
Chapter 29 EXPOSED


‘‘I'm sorry, I...,’’ he raked his fingers through his hair in an exasperated manner before plopping his body down on the bed next to mine. ''I'm not sure what possessed me to do it. I just… I just can’t understand my feelings. I don’t know if I’m gay or what, and I always find myself wondering why I feel this way towards a guy like you. I know in myself that I’m straight. But why? Why the hell am I feeling this way to you. Fuck!’’

He clenched his fist and punched the bed, making me scoot away from him. A tear suddenly escaped from my eye, and it glistened in the dark as it fell on my lap. I wasn’t crying because I was scared of him. It was a tear of joy, mixed with astonishment.

I couldn’t believe that he fell for me even though he knew that I was a boy. He even questioned his sexuality because he was so confused as hell. He was right. He’s straight because I’m a girl.

‘‘I’m sorry, Mike… Did I scare you?’’ he asked, and I responded by shaking my head.