
Chapter 1

Things don't happen suddenly. They occur over time. We do not fall for someone in one day, it takes time. Though it should not be love at first sight. There is a thing called infatuation but it occurs at some specific age. We all have had our share of crushes but I was different. Never been with boys was one of the reasons. I was educated in an all girls school and an all girls college so never got a chance to interact with one. I don't regret it, even the slighest. Because that was how I fell for him .

First day of our University it was. We were scared ... not of the studies but of ragging ( formal introduction , I would say). Young graduates from different backgrounds brought together. And the atmosphere of the university campus, there is something about that campus. It has an unsaid excitement attached to it. I must say that the best time of one's life is spent there. I was no different. Entering university after graduation , means you are grown up now. Of course it does . We were not kids anymore. We gathered outside our department and met with different faces, some were new and some were known. And yes there were boys as well. A handful if not more. So ours was a female dominated class, nice isn't it ?

Yes he was also there amongst the crowd but I don't remember if I actually saw him that day. Girls outnumbered the boys so obviously you can miss out on few details. We went to our classroom for studying and things turned out pretty well. The formal introduction began during the recess time. There's this tradition of juniors interacting with the seniors. So the seniors came to our classroom and began with the process. Few students went out to have food in the canteen. And he was one of them ... I didn't see the boys at that time so I can guess.