

Yumiko a 17 year old girl is paired with Arata to be her tutor. Yumiko is sunshine though her smartness is not so bright. She is nice, cute, love her mom elder brother, best friend -Kaoru. But there is still room left for someone -Arata. He is mean, smart and doesn't considers people feelings which makes him seem harsh. He is popular among girls and even boys for being handsome and cute. Will Yumiko be able to reach for her cold love -or not. Adventure with yumiko and her friends to a journey of self discovery and love

Hobi2 · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter 3 : "Threads of Compassion"


I woke up to the soft sunlight filtering through my curtains, a sense of excitement bubbling within me. Today was the day of our much-anticipated weekend outing, a date with my best friend, Kaoru. I rifled through my closet, searching for the perfect outfit, settling on a cute dress that matched the carefree spirit of our adventure.

YUMIKO (thinking) French braids might add a touch of whimsy.

I spent extra time in front of the mirror, weaving my hair into delicate French braids. Satisfied with my look, I headed out to meet Kaoru, the anticipation of our day together sending a flutter through my chest.


The amusement park buzzed with laughter and the thrill of the rides. Kaoru and I giggled as we navigated through the various attractions, our bond growing stronger with each shared moment.

YUMIKO (voiceover) Today was supposed to be about us, about friendship and joy.

After a delightful movie, we found ourselves at the ice cream stand, savouring the sweetness of the moment. But just as the caramel swirl touched my lips, my phone rang, disrupting the serenity.

ARATA (caller ID)

YUMIKO (muttering to Kaoru) Arata...

Ignoring the call, I pressed the phone to silent, determined to focus on the present. We were interrupted by the distant sounds of a roller coaster, and our laughter drowned out any lingering thoughts of lessons.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, we ventured to the heart of the amusement park. And there, among the dazzling lights, we stumbled upon Arata and his friend.

YUMIKO (nervously, introducing herself) Hi, Arata, this is Kaoru my best friend. Mind if we join you?

Arata's gaze bore into me, his disapproval palpable. I tried to apologize for ignoring his call, but his icy stare silenced my words.

DAI (Arata's friend) (teasingly) Is Yumiko your girlfriend, Arata?

The question hung in the air, a moment pregnant with anticipation. Arata's response was sharp and cold.

ARATA No. Let's go.

As Arata and his friends walked away, I was left feeling the weight of his disapproval. The laughter and joy of the amusement park are now tainted by the tension between us.




The echoes of laughter from the amusement park lingered in my mind as I sat on the edge of my bed, replaying the events of the day. The joy of our date had been overshadowed by the encounter with Arata, leaving an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I got Arata's phone number the day I was assigned to be tutored by him.

YUMIKO (voiceover) Why did he have to scold me in front of everyone? I just wanted a day of fun with Kaoru.

My phone, still silenced from earlier, blinked with a new message. It was from Arata.

ARATA (text message) Meet me at the library tomorrow. Don't be late.

I sighed, the weight of his words hanging in the air. Tomorrow's lesson felt like an impending storm, and I wondered if our friendship would ever find a way to carefree days.


The familiar hush of the library greeted me as I walked in, uncertainty tugging at my heart. Arata sat at a corner table, engrossed in his books. I hesitated but approached, ready to face whatever awaited me.

YUMIKO (softly) Arata, I'm sorry for ignoring your call yesterday. It was just... I wanted to enjoy the day with Kaoru.

Arata's gaze remained fixed on his book, his silence a heavy response.

ARATA (coldly) Sit down. We have work to do.

I sat, the atmosphere heavy with tension. As the lesson progressed, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between us. The once-warm library now felt like a battleground of unspoken words.


As the lesson unfolded, Yumiko couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between her and Arata. The air, once filled with the ease of shared learning, now carried an unspoken tension. Was it because she had ignored his call during her date with Kaoru? The question lingered, adding a layer of complexity to the academic atmosphere.

YUMIKO (thinking) Did I cross a line? Was our friendship affected by my choice to prioritize time with Kaoru?

Arata's demeanor remained as icy as ever, his focus solely on the subject matter. The guilt gnawed at Yumiko, a weight she carried as the lesson progressed.


After the lesson, Arata surprised Yumiko with a test on the last topic they covered—concord. To her surprise, she scored 95 out of 100. Arata, with his usual cold demeanor, managed to slip in a rare compliment.

ARATA Not bad, Yumiko. Keep it up.

The unexpected praise brought a flicker of relief to Yumiko's guilt-laden heart. The tension in the library seemed to ease slightly, but the unspoken rift lingered.


Arata, true to his role as a tutor, moved on to the next subject—mathematics. The topic was scale, and he provided examples with meticulous clarity. Yumiko, still grappling with the emotional turmoil, did her best to absorb the lesson.

Suddenly, Yumiko's phone rang, disrupting the focused atmosphere. She picked it up to hear her brother Katori deliver the shocking news—her mother was in the hospital after a fall down the stairs. Trembling with fear and concern, Yumiko couldn't contain the distress any longer.

YUMIKO (voice shaky) Arata, I... my mom is in the hospital. She fell down the stairs.

Arata, sensing the urgency, acted swiftly.

ARATA Which hospital?

YUMIKO Saiseikai Tokyo Hospital.

Without wasting a moment, Arata took Yumiko by the arm, a sense of urgency in his movements. It was as if he had been in this situation before. They hurriedly made their way to where Arata's motorcycle was parked.


When they arrived at the hospital, the urgency in Arata's actions became even more apparent. Yumiko, still trembling, followed him through the corridors. The nurse directed them to the room where Yumiko's mother was staying.

Inside the room, Yumiko rushed into her big brother Katori's comforting embrace, tears streaming down her cheeks. Arata, though unfamiliar with this emotional scene, tried his best to offer comfort.

KATORI (calming Yumiko) It's not critical. The doctor said it's stress.

The doctor prescribed medication for Yumiko's mom, and she was soon discharged. Yumiko's mother, grateful for the support, extended an invitation.

YUMIKO'S MOM Arata, why don't you join us for dinner? I can't thank you enough.


In the warm ambiance of Yumiko's home, they gathered around the dinner table. Arata, usually reserved, found himself welcomed into the family fold. They shared a simple meal of rice, the atmosphere filled with gratitude and relief.

As Arata prepared to leave, Yumiko walked him to the door, a newfound appreciation in her eyes.

YUMIKO Arata, thank you for everything today. I... I don't know what I would have done without you.

Arata nodded, his usual stoic expression softened by the day's events.

ARATA Take care, Yumiko.

As he left, Yumiko couldn't help but feel that maybe, just maybe, the unexpected turn of events had created a bridge between them, a connection that went beyond the library lessons.