
My Detective Partner

Maestra, a mysterious young woman who solved cases by using the most rational way of thinking. In any game of logic her wit is unmatched which earn her the name Maestra, she refused to give away her real name because of her troubled past. Her tendency to live in her own world of logic has isolated her from most people. For her, any kind of method is permitted during investigation if it can produce the best result. Martin Mason, an intern who just has been promoted to detective assistant. He is a cheerful man who value the safety of others above all else. His attitude has earned him an expert skill in communicating with any person which makes him valuable in gathering clues, though Maestra mostly used him as errand boy. In his free time, he becomes a volunteer teacher at the local library. In the world of crime solving, logic and emotion amounted to nothing as the mind of criminal has twisted the world into a series of vile conspiracies. As they made one step toward the shadow of the unknown, the line between truth and lie become more blurred. I'm writing the story in wattpad too under the same title. My author name there is Dafa Zain

Dafa_Zain · Urban
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13 Chs

The Silent Murderer Part V

The place once filled with the sound of joy and laugh was now a remnant of its former glory. Children could not be seen running around, making ruckus wherever they went. Elders were not filling up the vacant tables and benches, no sound of them arguing over a blunder in chess move could be heard. Replacing them were men in navy blue uniform, scourging every corner of the park looking for clues and occasionally taking a coffee break with donut or churro as bonus snack. Separating the park and public road were gathering of cars that blared nocuous sound, further encouraging the average walker to stay away from the park.

Amidst the sea of police investigators, came two persons, traversing through the warning line into the center of the investigation parameter."I'm gonna need both of you to step back right now and turn away," a big man stopped the track of those two incoming persons. "This investigation is legally my department responsibility. Third party such as your lousy detective agency will only interfere with my work.""There is that," Martin uttered, he took the warning as something he had heard for a thousand times. "I can do something about it but it seems like our girl wonder here want to say something first.""Inspector Bridon, rest assured, we have come here not in the name of investigation," Maestra replied to the warning that had been given. A grin appeared on her face as she uttered "After all, there is no need of investigation when I already solve the case."This short yet concise answer sent a shockwave to the Inspector casual attitude. Frowning his brow, he conveyed his undeniable curiosity "Then please tell us who the suspect is! It's been a week and the public demand for name have become almost fanatical, I's not exaggeration to say that if we can't quickly produce result, there might be a reduction for our investigation department funding in next evaluation. I don't have a problem with mine but many of my subordinate have family of their own," pleaded the Inspector."The thing is..." Martin tried to interject.However, before he could make a sentence, Maestra uttered her word faster. "I said I know how to solve the case but I won't have anything to do with it. My assistant here will be the one who solve it."Inspector Bridon scratched his head in confusion. "In my 10 years since I become the head investigator, this is my first-time seeing sleuth as enigmatic as you.""Maestra is Maestra. There is nothing we can do about it. More importantly inspector let's talk about the investigation," Martin said."Oh yeah, the assistant. Well, just spit it put already. Your eccentric master must have told you the answer, right?""Not a chance.""Then, did she provide you with new clue perhaps? One crucial clue that we miss?""Indeed, she provided me with plenty of clues but none of them is new. I'm pretty sure the police already have access to all of the necessary clues.""Then how do you plan to solve the case if you don't even know the answer?""Maestra gave me this specific instruction for me to follow but to do it, I need cooperation from the investigation authority."Martin approached the Inspector and whispered something in his ear. The Inspector nodded indicating his willingness to cooperate and he seemed to ask some question which Martin answered perfectly. In the end though, both parties shook their hand to seal the deal.Far from them, Maestra was sitting on the bench watching them from considerable distance. The chuckling sound she made will almost certainly shocked anyone who heard it as it sounded like a goat who was choked, fortunately though no one was near her vicinity at that moment. As she saw Martin and Inspector Bridon shaking their hand, her mouth uttered "Very good. Dance my doll, dance for me in this stage where the truth is no more than a flickering illusion. That Martin and Inspector Bridon are both a good man, I can't wait to see their reaction upon solving this case." *** The park is once again restored to its previous condition. No men in blue running around, no sirenes polluting the scenery, it was once again a big yet lonely park.Martin and the Inspector were now inside the poorly insulated wooden office, sitting on the couch near the fireplace. Standing before them were 4 people: Henry of whom Martin recognized, Susan, Nafsir, and Harold, who Martin never met but nonetheless he got the basic info about them from police report."It's unreal how it happened just like that. Isn't it enough that your lackey pestering me yesterday? I Feel like throwing up if you ask me to see the picture of the deceased once again. I even cancelled my date with handsome fellow because of how uncomfortable I have become," Susan reported to the two men who were looking at her with pity. Her visible cheekbones and pale complexity accentuated her stressful condition."I have work today at my second job in flower shop and my boss is not kind enough to even let me have unpaid leave. I'm not downplaying the importance of the investigation and I do feel pity for Henry from the depth of my heart but I would like for you to hasten this investigation, I can't afford to lose this job or else my loan will turn me into a homeless man in less than a month," Nafsir continued the complain to the investigation. The mismatched clothing and pants that he wore indicate his poor upbringing."Both of you really need to chill. It's just one murder that coincidentally happen at our park. Every 60 minutes in the world, a person is murdered. I'm not saying you need to normalize it but it's clear from the reaction that both of you are overreacting," Harold gave the insensitive comment toward both of his co-workers.Henry was too tired to gave any comment. His eyes were hollow, the eyes of those who did not have any purpose."Ladies and gentlemen, I understand your concern regarding the investigation time and the conclusion, rest assured for this young man from Goldsberg Detective Agency here claimed to be able to solve it today," Inspector Bridon added his reassuring words to the pool of complaints."My name is Martin Mason from Goldsberg Detective Agency and I ask for all of your cooperation," Martin said as he moved his hand to gave comforting gesture and moved his gaze back and forth to the quartet of park staff. "I want your testimony about what you do exactly on the day before the murder happen.""Trying to pull wool over my eyes, aren't you? You have heard that the young'uns here are uncomfortable and doesn't have time for anymore of this testimony nonsense. What makes this testimony different from the other day, anyway?" Henry finally said something. It's clear from the way he talked that he had the most senior position and he did care a lot about his own subordinate."Oh, but today is different. For there is a single known fact that the police realized for far too late," Martin mimicked Maestra's sinister grin perfectly as he uttered the cryptic sentence. "There is no question that can't be answered if your premise is right. The police did do thorough investigation but they are approaching this case with the wrong assumption.""You are starting to sound like that one impolite young woman! Just spill it already, what are you trying to say?" Henry insisted.Martin straightened his back, eyes looking confidently at all the park staff, and he swung his hand forward. His finger pointed to Susan then he moved it to Nafsir then to Harold and finally to Henry. "Indeed, this case do have many vague variables but one thing is clear," Martin took a breath. "The murderer is among four of you!"