
Limits and Stability

Yami woke up in her bed, sweating and hot. What the heck just happened? All I remembered was being at Basics of Evil Class, then waking up here. What the heck? She groaned and stretched, and suddenly remembered that yesterday, she was supposed to have gotten her lifetime magical ability. Not remembering what had happened or what she had gotten, she got out of bed and stared at herself in the mirror.

"Power, come to me! Now!" She yelled, and all she got was nothing. She frustratedly smacked her head and tried to remember what had happened yesterday. "Hm…why do I feel so unsmart…"

"Yami? Are you okay? Should I contact the hospital to tell them that you have brain damage…?" Akuji suddenly spoke. Yami spun around and placed her hand on her head, laughing.

"I'm fine. And oh, by the way, what power did you get yesterday?" Yami asked, curious. Akuji raised an eyebrow but did not object. She replied with ease.

"I only got the most common power, levitation. I know, it is not that great," Yami's roommate stated, looking down at the floor like having this power was a crime. "Like, nearly five other people got it as well. It's lame,"

"Can you…try it out?" Yami asked, and Akuji merely shook her head.

"We are not trained enough. When I can control it, I will show you. Oh, and…what is your ability, Yami?" Akuji questioned, and Yami's face turned hot as a fire. The problem was, she had no idea. How could she even answer this?

"Um, I've got to go. Bye, Akuji!" Yami exclaimed, pulling on her black cardigan over her dark black skirt and shirt. She ran out of the door before Akuji could even reply.

The halls were now normal again. The Halloween season had ended, so the pumpkins and fake spider webs were gone. The scent of mildew returned, ruining the perfectly fine smell the dorms had created. Yami plugged her nose while walking towards her first class. (She had slept in, so she could not have breakfast.)

Her hands twisted open the knob of the door, and she entered a strange aroma of syrums and strange potions. Her Syrums classmates cackled and gargled down the potions that were on Professor Ersula's desk. Some even held knives and some rammed into people with their heads. It was pure chaos. Luckily, Yami could spot Sachiko sitting next to her own seat, so she walked over and sat down.

"Hey," She smiled. "What power did you get?" Sachiko turned her head over and grinned.

"Oh, well, it's kind of cool, I guess," She laughed and continued grinning. Yami leaned in, curious. "Okay, okay. I have the ability to hold wind in my own hand! Cool, right? I can now push the rude people back…physically! What about you?"

Yami's face heated up again, unknowing what to say or do. She couldn't simply just leave like she could last time; she was in a classroom, but she could make an excuse or make a power up. But it simply felt like backstabbing Sachiko…but she had to. "Oh, um, I got levitation powers, nothing much, yeah. Just a levitator."

"Oh, okay," Sachiko nodded. Right there, the conversation ended. Professor Ersula walked in, her steps going left and right, wobbly. Yami presumed that Ersula had been drinking again. Ugh.

"Erm. Class, quiet!" She instructed, and the class obeyed. No one took her that seriously, but today, for some reason, they were all intrigued. "So, erm, I realize you've gotten your powers, and erm, I will group you with two other partners, erm, based on your, erm, abilities. So, erm, let me read…" Ersula put on her little glasses and began to read.

"First Team; Team Yōso, or the elements group. This consists of Sachiko, Ayumi Kakachi, and Kurenai Sechi. Group at the back of the room," Ersula told. Yami waited nervously. "Second team; Team Fuyō, or the levitation group. This consists of Uraya, Zukin, and Xiao. Group in the front, by me," Yami now was sweating furiously. "Third team; Team Sheipushifutā, or the Shapeshifters group, consisting of Inami, Namori, and Euphemia. Group in the center," Yami sweated intensely, more than ever. "The last group; Team Osoroshī mahō, or the Terrible Magic group consists of Kirai Hamasaki, Katsu Hiko, and Yami Hoshikiri,"

Yami's breath let out. She thought she had no power. Why was she in the "terrible magic" group? "Uhm, miss, why am I in this group? I don't think I have any powers!" She called out, and Ersula glared daggers at her.

"And the Team Osoroshī mahō will come to me at once, erm. I need to, erm, speak with them," Yami glanced at Kirai, who was with a boy with burgundy, spiky hair and brown eyes, and pale skin. She decided to walk over, because this was her own team, after all…

"Hey, Yami-chan!" The boy, probably Katsu, exclaimed. "I'm Katsu Hiko, nice to meet ya!" He stuck out his hand and Yami had no other choice than to accept it. He grinned and did a thumbs up afterwards. "You seem nice already. Uh, oh…Ersula's coming…" Ot was true. The professor was walking towards them.

"Look, since I'm a Dark teacher myself, I'd be fine with your powers. But not in this case. If any of you three actually use your abilities, it will destroy us all!" She stated, and Yami's eyes widened in horror. She had been sedated and her memory had been taken away from her. She finally understood now. But what had been the whole point of that anyways?

"B-but—" Yami stuttered, but Ersula shook her head, glaring.

"Truth be told…you are all too powerful for your own good. You'll be trained relentlessly on how to control your dangerous abilities, and your years here at this Dark Academia will be harsh and cruel. Your powers will not be taken lightly, and, erm…yes. You all better be careful, erm," Ersula said coldly.

"So we'll be treated badly because of our abilities? That doesn't sound equal or fair to me," Kirai mumbled, and looked down at the ground uncomfortably.

"Did I say this school was equal and fair?" Ersula snapped, and Katsu flinched, afraid. "Anyways, we must get to the Syrums part of this class. This was for all the classes. You all will be grouped together in every. Single. Class. You hear me, erm?" Yami and Katsu nodded, but Kirai did not.

"I'm not saying I agree, but I guess we have to," Kirai sighed, and folded his arms. Ersula nodded in approval, raising an eyebrow.

"Very well, Kirai," She smirked and left to the front of the room. "Okay, erm, time for Syrums, erm!" The groups stayed there and waited for Ersula to give instructions. "I will give you five days to figure out, erm, your true teams' name and the leader of the team. However, it is now time for Syrums, officially, erm…"

"I can't believe it," Yami thought aloud as she tucked her blanket into her bed. Her mind was racing about the events that had happened in the few few hours. Yami had gotten into a team with Kirai, she had found out she was a Dark Magics user, and that she could destroy the school if she used them. Now she would have to undergo hardship and intense training. It would be hard, but she would never give up!

"I won't give up!" She yelled, pumping her fist. It seemed so epic, but then…Akuji came.

"Yami, are you alright? I really do think you need a doctor…" She said, tilting her head. "You seem to be going berserk, friend," She added.

"Nah, I'm fine, totally," Yami lied. She totally ruined my epic scene…Yami's other half of her mind thought darkly. She looked at herself in the mirror. "Who am I?" She asked herself.

"Okay, Yami, that is it, you need mental therapy!" Akuji stated.

"No, no, I'm fine!" Yami shook her head and smiled. "I hope Mari comes back soon, right?"

"Yes. I do miss her!" Akuji smiled. "Good night, Yami,"

"Good night, Akuji," Yami replied.