
My Cultivation Journey

Alyster King has just experienced the impossible. He can sense qi now! Follow his story as he unlocks ancient memories, and goes on many grand adventures, here in My Cultivation Novel. P.S. I don't own the cover photo, I googled wuxia hotty.

Lord_Vancheltz · Urban
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4 Chs

Re-Entering Society

It has been almost 2 years since I left for my closed doors cultivation in my own imitation of an immortal cave. I have now returned back to society and with this I now have to meet society's demands. This means that I need to charge my phone and call my paren'ts and my best friend Valon and let them know that I am back home and that I am okay. Wit this plan in mind, I plug my phone into the wall and went back out to the living room and got on my game console to pass the time until my phone was charged. 2 hours later, I went back into my room and turned on my phone. Endless streams of text, emails voicemails and more were waiting for me. Sighing, I clicked on Valon's number and called him. After 2 rings, he picked up and started yelling into my ear. "You son of a bitch! You could have called before this you know?! For almost 2 years your parents and I have been worried sick about you, but no, you left us in the dark. Just what was so important that you had to go live in the freaking forest like a mountain man for 2 freaking years bro?!"

After calming down Valon, I explained that I had been training my body to go passed the human extremes on reflexes and strength, etc. He was impressed and asked if I had succeeded. When I told him that yes, I had in fact succeeded, he began to laugh and asked for more details. I led him astray with some cock and bull story and before long our phone call ended. Now, it's time to call my folks. This I am not looking forward to. My mom is definitely going to bawl her eyes out on the phone and my dad will scream at me for sure. Let's get this over with. Dialing my mom's number, I wait for the phone call to go through. There was silence on the line for about 10 seconds before my mom's voice came through. "Alyster?... Is that you? Oh my God Alyster you are alive?! Chuck! Chuck get over here! It's our son, he finally called us! I told you he would be okay! That forest toughened him up for sure. He is sure to have become a new man from this experience!" Then of course her water works started and she started babbling on the phone incoherently for a few minutes before my dad took the phone and surprisingly didn't scream at me. Instead he simply said, "Live well and strong son!". I heard my mom smack him and tell him to be serious, but I knew that my dad already had been. And I intend to do just that.

After the phone call with my parents ended, I looked down at my phone and opened my bank app. Checking the balance, I had over 30k still left. See, the thing is unlike most people my age, I had been quite frugal since graduating and saved large chunks of each paycheck the last 6 years. Well at least for 6 years I should say, as I am now almost 26 years old since I was in the forest for almost 2 years. With plans to carefully invest my money in some good projects that I could use as an immortal cultivator, I have every intention of going to China and buying traditional chinese herbs and spices in bulk. Many of these are used for pill forging, and with my pill forging knowledge, I intend to make some miracle pills and sell them to select clientele for boat loads of money. However, first I need to build repertoire and connections are needed. In order to gain some clout, I first need to go to China and live there for a while. With the money I have saved up, I can survive for a little while before worrying about money, and with a pill furnace and ingredients, I will be an unstoppable force to be reckoned with in this world.

Going online on my laptop, I went to the government site for getting a passport and paid for the 24 hour delivery option. Tomorrow at this time I should have my passport. Paying for a one way ticket to China for 2 days from now, I went to the office and explained to Nancy that I would be moving to China in 2 days, so I would like to have my one years rent and my deposit back. Nodding her head in understanding but major disappointment, Nancy contacted the landlord and told her my plans. Tina understood and gave Nancy the go ahead. So, nancy handed me the 6K dollars and I calmly put it into my wallet. Going back into my apartment, I began to pack up everything in my apartment for the move. I contacted a moving company to have my nonessentials put in a storage unit for 10 years, and packed my clothes and my phone into my room. With everything else stored away, now I just need to wait for 2 days to get on my flight to China.

Getting ahold of my buddy Valon and my parents, I let them know that I would be moving to China in two days and that if they wanted to see me before I leave, they have the next 2 days to do so. Promptly following my phone call, Valon and both of my parents showed up at my apartment within the hour. Looking at me with slight resentment and tears in their eyes, my parents and Valon gave me their blessings and wished me the best in my future endeavors in China. I would be moving to Beijing, and attending Capital University. It's certainly not too later for me to attend University, I am still young after all. After having a few drinks and some good food with my parents and Valon, the three of them stayed the night, and left early in the morning as they had to work. Sighing, I said, "Tomorrow then. I will be moving to China and starting a new life for myself. Here is to a grand and never ending future!"

The next day, I packed up my things and made my way to the airport to take the first flight to Beijing, China. The airport was packed and many people were huddled together exchanging hugs and kisses and tears too. Smiling warmly at such scenes, I hurried to the front desk and showed them my receipt on my phone with my ticket number. Nodding my head, the lady had me put my things through the scanner and then I emptied my pockets and walked through the security checkpoint. Afterwards they handed me a tub with my phone and wallet in it, and I grabbed my luggage and hurried to the gate. Let's spend the next two hours waiting for that airplane!

And here it is! The first step on my journey to a great life! Getting on my plane, the flight attendant led me to my seat, which was luckily a window seat and handed me a pair of earphones and pointed at a tablet that folded out from behind the chair in front of me. Thanking the girl, I nodded my head and grabbed out the tablet and spent the next several hours watching movies. Then, I entered into a state of cultivation, and before long I was being tapped on my shoulder by the flight attendant. "Sir, we have arrived in Beijing. The rest of the passengers are disembarking now. Thank you for flying Air China!" Nodding my head and bowing slightly, I got up quickly and grabbed my luggage from overhead. Walking out of the plane, I walked out into the airport, and had a huge grin on my face. I made it! I am in China!


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