
Lies…and Truths

The first thing Yami thought when she woke up was, Sachiko was there. She'll know my true power…and hate me for it! What do I do now? Ugh! I messed up big time! She rubbed her head, and noticed she had slept in her school uniform. Embarrassed, she knew she had to keep it on. She smoothed down the crinkles and put on her loafers. Once again, she looked in the mirror. She saw herself: purple hair, green eyes, tall and skinny. She suddenly felt negative and started to think about her life; her decisions. Everything that was happening was technically her fault. Yami stared at the ground, and looked up again.

"Gah!" She yelled in surprise, noticing the white part of her eye was now black. "Help!! I'm dying!" She screamed, and accidentally waked up Akuji, who frantically dove off her bed and somehow levitated her book to flop on Yami's head. It hurt, but Yami had looked back to see her old self again. "Uhm…"

Akuji sighed. "It seems you have been lying to me. What is your ability? I would like to know. Just please do not lie," She stated, and picked up the book and placed it on the drawer. Akuji plopped on her rusty bed and folded her arms disapprovingly. "Just tell me, Yami-chan."

Yami guiltily looked down and decided she had no choice. "I-I don't know how, my memory had been taken from me the minute I was granted my ability a few days ago. I had been sedated, and woke up here. When you asked me what my ability was, I didn't want to answer because I had no idea. So I went to Syrums class, and Professor Ersula sorted me into the "Terrible Magic" group, along with Kirai and Katsu Hiko. She was cruel to us, actually, and since you're not in her class, you wouldn't have known. And…I just couldn't bring myself to tell you last night, Akuji. Please forgive me,"

"I understand now, Yami, but remember, you can tell me anything, whenever. Just trust me to keep secrets, okay? I'm good at that," Akuji smiled faintly, and Yami smiled back. "But wait for a second; you have evil, destructive powers? Now, that's not good…is it?! And that loud mouth boy Katsu? How could I ever guess!"

"Well, I think today's the day when we test out our magical abilities and get judges, right? Yami asked, hoping it wasn't true at all. She wouldn't be able to participate in it at all, because of her terrible abilities that could wreak havoc on this school. "Not that I would be able to participate. You're probably scared of me now…" She mumbled, and waited for an answer.

"Yes, I think in the Basics of Evil class, which we have together, is when we will. And don't you think we're lucky we got Rosa as our Basics of Evil teacher? It is very lucky, to be honest," Akuji stated, and Yami nodded in a silent reply.

"It is," She said, and waved goodbye so she could go to breakfast.

"Ahem, today is the day you will all become unique. More unique than—" Professor Rosa had started to say, but a majority of the class seemed to be talking and whispering amongst themselves. "I SAID SOMETHING, CLASS. BE QUIET AND SHUT YOUR MOUTHS!" She yelled, and the class cowered in fear, unable to speak. Rosa smiled contently, "Okay, good. So, as I was saying, today is the day you will become unique. More unique than ever. It is where we will judge your abilities and give you a status. We won't tell you how it works, you just have to do it,"

"But miss! What if we—?" Katsu Hiko had started to argue, but Rosa glared intensely and shook her head, as if to say, 'Don't object. Just listen to what I say." Had she forgotten that Katsu, Yami, and Kirai all were too dangerous for their own good? If she forgot, they could not tell her. She would 't believe them.

"Okay, chop chop! Follow me to the stadium! Now!" She snapped, and everyone got out of their seats and obeyed. Their footsteps were loud and clanky, some soft and quiet. However, it was still enough to disturb a few people studying in the halls, which obviously wasn't a good thing.

The room Rosa led everyone to was the most largest room Yami had seen in her life. It seemed almost, say, modern, but it had a tinge of medievally to it. Rows of metal chairs lined up on each of the sides. One large table sat on the front, most likely for the judges. Then, a huge empty space for the abilities.

"Okay, sit down, I'll call names. Quick, all of you!" Rosa yelled, and ushered the students to these rough chairs. They all sat down and groaned. This was frightening. Yami was very worried because she could not use her power. This would all end in destruction. Uh oh…

"Ahem. First up, Xiao Tao. A levitator, yes?" Rosa questioned, and the girl Xiao nodded quickly. She had deep blue hair and pitch black eyes. A red tail stuck out of her bottom, and she wore a loose, baggy dress.

A few men placed boxes on the ground for Xiao to levitate. They held heavy objects that Yami could not see, but know because they had been sweating by the time they had gotten the boxes on the ground.

"So I s-start?" Xiao stuttered, and Rosa nodded sharply, although Xiao was being very sweet.

The boxes shifted as Xiao grimaced in pain. She held out her hand, and tried to move it up, but could not. She ended up falling desperately to the floor, defeated. Rosa's eyes widened as she realized Xiao was extremely powerless.

"Next. Sachiko! A wind-bearer, correct?" Rosa questioned again. Yami got excited for Sachiko, but noticed that she was not smiling back. That's when Yami remembered she had lied to Sachiko about her ability…oop…

"Alright! Shall I begin?" Sachiko grinned. Rosa smiled, as she knew Sachiko was a strong-willed girl, and had confidence in herself and in her. "Okay."

Sachiko stared at her hands contently, and furrowed her brows together. A swirl of white started to flash in her palm, and the whole auditorium started to shake uncontrollably. Her wind was becoming extremely powerful! Too powerful, even!

Rosa gaped as Sachiko's powers died down. She wrote a few things on her board. "Very well, Sachiko. Hmm, next up, Yami Hoshikiri!"

Yami's breath shortened as Rosa read her name. For some reason, the headmistress, of all people, had NO idea whatsoever about Yami's true abilities. She slowly got up, sweating as she walked and walked and walked and walked. For what seemed like forever. The eyes stared at her, some knowing of her ability and some not.

"Okay. Your power is unidentified , but we'll find out soon enough!" Rosa smiled and stared at Yami as she fumbled with her fingers nervously, a nervous habit.

"But miss! She, like me, can't use her abilities!" Katsu yelled from the crowd. Rosa stared at him with dagger eyes and wiggled her thumb to silence him. Yami gulped, knowing that Rosa was stubborn…oh no…

Overwhelmed with emotion, Yami started to feel like breaking down. Her head seared, her eyes watered, her mouth trembled. She closed her eyes and winced, scared out of her own life. But she knew she had to. There was no choice.

She opened her eyes and looked at her skin in horror. It was light grey, and her fingers were sharp. Her hair was silvery grey, as her hair was long, so she could see, and her eyes were probably black for the white part. Rosa looked at her in terror as Yami started to uncontrollably shake.

"I can't stand the pain!" She yelled, and broke down to the ground, in a heap of pain and sorrow. Sachiko frowned at her from the crowd. Rosa ran to Yami but didn't try to get too close. "Get! Away!" Yami yelled without even thinking, and thrashed wildly. She wasn't a monster, she was a possessed girl with issues. She would never be normal. This was her now…

"Yami! Think about your old friends!" Rosa shouted over the screeching. She waved for the other students to back away. "I know you miss them, Yami. It's happened to me too." Instead of this helping, this overwhelmed Yami even more and she started to feel her veins bulge tremendously. Her head ached so much.

She punched Rosa in the stomach, not even meaning to. She flew to the other side of the room. The headmistress looked messy and distraught by now. Dark wings had started to grow on her back, and her eyebrows furrowed as she lashed out as well. The two fought without even meaning to, emotions over body. Rosa scratched Yami deep in the stomach, while Yami slashed her in the leg. Rosa fell to the ground, unable to use her left leg because of the deep cut. The last thing she did was punch Yami to the other side of the room, knocking her out.

And that was all Yami remembered, so far.