



(You're an Hindrance to my Love Life 💔)


"Big sis,can I come in?", Kara ask from Kora's doorstep

"Sure! Enter, Kora reply inside the room and Kara enter

"Can you spare me some minutes? I wanna have a word with you", Kara ask

"Sure, have your sit", Kora reply

"I don't even know where to start from",

"Start from anywhere you feel like"

"Okay! Sis,do you truly love Uncle Hay?"

"Is that even a question? Just listen to yourself! Did i love Hay? Have you forgotten we are getting married?", Kora ask angrily

"That is if the marriage will take place!". Kara said

"What are you talking about?", Kora snap angrily

"I overheard your conversation with Hay yesterday! He made it clear to you that you have no place in his heart! If you don't think of Hay,think of Kira,she's your sister for crying out loud. They are both hurt,can't you see that? And Kira is getting worse day by day,you are turning my sister into a monster! I Want her sweet self back! Cant you just let go of Hay? After all he doesn't love you! You are more than that,you dont need to force things,your man will surely come for you,you don't .....",

"Enough! I've had enough of your silly talks,


"Kiraaa!!!" Their mother's voice they heard interupts them as they both rush out and run to Kira's room,she was there lying down lifeless and their mother was trying to wake her up

"Hurry,let's get her to the hospital", Mrs Daniel shouted


"Sorry for keeping you waiting Mrs Daniel,I have to quickly attend to the woman that just gave birth",The doctor,Mr Alex apologize as he take his seat

"No,it's fine,how's my daughter?",

"She's getting better! Thank God she was brought here on time, we'd have lost her if you were a minute later,the test results shows she consume poison, Mrs Daniel,I'm trying to get something straight here,what's up with Kira? A month ago, hot water accident, just a week back, she had a acr accident and now she consume poison? What's wrong ? Im sorry to say Mrs Daniel,but you are not performing your duty as a mother,you should know why she want to kill herself,and I expect you to know the best way to snap her out of those thoughts", Mr Alex said

"I understand you doctor,it's true I fail to perform my duty as a good mother,but I will try my best from now on,I don't want to loose my daughter",

"And that's why you have to take action before she succeed in killing herself,we might not be lucky next time", Mr Alex reply

"I will try! Is she awake? Can I go see her?"

"Sure,The doctor reply and Mrs Daniel get up and walk out of the doctor's office

She walk into Kira's ward and she's lying on the bed facing the wall

"Mia,are you awake? Mrs Daniel ask

As Soon as she heard her voice,she start shivering,so bad that it scares Mrs Daniel

"Doctor! Doctor!". Mrs Daniel shouted,the doctor rush in

"Excuse me Mrs Daniel" the doctor said as he remove the stethoscope hanging around his neck and plug it in his ears and testing Kira while Mrs Daniel walk out

"Eish! I'm fine", Kira said scaring the doctor

"What! Why then are you shivering?"

"I don't want to talk to her", Kira reply

"Seriously! Why?"

"She's also in support of the marriage,they don't love me,I'm alone,I have no family,I don't even know why they brought me here!"

"What are you talking about?". The doctor ask confused

"You won't understand,see doctor,let me tell you something,when next they bring me here, don't treat me cos I'm sure we are still coming back soon, probably next week,be expecting us,but please don't treat me, allow me to die or wait, do you have poisonous injection?" Kira ask

"Huh?". The doctor was dumbfounded

"You have! Quickly inject me, don't worry, nobody will know! Now inject me",Kira said and lie back on the bed

"What are you talking about? Why are you so desperate to die? And which marriage are you talking about? Who's getting married? Are your parents trying to match make you with someone? And you don't love the person right? You know you can talk to me?" Mr Alex said

"Eish! You don't understand! I will just sleep back, don't worry when I have another accident next week,we will talk better, because I know I won't die", Kira said

T. B. C 🤗

Written by MIMI KAY ✍️