
My Death Contract

Meredith is still heartbroken from the break up of her first love. Her boss gives her a high stakes project that her best friend schemes for a chance to marry one of the CEO's sons. That scheme becomes reality when she meets one of the billionaire sons in elevator and he threatens her into a marriage contract til death do they part.

Adrienne_Peterson · Urban
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219 Chs

Rings and Routines

Meredith was falling. She felt her stomach lifting and doing flips and turns in synchronicity to her body as she continued to free fall. She was wearing a blue dress and a white apron. She looked around and saw she was falling through Alice's rabbit hole. She was Alice. She saw her father on an old TV set in the roots. He was at a dog race with tickets in hand looking nervously out at the field. The shot cut away to the dogs and focused on one that had the lead but was being gained on quickly by the pack.

Meredith looked away and along the other side of the tunnel she saw another tv set with her mom sitting at their home office desk. She was calculating something and crying while she did it. The screen blinked in and out like it was losing reception. Meredith felt a tear slide down her own face as she watched until it was nearly out of view.