
My Cultivation Journey

Alyster King has just experienced the impossible. He can sense qi now! Follow his story as he unlocks ancient memories, and goes on many grand adventures, here in My Cultivation Novel. P.S. I don't own the cover photo, I googled wuxia hotty.

Lord_Vancheltz · Urban
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4 Chs

I Can Cultivate!

My name is Alyster King and this is my story. Today was just like any other day, I got up and got ready for work at Whirlpool, a refrigerator factory, when I noticed something very strange was going on. I grew a few inches taller, lost all of the fat on my body and gained perfect aesthetic muscles, and gained a nice golden tan. Also, I seem to be able to sense a strange energy in the air that is flowing into my body and back out through my nostrils and mouth. With every breath, I feel my bones, muscles, skin, etc becoming reinvigorated, and feel a little bit stronger as time goes on. I know what this is! This is called qi! I can sense qi in the air now! This means that I can become an immortal cultivator in real life! This is big news!

Today marks the beginning of my new life as an immortal cultivator and also marks the day that I have decided to quit my job and go seclude myself in the woods for some intense closed doors cultivation. I need to simply pack a hammock, a hammer and some pegs, some food to start out, and a thermos for water. Next thing that I need is a machete, and some flint and steel, at least until I learn how to use qi to start a fire. At the moment of that thought, I suddenly had knowledge pouring in my mind from a distant past... From my previous life of an immortal cultivator in the cultivation world! This is big! From my memories, I was a God King, just below the highest ranked God known as the God Sovereign. I was his right hand man, but unfortunately both of us failed in our tribulations. His simply came with a major backlash, but mine ended of scattering my soul to the Earth. I had lived over 10,000 years in that other life and had a vast wealth of cultivation knowledge, such as pill forging, blacksmithing, making talismans, and magic. Yes. Magic, but using mantras and something similar to a ninjas jutsus.

After getting whammied with the memories of my other life out of the blue, I was now completely ready to isolate myself deep in the woods of Maine. My family and my best friend are going to be worried, but I will leave a letter letting them know that I am going to go temper my body and soul by living in the woods for a few years. Of course this is also true, as I will truly be tempering my body and soul after all. Just the method I wont reveal to them. At least not unless I decide to make them cultivators too. However, that is a topic for another time. With everything ready and purchased at the store, I am now ready to make my journey deep into the woods and live my days in solitude. Calling a taxi, I asked to be dropped off as deep into the woods as he can take me, and left him with a $100 tip.

I am now walking into the woods at the far north end of Maine, and have, after walking for about 4 hours found a nice big sized cave to move into. Going inside, I use my qi sensing technique to check for wild life. After confirming that the cave was empty and had no signs of an inhabitant, I walked in. Using qi in my eyes, I walked into the dark cave and saw as if it were daylight within. Going to the back of the cave, I opened up my hammock and turned it into a bed. I had packed covers and pillows of course. The hammock was for if I ever needed to sleep up in between trees, as there was always the possibility of ferocious beasts existing on Earth, and as yet I am not ready to face even the weakest one. Setting up an illusioin barrier at the entrance of the cave with talismans that I drew up before leaving, I go back into the cave and sat down to begin cultivating according to my ultimate cultivation technique: Soul King Cultivation.

Focusing my mind, and chanting the mantras, I began performing a series of complicated hand signs which set up a qi drawing formation. This would draw the natural qi in the surroundings into my cave, and circle around my body while I focus on cultivation. Drawing in great wafts of qi with my lungs, and circulating it to the major organs, bones, and flesh in my body, before exhaling it out of my nose and mouth. Repeating this cycle in between mantras and hand signs, I began my path of cultivation. Now, let's see how long I am able to stay in this state of cultivation before I grow tired.

Time passed, an unknown long time in fact. The only thing I allowed with me to keep track of the time and date was my watch. Amazed, I looked down at my watch and saw that it had already been 3 months since I began cultivating. I mean, it is possible to go completely without food or water while cultivating, but to go entire months without it on my first leg of cultivation is astounding and very impressive. It would seem that I have a perfect and completely solid foundation! This is great, because that means going forward, each cultivation session will be longer than the next. For now, let's get something to eat and drink. I may not need it any longer, but I still want to enjoy the pleasures of being human, even while now becoming an immortal. It was as I was getting up to grab my food and water that I saw her...

There was a young woman around my age laying on the ground just outside of my cave. She was covered in wounds and didn't seem very long for this world. Hurrying outside, I carefully carried her into my cave before laying her down in my hammock and grabbing my first aid kit out. Dabbing some cotton balls in alcohol, I dabbed the wounds clean, and began to apply ointment for cuts all over her body. Next, I wrapped the wounds with gauze and gently shook the poor thing awake. A few seconds later, the girl woke up with a low groan, and rocked her body into a sitting position. Looking at me with blurry eyes, her focus finally centered on me, and she gasped in shock. Then tears of joy fell down her face. Beginning to sob, the girl clinged onto my body and held me tightly. After a few minutes she began to tell me her story.

"Thank you sir for saving my life! My name is Amy Smith, and I am 24 years old. I came here with a group of my friends to go hiking in the woods. Unfortunately, I got separated from the group and my cell phone died. I got lost and couldn't find my way out of the forest and found this strange looking cave before I fainted. The wounds were from getting caught in thorny bushes, and falling onto the ground. I know it's pathetic, but it's the truth. Anyway, I don't know where I am right now or how to get out of the woods. Please tell me that you can help me." After listening to the girls story, I smiled at her warmly before getting up and asking her to follow me. Excited, she struggled to hurry after me.

And so we walked for 4 hours to the south. Finally reaching the parking lot at the edge of the woods, we found a large search party of people gather, including the police, and ambulance team and the local warden. When we came walking out into the crowd, someone yelled in surprise. It was one of the girls friends. Everyone came rushing over with tears streaming down their faces. Seeing me next to Amy, they asked who I was. When they found out that I was staying out in the woods and found and saved her, her friends began to shake my hand, pat my back and in the girls case hug me. Once the police came over and confirmed that Amy was safe, I gave my good byes to everyone and began to head back into the woods. It was late, just after midnight and I wanted to get back and begin my meal before my next round of cultivation. After those 3 months of cultivation, I broke through into the first realm of true cultivation; The Qi Refining Realm.

After another 4 hour hike, I finally made it back to my cave, and after confirming that my illusion formation was still active, I went back into the cave and began to unpack my dried meat and drink my water. After my meal, I emptied my thermos, and sat at the back of the cave again and entered into a much deeper state of cultivation. As I slipped into the calm state of meditation, I sent a mental alert to awaken after no more than a year and a half. And so, my cultivation journey continued once more.

Sure enough, one and a half years later, I woke up from my cultivation, and realized that I was at the peak of Qi Refining Realm. Next is the Nascent Soul Realm, followed by the Core Establishment, Qi Lord Realm, Lesser God, God King, God Emperor, God Sovereign, and final Shattering The Void. However, I have already been in isolation for almost 2 years. It's time for me to go home. I let my landlord know of my situation, and paid for 3 years of rent in advance before leaving, so I have plenty of time still, but I still have people that care about me who are probably completely scarred by this point. For all they know, I died deep in these woods. I mean I didn't even take my cell phone and my portable solar phone charger. After all that would ruin the whole point of isolating myself if someone was calling me off the hook all of the time.

Packing my things, I made my way out of the woods and headed up to the parking lot at the edge of the woods. I have a very long walk ahead of me. Making my way out of the park, and beginning to walk on the high way, before long I was stopped by a cop. When they pulled over, a light was flashed at me, and so I stopped moving and turned around to look at the cop. Getting out of his squad car, he walked around the vehicle and called out to me. "Afternoon sir! Where are you headed? Perhaps I could give you a ride? Some people called in concerned when they saw what they described as a wild man walking along the side of the road. I must say, you sure seem like you haven't seen civilization in a long time. Let's get you somewhere nice and warm and get you a change of clothes, then you can tell me your story."

Agreeing to the cops request, as it was my best option at this point, I climbed into the backseat of the police car and sat down calmly. The cop continued with idle chatter until we arrived at the local police station in town. Parking, Jeff as his name was revealed to be, opened my door and helped me out of the backseat. Giving him my thanks, I followed him inside. Being led past people who were staring me down, including some hardened criminals in chains, Jeff brought me to the back of the station to a locker room and grabbed a towel, some body wash, razors, shaving cream deodorant and a change of clothes for me from a locker. Taking them thankfully, I headed to the sink to shave first, and after shaving, I made my way to the shower area and stripped out of my reeking clothes and stepped into the shower while lathering soap into my filthy blackened body covered in the waste of expelled impurities. Turning on the shower head, I spent a good half an hour rinsing off my body and washing my hair. Satisfied, I walked out of the shower and began to dry off.

Getting dressed, and drying off my hair, I put on some deodorant and body spray, before walking out of the shower room. Jeff was standing outside waiting for me. After seeing my appearance, his jaw dropped before he began laughing loudly and said, "Sweet Jesus brother! You clean up to well! The ladies in my department would kill to get a good look at you right now. You are definitely a killer of women with those looks. If you decided to become an idol you would draw in millions of fans easily." Laughing at Jeff's enthusiasm, I nodded my head and said, "And if that day should come, I will make you my manager Jeff." This got Jeff on his knees in tears from laughing so hard. After calming down, he asked me where I needed to go. I told Jeff that I needed to get to Augusta, which is the state capital and my home town. Nodding his head, Jeff led me back out to the squad car and this time had me sit up front with him. Smiling, I nodded my head and climbed in. Let's get home already!

Three and a half hours later we finally made it to Augusta, and to my apartment building. Getting out, I thanked Jeff for the ride and the clothes before leaving my number so we could hang out some time and began to head in my apartments office building. I had left my key with the office for safe keeping. Walking in, Nancy, the office lady leapt up in surprise and screamed. "Oh my God Alyster you are alive?! Everyone has been so worried about you. When you told us that you would be going to live in the forest of Altook for 2 to 3 years we thought that you were kidding. But, I can clearly see that you have lived quite roughly from how your hair is below the middle of your back now, but my my my have you gotten much more handsome. You know, my daughter is still single and she is your age at 24. You should talk to her Alyster. I can set up a meeting with her." Laughing at Nancy's clear attempt to snag me as a son in law, I asked for my key and she reluctantly handed it over to me. Now to get inside.

Now, before I left I cleared out all of my perishable goods so that they didn't go back and I cleaned out my fridge and freezer. Walking inside, I looked at the dust that had accumulated on my tv and game console. Smiling in contentment, it felt good to be home after all of this time. Even though it only seemed like a day at a time passed, but almost 2 years had gone by since I went into my cultivation. Now I am finally home.


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