
Chapter 2

Two or three days later, he was there in the classroom during the interval and was called to give his introduction. He introduced himself and as a task which each of us has to perform he was asked to give the recipe for Rajma( Famous North Indian dish) in his local dialect. I listened to him intently and he gave the recipe perfectly, I was impressed.

I don't know if he happened to notice me . Things didn't escalate right then. Being the kind of person I am , conversation between us would never have been initiated. So the first semester passed by smoothly. Did I have feelings for him at that time, I don't know. Did we ever talk ? I don't think so . Because a simple Hi from my side would require a lot of efforts.

I am shy. He is bold. I'm not tall and he's really tall. He's popular but not many people know me. So did I like him on the very day of introduction, too soon to say Yes. But I began to notice him from then. Sneaking actually. Not stalking. But that was not love . I wanted to gain his attention .... that's it . Teenage curiosity I believe. But I was already an adult so situation remained largely under my control. Then came our second semester.

We didn't talk right away. Being the studious kind I used to lend notes to everybody. He was also one of the recipients but still not a reason enough to start talking. I got a friend request from him on Facebook one day when I came back from University. I was elated and accepted it at once. So after six months we did become fb friends. But we didn't exchange messages not even a single Hi !!.