
My Disciple Are All Idiot Players

After being isekai'd for four years, He Yi Ming has finally become a Sect Master, activated the Strongest Sect System, and started to receive daily login rewards! What the system is summoning the souls of people from my original world and giving them a body to become the sect disciple! The atmosphere of the whole sect suddenly changed! Dark Soul Players: Although the starter town monsters one-shot us, but as long as we roll skillfully, it's easy to beat without taking a single damage! Chuunibyou Players: If you don't even have a single power seal within your body what even is the point of life!? Come and take my crash course on how to seal power within your body! Tower Defense Players: The swarm of monsters is coming! Protect the Sect Master! Everyone gets in formation, the archer tower, frost tower, and the flying sword formation are all locked and loaded, if we let even one loose then we're all eating shit! ............ Raw Novel Source-https://b.faloo.com/853689.html Cover Art Source-https://www.artstation.com/artwork/e0l8O6

Ayanami_Matou · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 21: You Guys Can't Be Serious?!

He Yi Ming saw that the growth rate of the spirit herb instantly accelerated tens of times faster and at a speed visible to the naked eye, the plant reach out toward the sun.

An aura of life slowly started to emit from the spirit herb.

Without the help of He Yi Ming's spirit energy, the spirit herb will take around a month to germinate, but now with the help of his spirit energy, it will take at most three days!

A tenfold increase!

Completely busted!

This was something only possible with the Azure Emperor Immortal Physique!


"One hundred low-grade spirit herbs with the time limit of three days...how in hell am I supposed to germinate this many spirit herbs in such a short amount of time!" He Yi Ming estimated that at most he can only germinate around a couple of dozen of low-grade spirit herbs in three days.

It would take a minimum of ten days to cultivate a hundred acres of spirit herb to germination if he did it alone.

"Let me give it a try!" After watching He Yi Ming's demonstration, Beef Noodle was itching to give it a try.

Gathering all his strength, Beef Noodle only managed to produce a small drop of cyan light that drip onto the spirit herb.

"Master, how long will it take for my spirit herb to germinate?"

"Twenty-nine days and twenty-three hours!"

He Yi Ming took a glance and calmly answered.

"Holy shit, it was only shortened by one hour?" Beef Noodle was disgusted, truly, utterly, and completely disgusted.

"In addition, if any disciples can find any items containing spirit energy, it can also be used to speed up the spirit herb germination!"

"Disciples, ganbare(go for it)!"

He Yi Ming smiled before he turned around and left.

"When it comes to killing monsters, maybe these players can still find a loophole against the stronger monsters!"

"But when it comes to farming, there is no way they can find any loophole!"

"It seems like, I'll have to do it myself!"


He Yi Ming thought to himself, and immediately returned to the sect hall to recover.

Due to the players' effort, He Yi Ming's fortune points have now exceeded 800 points.

Perfectly time for him to enter the Late Stage of Spirit Realm!

By entering the Late Stage of Spirit Realm and improving his Azure Emperor Immortal Physique, maybe there is a chance for him to germinate all 100 acres of spirit herbs within the three days time limit!

He Yi Ming exchange 500 fortune points for cultivation, the spirit energy within the air started to gather up and rush into He Yi Ming's body like a raging river!

He Yi Ming circulate his Azure Emperor Immortal Physique and started to frantically absorb the surrounding spirit energy.


"So, now what?" Beef Noodle looked at the other players and asked aimlessly.

"What do you mean by now what? Hurry up and come up with a plan! Are we really going to wait for a whole month? That's ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous, there is absolutley no way that I'm going to wait that long!" The crowd of players shook their heads in unison.

Are you kidding me, who in hell is going to wait a month to complete an in-game mission?

"According to Master, there are many ways to speed up the growing speed of the herbs, let's give all of them a try!" Farm Master loudly announces.

So the players started to experiment with a variety of different methods.

"Have a taste of my blood no jutsu! ! !" A player cut open his wrist and dripped his blood onto the spirit herb, hoping to nourish the plant with his blood.

"If you're talking about speeding up plant growth, then there is nothing better than an organic fertilizer made from burned branches and leaves!" There are also players who used the little understanding they had on farming to try anything that seem even remotely possible.

"Y'all got it all wrong! This is a game like Minecraft so that must mean that you can speed up the plant growth by twerking around it!" There are also some silly players who started to twerk around the spirit herb like this was a modded skyblock in Minecraft.

However, after one hour had passed.

Seeing no growth of the spirit herb, the players moved aside the soiled only to find out that all of their efforts had gone to waste.

"According to my experience, perhaps, the dung of the graphorn could be used as an effective fertilizer!" Farm Master suddenly said.

"Us...use the dung of the graphorn?" Many of the players' expressions paled.

This was a very reasonable idea, nothing really wrong with it.

On Earth, even in 2032, many people are still using the dungs of animals as fertilizer for their crops. The crops grown are marketed as natural and cost more than ordinary crops.

"Ah, I see!" Beef Noodle's eyes lit up, as he was the first to rush down the mountain.


Some players were taken aback for a moment before they finally understood and rushed down the mountain.

"F***ing hell, get out of my way, I found this shit first!"

"Back off, you are not taking these shits from me!"

"All of those shits belong to me!"


With Beef Noodle taking the charge, tens of players followed after him down the mountain and started to grab up all the shits they can find.

The majority of the players were still standing still as their brains cannot process what is going on.

"Is it just me or is there something wrong with the plot of this game? Wasn't this game about cultivating to become a heavnly immortal or devilish demon?"

"Wait, wait, wait, are you guys serious? Are you guys really going to use these shits?"


The players who are still standing around found this unacceptable.

I come here for the 100% realistic virtual reality game shown in the ads.

But now, you're telling me that I have to compete with the other players to grab shits off the ground in order to farm in this 100% realistic virtual reality game?

Are you kidding me?

"I think I'll just go back to farming graphorns!"

ID World Number One Ice Mage thought to himself, farming is such a pain in the ass, and you had to compete with the other players to grab shits off the ground...on a mental level, he was not able to accept this, so he decided to abandon the mission.

Similar to World Number One Ice Mage, Luffy and the majority of the players also give up on the mission, but they didn't abandon it.

They decided to wait and see, instead of wasting time competing for the graphorn shits on a not yet proven method, they much rather spend that time farming up some more graphorns!

In the end, the players were split up into two groups.

The majority of the players left and returned to whatever they were doing.

While the few players led by Farm Master continue their research on the spirit herbs.

"Look at what I got!" Beef Noodle quickly returned to the spirit field, carrying a bag filled to the brim with graphorn shits.

Farm Master immediately took the bag and sprinkled some graphorn dung over a couple of spirit herbs as fertilizer.

"It's working!!!" After waiting for half an hour, Farm Master was overjoyed!

Because there was a change to the spirit herbs!

The root of the graphorn dung spirit herbs was slowly spreading across the ground absorbing the nutrition in the dung of the graphorn, growing at a much faster rate than the control spirit herbs.

According to some rough estimates made by Farm Master, it may take another 24-25 days before the spirit herb germinate!

The dung of the graphorn had accelerated the growth of the spirit herb by four to five days! A very surprising result!

"Only reduce by four to five days? F***, I can't wait that long!" After hearing the words of Farm Master Beef Noodle was speechless.

"My best guess is that there are some macronutrients in the graphorn dung that the spirit herbs needs! If I have some modern research equipment, maybe I can refine and extract those nutrients from the dungs to greatly accelerate the growth of the spirit herb! Unfortunately without any modern equipments, there is nothing I can do!" Farm Master slowly said, feeling helpless.

This was a game after all.

There are no microscopes, flasks, or any other pieces of scientific equipment that they could use, Farm Master felt powerless to do anything.

"Then let us refine these shits!"

Suddenly, Beef Noodle came up with an idea that was so crazy that it just might work!

"Huh? Refining what?" Farm Master was taken aback and looked at Beef Noodle with a confused expression.