
About HP

Alright! I have not read harry potter yet! But I watched the cinematics! Although not much... Because, I don't really like or dislike HP. It's more like, Having to just follow the trend? Well...

I don't really like how Harry potter concentrates on Harry potter just because harry potter is the title of the story!

They should have made the title


The story of HP concentrates on harry potters heroics, that's why there are so many loop holes on the magical things or maybe the spells there where created just to fill in the blank?

Like having the killing curse which is supposed to kill immediately if it hit. If you want a villain to kill a character then put something strong and poof! The killing curse was created?! Or the Alohomora(is this right?) something that unlocks locks?! You could just had use some kind of telekinetic magic and open it or animate the lock then order it to unlock? There are many animated objects in HP right?

Well, that's just my imaginations. Anyways, I like HP fanfics! The one's where a dude(oc) gets reincarnated and starts to have the magical world make more sense.

So! Let's go to my demands and wishes!

-Can someone please make an HP fanfic that will revolve around the mc spreading Magitech? Or something similar?

-Or maybe an OC that will make a mana apocalypse? Making all humans a wizard.

-An OC that unravel the why's and how's of the wizarding world by documenting it and spreading it in an internet like magical artifact that the OC invented?

-An OC which will spread stardom in wizarding world? becoming a wizard idol? having magical concerts and the like?

-A mad scientist like OC which is concentrated on making experiments, making artificial human with magic and technology, an A.I. or a Nuclear bomb like magical artifact?

-An OC which will combine magic and tech then male it spread in the muggle world, like light sabers! Laser guns? made out of runes or somethings? Letting muggles be able to access magic by artifacts? (Well i want to see the result and consequences of doing somethings like this)

-An OC that will cultivate magic, inventing the cultivation way of magic, paving the path to immortality or something. Then make's his own sect or school, then spreads the easiest way to cultivate magic or mana?

-An OC that likes bleach and HP so he bring Zanpaktu or soul weapon in HP by reinventing it? making it physical and Astral. And this time, it's not in the form of swords but wands! I mean, This will be more effetive than the classical made wands right? Imagine it! A humans soul is a more appropriate medium for mana or magic, specially a wizards soul.


this is all that I am kind of thinking right now. Dont know if there will be many more for HP?