
My Cards Originate From The Primordial Era

This is an era belonging to card makers. In this world, wild monsters roam, ancient realms revive everywhere, and ordinary people live in fear. Only card makers can protect themselves and others. Xu Wang transmigrated and became a high school student. During his awakening in the Card Source World, he successfully awakened the Primordial Mythology World. By simultaneously using the artifact cards [Tai Chi Diagram] + [Pangu Banner] + [Chaos Bell], with matching card attributes, he obtained the ultimate divine weapon, the Heaven-Opening Axe. By simultaneously using the character cards [Yunxiao] + [Qiongxiao] + [Bixiao], he activated the card bond [Three Fairy Maidens], and the Nine-Bend Yellow River witnessed the extinction of immortals and mortals. By simultaneously using the character cards [Bull Demon King] + [Dragon Demon King] + ... + [Yu Rong King] + [Monkey King], he activated the card bond [Seven Great Kings], granting the characters in this series the [Great King] status enhancement, causing chaos... From then on, slaying ancient gods and annihilating demons became a piece of cake.

Not Going To Bite · Eastern
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Chapter 21: Then I'll Go!_1

Translator: Inschain Editor: Inschain

Xu Wang watched Chu Jingyi's disappearing figure.

He didn't know if she was thanking him for giving up the special enrollment quota, or for ruining Li Chongsi's laughable plan, or for giving her the Green Pattern Energy Card that he had snatched from her at the beginning...

However, all of this seemed to be even with Xu Wang after she asked him if he was going to the Novice Competition.

Xu Wang had to admit that she was indeed beautiful, and it was a kind of beauty that was distant.

She always gave people the feeling that she could get along with them, but she couldn't open up.

At this moment, Mr. Wang had already walked towards him. Seeing this, Xu Wang quickly stood up and a smile immediately appeared on his face.

"Mr. Wang, do you have something to tell me alone?"

Mr. Wang nodded and smiled.

"Xu Wang, your guess is correct. I've specially asked you to stay because I have something to discuss with you. But before that, I need to guide you in designing an Energy Card."

"Uh... Mr. Wang, is there a problem with the Energy Card that I designed previously?"

Xu Wang said.

However, he could roughly guess that this was probably because of his Card Building.

Because in the common sense of this world, a Card designer's Card Building had a maximum of 9 stories, but his Card Building had 10 stories.

To others, this was obviously unreasonable.

Mr. Wang had asked him to design cards again, and he even had to personally guide him. It was most likely because he suspected that he had made mistakes in the process of designing cards previously and that there was a BUG.

Otherwise, when Mr. Wang checked his card earlier, he probably wouldn't have been so surprised and even changed his words to 9-story.

While Xu Wang was thinking, Mr. Wang grabbed out of thin air and a brand new Energy Card appeared in his hand.

Then, he bent down and personally fixed it to the card-fixing device on the card-designing table in front of Xu Wang.

"There was indeed a problem with the previous card. That card's evaluation was rudimentary. You should be more serious this time."

Mr. Wang nodded.

As he spoke, he had already checked all the card-designing tools on the table to make sure that there were no problems and that they could be used normally.

Only then did his gaze return to Xu Wang,

"Alright, Xu Wang, you can start now. It's still a Restricted Card. Engrave your exclusive Mental Energy Pattern!"

Xu Wang's smile did not change. He nodded slightly and sat back on the chair. Then, he focused his spiritual power on the Spiritual Carving Knife.

The next moment, the Spirit Carving Knife moved slowly, slowly carving Xu Wang's exclusive Mental Energy Pattern on the Energy Card.

Beside him, Mr. Wang observed everything without blinking.

Not long after, the Spiritual Carving Knife carved the last line and the moving blade stopped.

Mr. Wang raised his hand and put the carving knife to the side. Then, he took out a Restorative Psychaic Pill that could recover spiritual power.

"Eat this and continue with the fourth step of designing cards. Use your spiritual power to connect the Energy Card to the Origin World of the Card, then draw the card."

Xu Wang didn't say much. After eating the pill, he immediately closed his eyes and skillfully connected the Energy Card and the Energy World.

This time, in the Card Energy World, he had also chosen the point where he had made the Energy Card earlier and drew it.

Under Mr. Wang's personal guidance, Xu Wang soon completed the designion of the Energy Card again.

At this moment, Mr. Wang was checking the card.

Xu Wang sat on the chair and looked at him calmly. After a while, Mr. Wang finally spoke.

"Xu Wang, tell me, what story is the corresponding Card Building in your Card Energy World?"

His tone was filled with confusion because the card he had personally guided Xu Wang to design this time was still 10 stories.

"10 stories," Xu Wang said bluntly.

When Mr. Wang heard Xu Wang's words, although he was already mentally prepared, he was still very surprised.

10 stories, what did this mean?

It meant that the current world's understanding of Card Buildings would be overturned. The highest Card Building in the Card Energy World would be 10 stories.

It would even shock everyone's consensus.

However, Mr. Wang knew that if this matter was exposed, no one would really believe that there was a 10th-Story Card Building.

They might even think that this was just a publicity stunt...

Although he was very surprised, Mr. Wang remained calm in front of Xu Wang.

After some thought, he asked,

"By the way, Xu Wang, you seem to have designed an Eastern Dragon Recharge Card. Can you show it to me?"

Xu Wang frowned slightly but did not refuse. With a thought, he took out Ao Bing's card that was recharging in the Card Building.

Mr. Wang smiled, picked up the card, and used the Card Backtrack Ring to examine it seriously again.


Card Designer: Xu Wang

Card's Type: Character Card

Card containing: Ao Bing, the Third Prince of the Dragon Palace of Donghai

Card World: The Creation Divine World

Card Building: 10

Card corresponding Card Building: 4


Card's evaluation: Good

Backtrack completed!


He looked at the data of the card that was backtracked.

Mr. Wang completely believed that Xu Wang's card was on the 10th story. At the same time, he also understood that the card was indeed Oriental Fairy Dragon.

Following that, more questions appeared in his mind.

If what Xu Wang had awakened was the legend passed down from Daxia, the Card Energy World designed by the ancient god Pangu,

then how could he design a Character Card?

Was he still considered a Waste Card Energy World?

Did he have a lot of cards in his Card Building?

The Third Prince of Donghai, are there any other dragons in the sea?


Xu Wang had not heard Mr. Wang's words for a long time. He subconsciously looked up and saw that Mr. Wang was deep in thought.

He could only ask,

"Mr. Wang, it's getting late."

Mr. Wang smiled when his thoughts were suddenly interrupted.

"Chu Jingyi seemed to have mentioned to you about the Southern Novice Card Competition just now. Let me tell you about the rewards for the top ten in this competition. One of them is a golden-quality, permanent Energy Recharge Card."

"As for the other rewards, they might be drawn on the spot. I'm not too sure, but they definitely won't be bad.

As for this competition,

our school has already received an invitation from the Card Designer Alliance. If the school sends someone there, we will have three quotas in the top 300. I asked you to stay because I wanted to know if you are willing to represent the school in the competition?"

Mr. Wang looked at the card in his hand and slowly explained his purpose.

Although he did not ask, he felt that Xu Wang had just awakened the Card Energy World and could already design such a powerful card like the Oriental Fairy Dragon.

It did not matter if he was a Waste Card EnergyWorld. Just this Fairy Dragon Card alone was enough to deal with many newbies.

"The top ten will be rewarded with a gold-quality, permanent Energy Recharge Card!" Xu Wang was instantly tempted. This was something that money could not buy.

Mr. Wang nodded.

"That's right. I heard that the reward for the top three might even be a red-quality, permanent Energy Card. How about it? Do you want to give it a try?"

"Yes, I do, but don't you know about my family situation, Mr. Wang?" Xu Wang said.

Mr. Wang smiled, "The school has already considered this situation. In two days, the school will make an announcement. Students who have awakened their Card Energy World can sign up for the competition. When the competition starts, we will naturally arrange for a car to send everyone to Lin City!"

"Moreover, I can guarantee that if you are willing to go, I can decide to give you a quota in the top 300!"

After hearing this, Xu Wang was overjoyed. It was as if someone had given him a pillow when he was sleepy.

"Then I'll go!" Xu Wang said with certainty.