
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Fallen angel

For a split second, Zach swore he could see a golden yellow flash in Tom's eyes. But then Tom gave him the point and continued to Jim who was beside him, acting as if though nothing had happened.

"Quest gained!"

"Slay the fallen angel.

Kill the fallen angel

Reward: 4 levels

Zach audibly gulped. No way in hell he could beat Tom, he hoped that Tom didn't come after him.

"Right, you may not exchange your points with each other. And the class with the least amount of points by the end of next week will be sent to hell. I'm leaving this room, and oh before I go. Every morning we will have a quick meeting here. And in seven days we will also have another test, the weakest student will be slain. Good luck.."

And with that, he shut the door and left the class as though it wasn't his class, and as if he wasn't going to be sent to hell alongside them if they failed. Every other officer in charge of the class was talking strategy with their class.

The points themselves were black circle shaped plates, with a red light in the middle that kept flashing. Zach had a feeling that the next couple of weeks would be tough.

The classroom was silent, but then the red haired person started speaking. "Well, I'm heading out. Don't be trash and lose your points." On his watch, there was an 8, and soon four more people left the room. All of them had a big number on their watches.

Donkey's face, as Tom had called him, spoke out. "To win this we need a plan, does anyone have a plan?"


"How about we stick together in a group." A weak voice came from a blue haired voice with the number 2 on her watch.

"I need to train, I don't want to die." A student pleaded to nobody but himself.

"The threats going to be under night time though." A voice added in.

"How about we all meet up in this room under night time."

"Works for me."

"I'm going to go hunting, I need to get stronger."

This put a huge hole in the classroom. They had to protect their points, but at the same time they also had to train which is a lot of circumstances meant that they couldn't stay together.

Not much happened after this conversation, they all sat in silence and eventually people started trickling out. The band of idiots eventually left, Marvin seemed to be in deep contemplation.

He might be the only student in the class without ability, he could die in seven days if he couldn't get an ability. He was contemplating his options deeply, he needed to go hunting. But since he had only gotten an E he couldn't yet.

He didn't get why though, he did just fine back at Platform 0. He pulled his hair trying to come up with a solution for his problem. There was one… could he do it though? He could kill a student, with an ability and take it.

It would have to be an ability one. And everyone would be on a high guard now, and probably sticking to the group making it even harder. On top of that, he needed to dispose of the body somehow.

And his white hair would be a dead giveaway of him being the murderer.

The three of them walked towards the gym, making sure to avoid passing any groups and hiding their watches in case. They walked to the gym, and they all continued with their own routines.

Marvin had to begrudgingly go to a normal machine and start working out his muscles. He kept thinking about the problem at hand. That's when he felt a hand grab him by the mouth, he tried screaming but it came out as a muffled noise not travelling far.

There were four students, the student with his hand on Marvin's mouth had turned to steel and felt impossible to get off him. He got hit in the side of the skull, and he passed out.

He woke up to the sight of Zach and Jim slapping him in the face. "Hey, you good man, hello!" The voice wasn't worried, but it was anxious. Then Marvin had a realization, the fogginess in his mind cleared and he clenched his buttcheek. The point had been taken.

He hit the with everything he had, he cursed. This was not helping his case at all, he could almost sense death. "What happened?" Zach asked him. Completely ignoring the question, Marvin asked: "How long have I been out?"

"Well we waited for you at the spot, but you didn't come so we searched the place and found you here."

This made Marvin even more frustrated. He had wasted precious time. Time that he could not afford to waste, time he needed to be productive in. But instead of being productive, he had been doing nothing.

Marvin grabbed his hair and pulled, he looked down at the ground thinking about his options. He needed to get back at them. "They took my point."

There was a short silence and then Jim said, "We'll get that shit back."

But for now, they were really sweaty, so they decided to go to the showers. It was divided by gender and the school had countless dried towels hanging up on the wall. And besides that wall, there was fresh clothes and a hole where you throw used clothes.

Zach and Jim took out their points and held them tightly clenched in their hands making sure to conceal them between their hands and thighs. That's when they stepped into the shower.

Nobody was in there, it was completely empty, the three boys didn't care though. A shower was a mystical thing to them, and they were eager to try it out, so they did.

"And our first prey have stepped in" a voice said from behind them.