
my creation system.

please don't expect regular updates, this is a passion project and I'm already stressed out, throwing regular updates on that would be difficult o say the least mike came from another world with a chance to live a better life. his background was riddled in abuse and neglect. mike works hard in a new work to grow stronger but can he measure up? ( this is heavily influenced by pocket hunting dimension, and while others cultivate I level up in my sleep using the doungen system) please check these out if you like this novel.

Lukas_Fields · Fantasy
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14 Chs

10: out of energy

Mike's consciousness was sucked out of his body, his vision went black and when it returned he saw the familiar giant tree. in front of the tree he saw the same wind slash rabbit as always. dealing with it quickly it dropped three normal orbs, one wind slash orb, two claws, and a pelt. mike picked them all up then entered the tree. the scenery around him changes untill he was in the rabbit field with the mountain. mike quickly found a small rabbit group to test his strength. with his speed so high he should be able to easily kill the four in the group.

mike approached the rabbit group fast and went for the kill, mike equipped two rabbit claws and approached a rabbit. stabbing it in the head it fell to the ground instantly.

280dmg, critical

the other rabbits looked over and there eyes became focused on mike. the three rabbits left ran at there full speed to attack mike, with mike running twords the rabbits, the distance was closed very quickly. the first rabbit died so easily but mike knew this was because he had hit it in the head, mike aimed for the heads of the rabbits with every strike. mike killed another two and had taken no damage. the last rabbit looked at mike with no fear in it's eyes. ruching twords mike, the rabbit swang at Mike's chest. mike easily jumped back a little and evaded the strike. running to the side of the rabbit, mike stabbed it in the head. the rabbit went limp and fell to the ground. mike looked at the rabbit with satisfaction. he was able to kill four rabbits without breaking a sweat.

mike went around the rabbits and collected all the resources, in total he had gotten 14 orbs, 9 rabbit claws, and 5 rabbit pelts. it seemed that the pelts always dropped, but the rabbit claws and the orbs dropped with a chance. the most a single rabbit can drop is 2 claws or 6 orbs, at least this was so far. mike didn't forget the 10 meter rabbit that he was chased by, [that rabbit must have something good for me.] mike thought to himself.

smiling mike went to find larger groups of rabbits, casually killing off any groups with 4 or less members. it didn't take long to find a group with 5 rabbits but mike was able to deal with them almost as easily. [ I didn't realize that only a few level would make such a difference] mike thought.

with Mike's hunting range increased, he began to gain resources like crazy. so far mike had killed every rabbit he had come across. this amounted to 54 rabbits, 107 orbs, 84 rabbit claws, and 54 pelts, mike smiled.

"system, how long have I been in the doungen?" mike asked

"the host has been active in the doungen for one hour" the system stated.

mike smiled again, although it would take days for mike to clear the doungen at his current state, he has happy that he managed to kill so many in such a short time span. with this many orbs he would be able to cultivate for weeks, but since time was stopped out in the real world, mike was able to hunt as much as he wanted.

" system, show me my status" mike demanded

the hosts current status is

name: mike

level:8 (3100/9840)

hp:220/220:higher than average level

mp:3/20: higher that average level

durability:24: on level

strength:22 ():higher than average level

speed:21 above level

skills: karate, wind slash (1%)

special skills: mind doungen, status peering, inventory

traits: active, restless, opportunist

system points: 1080


status points: 0

looking at his status mike determined that it was much more effective to cultivate then to hunt, but again time stopped in the doungen so there was no harm to it. mike saw how low his mp was and was shocked.

" system, if I didn't use wind slash at all then how did I loose mp?!" mike asked

" the host should think of mp as energy, the host will lose mp as he fights, runs, ect..." the system explained.

" wait, if mp is energy that shouldn't I regain my mp by sitting and doing nothing" mike asked

" correct" the system confirmed

" so how long will it take for me to regain my mp? " mike asked

" the host would have to wait for 45 minutes to regain all of its hp" the system declared

mike was shocked 45 minutes when he could only speed 4 hour in the doungen, that was insane. mike pushed on ignoring his low mp, fighting more and more rabbits. he walked up to a group of 7 and ran to them without fear. stabbing the first rabbit in the head with both daggers, it died instantly. running along, stabbed two more in the head before he fell to the ground. mike tryed to stand up, bit his body didn't work. mike looked at the rabbits running at him, there was hatred in there eyes.

" why can't I move!" mike shouted out.

" the host has 0mp. your body will shut down slowly to start regaining it's energy" the system explained

at the end of the explanation, the rabbit had already made it to mike. they all looked down and bared there fangs, the first to strike bit mike leg and tore off a chung of flesh.


the other joined and started eating mike alive, mike screamed and tryed to move, but nothing happened. after every bite the rabbits took around two minutes to chew and swallow. mike lay on the ground in major pain, wishing he had regained his mp. images flashed across his mind and thought started to appear in his head before he lost consciousness.

mike return to his body and immediately felt extreme pain, it felt exactly like it did when he was eaten but this time all around his body. mike tryed to scream but his voice failed. over all of the pain mike had barley been able to hear the system announce something.

" the host has gained the skill indestructible mind. this will combat the trauma of being eaten alive." the system announced.

it took 30 minutes for the pain to fade enough for him to be able to move. mike sat up, his mind was blank. he couldn't think about what happened without remembering the tremendous pain. with no reason or want to reflect, mike pulled out a orb. consuming the orb, a wave of energy washed over Mike's body. this wave slightly got rid of the pain, but mike also noticed that it wasn't at effective as the waves before. mike saved his questions to layer because the energy wave didn't last forever. once again Mike's cultivation increased, with the orb he could cultivate 30,000 cells a millisecond. mike was deep in cultivation for three hours. when the orb wore off mike opened his eyes, looking at the clove he saw three hours passed. immediately he had a few questions.

" why didn't it feel the same as before, and why did the orb last only three hours?" mike said as he was puzzled

" the orb from a basic rabbit is the weakest that the system can produce, as the host gets stronger it is able to absorb the energy faster. as for the feel of energy, this is because the energy in the orb feels like less because the host has a lot more of it. the effects of the orbs did not change but the host did." replied the system