
My Dear Angel [Love You My Guardian]

She was a kind-hearted girl with a cheerful appearance that can even melt a stone. Her life never went easy on her, she was always ignored by people, yet she was nice to them. One day, she was stabbed by a mischievous old lady who was there to enquire about her ill son. As soon as she found that her son was dead, she just pointed her knife towards this innocent girl and killed her cold-bloodedly. This time, she is given a new life where she’s the one responsible for changing everyone’s fate.

zealouszac04 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The First Morning

Anna was in the year 2013 where she was just 10-year-old. She was about to go in 6th grade. All the worst things started to happen when she was in grade 5. But this time, she will bring a turning point in everyone's life.

The night was gone and the new day was about to begin. Anna likes the very early morning where she could still see the moon with a few stars in the blue sky.

She woke up at 4 in the morning and walk to her balcony for some fresh air.

Anna's home was on the second floor, her balcony faces the east which remains full of daylight she could see the deep blue sky was still holding the crescent moon. The cold winds were still blowing melodiously. The chirping of birds & rustling of leaves creates an exotics movement to enjoy the day.

It's so refreshing out there, Anna can never forget this place. She remembers having lots of memories from this place and was happy to re-create them. It would be great if she has some unforgettable memories with her guardian, after all, he's one of the strongest and respected masters. Moreover, he had a gentle appearance, what if she develops some kind of feelings for him.

Her face went stewed-cherry after getting rid of these kinds of thoughts.

~New day… Begins with new hopes…~

The alarm sounds, as soon as Anna's mother woke up, she hurries towards and hugs her tightly. Her mom didn't change very much, neither her father. In her previous life, her father had a heart attack, she didn't want her father to suffer in this life too.

She approached her dad and requested to go on a morning walk and he agreed. She thought she could also take AO with her, that would be great for him.

"Hey AO let's go for a morning walk. I want to show you the beautiful garden", she holds his hand softly and begins to move. The park was just in front of her house which didn't take a lot of time to reach.

The climbers were covering the entrance of the park with beautiful flowers hanging on them. The leaves penetrate the sunlight which lowers down the temperature at the entrance area. Trees with large trunks were commonly seen which were green as emerald. Their freshly grown leaves were dancing in the hymn of wind.

AO stood in front of a tree, observing those little squirrels who were collecting nuts. To him, Anna was also like a squirrel who doesn't know how to stay quiet. Just like them, she keeps fumbling here and there which makes her cuter.

"This is the tree I like most", she pointed to one such tree who was having red-orangish leaves. They have a very good baked apple-like aroma on them and those who fell on the ground made a crispy sound.

At home, she was collecting some books which AO would find interesting to read. The books were kept on the topmost shelf, she climbed up to reach there and try to take out some books. When AO saw her, he was surprised to see what's she is up to.

"Hey, just tell me if you want anything. With that little size of yours you won't be able to get anything", he teased her and then laughed.

[Anna-150cm, even after reaching 20 - AO-165cm]

Those words strike her heart, with a plane expression she said, "I'll take things I want; I don't need any help from Date Palm Tree."

"Hmm…If I m the Date Palm Tree then you are the little naughty squirrel!!"

"Hey, I'm not…." She lost her balance all at once and fell along with dozens of books.

Pages and pages were scattered everywhere in the room, every corner was full of texted emotions. AO was able to catch her but everything seems to be ripped off, the place has completely changed its appearance. It was hard to figure out that which sheet belongs to which book.

She looked at him with the puppy eyes of hers asking forgiveness, he tries hard not to look at her and keep a cold expression on his face. "That cold face doesn't suit you," she said while speaking to his face. looking at her unsophisticated innocent face he gave up on his cold look and smile at her.

"Can you stop messing around for a while?" patting her head, he gently strokes through her hair.

"I just want to give you some books which you can read in your free time", seems like the little rabbit regrets what she did.

"Just be careful now on okay! Call this Date Palm if you needed" and both cracked up.

They both begin to clean up the mess they created before Anna's mother scolds her. The sheets were cleaned and the books were arranged, the crease in the pages became a memory for them.

The sun was up and now it was the time for breakfast.

"What would you like to have for breakfast AO?"

"Won't it be weird if cups and dishes float in the air, it's alright if I won't eat anything"

"Alright, I will bring something for you here then"

"Hey there's no need for that I m fine…" but she already left the room. She came with a bowl of vegetable porridge.

"Well, I hope you like it"

"Hey I m fine without it, there's no need…" and she put the spoon full of it into his mouth.

"It's fine if you don't want to eat with your hands, I will feed you but don't keep on saying that you don't want it"

"Okey, I will eat it with my hands"

"No, let me feed you", his heart suddenly beats fast when he listens to what she said. He was finding it difficult to have control over himself.