
My Detective Partner

Maestra, a mysterious young woman who solved cases by using the most rational way of thinking. In any game of logic her wit is unmatched which earn her the name Maestra, she refused to give away her real name because of her troubled past. Her tendency to live in her own world of logic has isolated her from most people. For her, any kind of method is permitted during investigation if it can produce the best result. Martin Mason, an intern who just has been promoted to detective assistant. He is a cheerful man who value the safety of others above all else. His attitude has earned him an expert skill in communicating with any person which makes him valuable in gathering clues, though Maestra mostly used him as errand boy. In his free time, he becomes a volunteer teacher at the local library. In the world of crime solving, logic and emotion amounted to nothing as the mind of criminal has twisted the world into a series of vile conspiracies. As they made one step toward the shadow of the unknown, the line between truth and lie become more blurred. I'm writing the story in wattpad too under the same title. My author name there is Dafa Zain

Dafa_Zain · Urban
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13 Chs

The Silent Murderer Part IV

The twilight had come with many dreading the long winter night. As God had decided to take the ray of the sun, the smile of those searching for shelter faded away replaced by slow realization of the changing world. Hustling and bustling happened across the city as time ran out, store start closing early in fear of blizzard.

Behind the veil of snow, there stood a building that could easily be mistaken as a haunted house. The steel fence had become rusty over a long period of time, grasses grew wild and big upon the front yard, on the center of the fence barrages was a light pole erected on the only entrance, behind the intimidating green steel gate. A stone path was carefully laid out as to directed any person who came into the front door of the building. The only reason people recognized this building had occupant was because of a wooden sign that was hanged sloppily on the fence, upon looking closely at the sign there was written in permanent marker:  GOLDSBERG DETECTIVE AGENCY Guaranteed to solve any case with enough compensation*Compensation must worth at least $100 An antique window of gothic era remnant stood on the eastern section of the Goldsberg Detective Agency. Plastered with tapes and wooden board, the window left a tiny hole in which from there could be viewed a woman with messy long hair reading a book in front of fireplace."Criminal activity can be attributed to economy factor. The lack of opportunity to chase societal ladder can drive some people into doing heinous activity to fill the hole of inferiority in their heart..." she tilted her head as she read and flapped the page. Her left hand was flipping the page to the next one while her other hand held down the book spine which had the title written vertically; 'How Criminal Think'."It's good that you are enjoying the book this time but..." Martin uttered in irritating voice. "Can you just use chair normally? Sitting on the floor is not sanitary!"Maestra closed her book, looking sharply at Martin's face. "It's not like I want to become sick, it's just that...""It's just what? Huh?" he bended his hand and swung it up-down, pointing to a study table with wooden chair beside it, signaling the uncouth woman to take a seat."it's just so troublesome. On average I will read for 3-4 hours before I take a minute break and during that time cramped leg is inevitable," her soft cold voice echoed across the room. "If I sit on the chair, I need to stop reading for a moment to stand up and let my leg healed from the sore but if I sit on the floor, there would be no moment where I need to stop reading as all I need to heal the sore is to change my seating position from cross legged to extended," as Maestra demonstrated by extending her leg down, the color of her bright turquoise in-door sport pant contrasted with the pale white floor tiles."You do you, I guess," Martin sighed for God know too many amounts of time. "I'll just leave this delicious apple tart in the study table," Martin said with a hint of sarcasm. "It would be a pity if the cake just suddenly disappeared because of one person stubbornness to not sit on the chair. Oh, pity, what a tragedy it is. If only there is a way to prevent it.""Fine! Fine! You won this time, just don't touch my apple tart or your body will be on the morgue," even in the winter night, she refused to use sock as she walked on the cold tile to the direction of the table. She left the book on the corner of the table as she greedily munched on 3 apple tart at the same time. "Munch...munch... you...tell...me...what...you...want...munch.""As expect you do read me easily. Just finished the tarts first then I will talk."With a savage like movement, she devoured the tarts in blinding speed. Both of her hand and mouth synchronized perfectly in her action of gluttony. "Finished, just tell me quickly so I could go back to reading.""It's regarding the robbery case you mentioned the other day. You said it happen at the same time as the murder of Alexa. I've read the report on newspaper and there is something strange, the victim who testified of the robbery refused to give any information about themselves. You know, I start to think maybe something amiss is going on," the wrinkle on Martin's forehead appeared as he thought deeply about the case."That's a fair speculation. Is that all? If so then I'll continue my reading activity."Before Maestra could touch the book, Martin launched his hand and slammed the book with a tremendous forces leaving a huge 'Thud!' sound."No! Can you stop being self-centered for just one second? You said that the murder case is basically solved and yet you haven't told it to the official anything since that day. It's been a week! A damn one week since the murder of Alexa! Not only Henry must be sad because the case status is unsolved, we risk the loss of one more innocent life if we delay the investigation any longer!" Martin was agitated with sweat and a red swelling appeared in his face, his voice rough and coarse."I do say something stupid sometimes, have I?" Maestra said nonchalantly, her expression remained unchanged. "Back then I do have intention to go back and solve the case but once back home and think for a while, I think it is better if the case is unsolved.""Will you tell me your reason then?""Why would I? I already give you enough clue to work on your own. If you want to solve the case then find your own conclusion," her hand swatted Martin's away as she continued to plant her face in the book. "Though I could offer you some advice as a thanks for that tart.""That's okay too. An advice from you is invaluable information," Martin took out a notepad. "Tell me all about it.""Oh, you won't need that notepad," in Maestra face which is akin to blank canvas, a paint was suddenly poured as twisted smirk appeared which destroyed her emotionless persona. "After all, you only need to do this simple action and the culprit will show themselves, though as I'm sure you know, all accountability will fall on you after solving this case. Are you sure you are prepared for that?" Maestra face was distorted like she was playing with little child mind. Her hand stroked her chin as she waited patiently for Martin response.He gulped, Maestra word this time was too cryptic and her devious smile must mean she had something planned on that Martin did not know. Maybe it will be better if he left the case unsolved however... "I will solve this case even if the risk is too big. I will do anything to make sure no murderer can just walk away without paying for their crime." His voice was one with utmost confidence."Nice! Nice! Very Good!" Maestra clapped upon Martin determination. "That's the answer I'm waiting for, the answer born from one who is thickhead. Be ready for tomorrow you will have one hell of a day."