

Yumiko a 17 year old girl is paired with Arata to be her tutor. Yumiko is sunshine though her smartness is not so bright. She is nice, cute, love her mom elder brother, best friend -Kaoru. But there is still room left for someone -Arata. He is mean, smart and doesn't considers people feelings which makes him seem harsh. He is popular among girls and even boys for being handsome and cute. Will Yumiko be able to reach for her cold love -or not. Adventure with yumiko and her friends to a journey of self discovery and love

Hobi2 · Teen
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Chapter 2 : "Mochi Moments: Navigating Concord in the Silent Library"


The library's hushed ambience wraps around me as I nervously flip through my English grammar book. There he was, Arata, engrossed in his studies at a nearby table. My heart pounds in my chest as I gather the courage to approach him for my lesson.

YUMIKO (softly) Hi, Arata. Um, do you mind if I join you for a bit?

Arata looks up, his expression unyielding. I can't help but feel a pang of uncertainty, but I press on.

ARATA (indifferent) Sure, whatever, like weren't you supposed to be here 5 min ago?

With a hopeful smile, I placed 2 packets of mochi and 2 cartons of chocolate milk on the table.

YUMIKO I, uh, brought us a little snack. Thought it might make the lesson more enjoyable and I also wanted to use it to appreciate you for accepting to tutor me.

Arata glances at the offerings, his demeanor remaining unaltered.

ARATA (nonchalant) Fine.

I passed him the drink and mochi

ARATA (nonchalant)What are you struggling with today? tomorrow we will have another topic.

My nerves intensify, but I push through, determined to make the most of this opportunity.

YUMIKO Well, you know, um, concord.

Arata's eyebrow raises, his indifference cutting through.

ARATA Concord? That's basic. You should've learned that in middle school.

I nod, feeling a bit foolish.

YUMIKO Yeah, I know, but my memory...kind of short if I don't continuously read. So, um, maybe you could help me refresh my memory?

Arata sighs, clearly uninterested.

ARATA (apathetic) Fine. Let's get it over with.

I open my English book, attempting to focus on the lesson, while Arata begins explaining concord with a cold, matter-of-fact tone. I steal glances at him, hoping to break through the icy exterior.

YUMIKO (softly) Thanks for doing this, Arata. I appreciate it.

He doesn't respond, continuing to explain the intricacies of concord. Undeterred, I take a piece of mochi and sip my chocolate milk, determined to make the lesson a little more enjoyable despite Arata's chilly attitude.



As the lesson progresses, Arata's cold demeanor persists, but I find myself growing more accustomed to his stoic teaching style. I take another bite of mochi, attempting to infuse a bit of light into the atmosphere.

YUMIKO You know, this mochi is really good. I thought it might make our study session less... serious.

Arata glances at his mochi, his expression unchanged.

ARATA (stoic) It's just food.

I try not to let his indifference dampen my spirits. Sipping on the chocolate milk, I press on with the lesson.

YUMIKO So, concord. It's like making words agree, right? Like, "The cat is cute" versus "The cats are cute."

Arata nods, his expression remaining neutral.

ARATA Simple agreement. Not that difficult to grasp.

I manage a small smile, encouraged by his acknowledgement.

YUMIKO (smiling) Well, you make it sound easy. Maybe I'll get the hang of it soon.

Despite Arata's continued indifference, I sense a subtle shift. Perhaps he's starting to see my determination.

ARATA Just pay attention. You'll figure it out.

I take another bite of mochi, contemplating my next move.

YUMIKO By the way, do you have a favorite English word? Or one you find interesting?

Arata looks at me, a hint of surprise in his eyes.

ARATA Why would I have a favorite word?

YUMIKO (playfully) Well, I think "serendipity" is a lovely word. Don't you?

His response is dismissive, but I catch a flicker of something in his eyes.

ARATA (after a moment) It's just a word.

I return my focus to the lesson, sipping my chocolate milk. While Arata's cold exterior persists, I can't help but wonder about the layers hidden beneath his intellectual facade. As I navigate the intricacies of concord, I find myself unraveling not only the complexities of the English language but also the enigma that is Arata.


I enter the warm glow of the dining room, freshened up after the somewhat intense English lesson with Arata. The enticing aroma of my mom's cooking wafts through the air. Kaoru, my mischievous big brother, is already seated at the table, grinning as he notices my arrival.

KATORI (teasingly) Well, well, look who's back from her "studious" adventure. How was your date with the genius?

My cheeks flush with embarrassment, and I shoot him a playful glare.

YUMIKO (rolling eyes) Kaoru, it was not a date. We were just studying English and Mrs.Olivia suggested Arata could help.

My mom chuckles from the kitchen, clearly entertained by our banter.

MOM (calling out) Studying with Arata, huh? I hope he's a good tutor.

YUMIKO (smirking) Well, he's good at concord, but his teaching style is a bit... icy.

Katori chuckles, sipping on his drink.

KATORI So, how did you break through the frozen exterior? Maybe with some of that famous charm of yours?

YUMIKO (sarcastically) Oh. I just dazzled him with my knowledge of verb agreement.

My mom places a steaming dish of dumplings on the table, interrupting our banter.

MOM (smiling) Well, I'm glad you're taking your studies seriously. Maybe Arata will warm up to you eventually.

YUMIKO (playfully) We'll see. In the meantime, I brought some mochi and chocolate milk to sweeten the lesson. Literally.

Katori grins mischievously.

KATORI (teasing) Trying to bribe your way to an A, huh?

YUMIKO (defending) No! Just thought it would make the lesson more enjoyable.

We settle into dinner, the conversation shifting to lighter topics. As we share stories and laughter, I can't help but reflect on the day's events. Arata may be a challenge, but maybe, just maybe, I can crack that intellectual shell of his. And in the midst of it all, my family's teasing adds a touch of warmth and familiarity to the journey.


I settle into the comfort of my bed, the softness of the sheets providing a gentle embrace. The room is bathed in the muted glow of fairy lights, casting a soothing ambience. With a contented sigh, I let the events of the day slowly fade away as I slowly let my heavy eyelids close.