for Eunji for so long.

Eunji's legs started moving slightly, rubbing his crotch. Jin covered his intimate member with his left hand and closed his eyes to act.

Her eyes fluttered open and the view of the handsome man lying next to her and holding her in his arms was all that visible to her.

"Good morning Mr. Jin" he thought she caught him, but she continued mumbling without expecting a reply, "thanks for holding me last night. I hope you are still unconscious, so before you wake up, I must take my leave."

She closed their distance and whispered to him, "I don't know if you can listen to me, but if you can be more open to me and not this much shy, I'll be more than happy to oblige to sleep with you Jin. I don't hate you, but I don't love you either."

She untangled their limbs and got out of bed, but turned to have a look at him for the last time, she muttered, "You look cute while you sleep. I'm looking forward to the next time. Thankfully you can't hear me." She giggled on her own.

"Make me fall in love with you. I'm sure you are a man of your heart" that was the last sentence he heard followed by the sound of his door knob and fading footsteps across the hall.

Jin opened one eye and tried to peep if she went. Upon realising that the night was over and to his dismay, she left him this morning.

The pang of disappointment hovered over him. He turned to his front and kept on gazing at the ceiling while he thought about the few last words that she left hanging in the air.

≈ Am I really that shy? Well, I'm just shy in front of you, I can't seem to help it. Maybe, I must change this for you. I must! ≈ he got off the bed headed to take a shower to clear his head.

He turned the faucet and decided to take a bath, he thought ≈ Is she willing to accept me as her husband? Her last words were to make her fall in love with me. If she's willing, then I must change for her. ≈

" .... "

After dressing up for his office, he couldn't find his phone that was supposed to be in his clothes' pocket. But then he caught the sight of his phone sitting on the bedside table.

He turned on his phone just to see the voice recorder screen popped up with a saved voice recording.

Jin made him seated on his sofa, and played that voice recording.

What will happen when he listens to the recording ?

To know it, read the next chapter


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