
my creation system.

please don't expect regular updates, this is a passion project and I'm already stressed out, throwing regular updates on that would be difficult o say the least mike came from another world with a chance to live a better life. his background was riddled in abuse and neglect. mike works hard in a new work to grow stronger but can he measure up? ( this is heavily influenced by pocket hunting dimension, and while others cultivate I level up in my sleep using the doungen system) please check these out if you like this novel.

Lukas_Fields · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

11. need to catch up

mike was shocked, it makes since but it still shocked him. mike realized something, the system and it's parts were able to be affected by him. mike felt confused, he thought that the system was a force that none could change or effect but then again maybe he was a bit dramatic. with these thoughts cleared mike had one more question.

" system, is it possible to consume more than one orb at a time?" mike asked while praying

" as long as the hosts body can withstand the pressure, than the host can consume as many as it would like." the system stated

mike smiled with glee, he wasn't stuck at one. mike immediately pulled two orbs from his inventory and consumed them, then the energy started to flow into him. the energy was so strong that mike's ears and nose started to bleed, however, didn't notice a thing.

mike sat there and started to cultivate, when he had one orb he could cultivate a max of 30000 at once but with two it was doubled.

it took all of Mike's focas to make cultivate at such a rate, so much that he didn't realize how much blood he was losing. the orbs lasted six hours, and all the while blood was leaking from mike. when Mike opened his eyes and spread his focas he felt that his face and body itself felt weird. looking down mike saw that his whole body was covered in blood, even the bed was soaked. a large circular radius on the bed was completely red. mike rushed to the bathroom and started showering, mike stood and scrubbed even long after the blood was gone. when Mike was done he got dressed and headed over to his room. looking at his bed he sighed.

walking to his nightstand, mike got his phone and went to the online store. searching for queen size mattress he saw that there was a sale today, mike bought the mattress. according to the app, the package should come around 10am tomorrow. mike checked the time. currently it was 9pm, mike yawned and walked off into the living room. finding a comfortable position mike went to sleep, he wanted to sleep early because of school. mike fell asleep as he layed down.

mike dream was short and confusing, he saw two figures covered in shadow's. they were talking but mike couldn't make out anything they said, they talked for what seemed like hours before one looked at mike.

" prove me wrong" the shadow on the right said

mike woke up with a start, it felt as if someone had hit him. opening his eyes he saw Lin li look at him on the couch with confusion.

" what?" mike demanded

"why the hell are you sleeping on the couch?" Lin li asked

" and why did you hit me?" mike rebuttaled

Lin li's face reddened. "I...I didn't hit you" Lin li mumbled

" what? I couldn't hear you." mike said

" umm. I accidentally sat on you." Lin li said a.little louder.

mike laughed, to see Lin li get so flustered by accidentally sitting on him. mike sat up and Lin li sat down.

" shouldn't you get ready for school" Lin li reminded mike

" uhh yeah, give me a moment" mike said while running his head

after a little while, mike got his uniform showered again and got ready to go. mike waited at the door for Lin li while she ate, when she was down the both went to school normally. Lin li went with her normal friend group and mike headed to the principal's office. it took around 5 minutes for mike to find the office but once he did, he requested a visit with the principal. mike was told to go back to class and that he would be called to the office later today. mike went to class normally even though he was supposed to go to the prodigy class. when Mike entered the door mr. Jin won looked at mike with confusion.

" mike please talk with me in the hall" Jin won said as soon as he saw mike

mike felt confused but walked to the hall and waited for a few seconds. Jin won walked out of the class and looked horrified.

" what happened, I thought you were going to the prodigy class?" Jin won asked

" I know, I just have no idea where that is" mike said

Jin won looked at mike in disbelief but mike looked serious. Jin won escorted mike to the classroom then left. mike took a breath in and out, then walked into the class. as soon as mike walked through the door the kids and teacher looked at him. mike walked to the teacher's desk.

" I'm going to presume that you are the class transfer?" the teacher said

" yes sir." mike said respectfully

the teacher pointed at the chalk board. " please write you name" the teacher said

mike wrote his name and then the teacher introduced him. " welcome mike, I'm akio sato. you can sit in that seat behind Takahashi" the teacher said.

after this junction, a boy near the back of the class put his hand up to show that it was him. mike walked to his desk and sat down.

" ok class, for the weekend homework you would have to fortified at least 100 million cells. mike you are excused from this exercise." akio said

looking around mike saw that most students were smiling except for Takahashi, he was looking around in worry when the teacher reminded them about the homework

the teacher came around and placed his hand on top of the students head and then jotted the progress in a notepad. the process took only a few seconds before he was on to the next student, he finally made it to Takahashi. checking his calls, akio had a disappointed frown.

" 78 million cells, that's quite a ways off mr, Takahashi." akio said

" I'm sorry sir, I didn't have any time to cultivate this weekend." Takahashi explained

" it doesn't matter the excuse, that your second strike." akio said while walking away

the kids started murmuring, mike caught a few words like.

"the class failure did it again."

" why not kick him from class now?"

" he makes the prodigy class look bad"

mike was confused but stayed silent, waiting for the teacher to start a lesson or something. the teacher came to Mike's desk and placed a notebook with the notes for the year so far, including that day.

" please read over this today and in your free time. it should improve you cultivation over a few weeks. for now you are except from homework, when you catch it will resume." akio explained

mike opened the notebook and started to read, it didn't take long for him to finish the first lesson notes. by the time class was over, mike had finished half the notes so far. by his guess his cultivation only increased 10 a second, but with a orb it would be close to 10,000. mike smiled and headed to the cafeteria, on his way he followed other students and memorized the route.

getting his lunch was a quick process, shortly he sat down alone and began to eat.

" umm, is anyone sitting here?" a voice rang out

mike looked and saw Takahashi. " no, it free" mire responded.

after sitting down, Takahashi shook mike hand and began eating.

" so, why were all the other kids saying you were the failure of the class?" mike said while getting to the point.

*sigh* " I guess your going to find out one way or another, I have a very low cell cultivation compared to the other student. my father payed for me to be in the prodigy class but I've only embarrassed everyone, when we spar I always lose no matter how hard I try. along with that, the teacher will fail anyone if they get five strikes. it's been two weeks and I've already got two." Takahashi said in a long explanation

" geeze, it seems you have nothing to hide." mike replied

* yeah? well if I didn't tell you, other people would have." Takahashi replied

mike finished his lunch but stayed seated.

" so why talk to me?" mike questioned

" well, no one else talks to me and your new. if you don't like me I can go?" Takahashi said with a frown on his face

" no you're fine, I was just curious." mike said. shortly after he said that a bell rang. Takahashi stood up and started walking away.

" are you not coming?" Takahashi asked

mike stood up and walked over. "to where?" mike asked

"gym class of course" Takahashi said