
My Cards Originate From The Primordial Era

This is an era belonging to card makers. In this world, wild monsters roam, ancient realms revive everywhere, and ordinary people live in fear. Only card makers can protect themselves and others. Xu Wang transmigrated and became a high school student. During his awakening in the Card Source World, he successfully awakened the Primordial Mythology World. By simultaneously using the artifact cards [Tai Chi Diagram] + [Pangu Banner] + [Chaos Bell], with matching card attributes, he obtained the ultimate divine weapon, the Heaven-Opening Axe. By simultaneously using the character cards [Yunxiao] + [Qiongxiao] + [Bixiao], he activated the card bond [Three Fairy Maidens], and the Nine-Bend Yellow River witnessed the extinction of immortals and mortals. By simultaneously using the character cards [Bull Demon King] + [Dragon Demon King] + ... + [Yu Rong King] + [Monkey King], he activated the card bond [Seven Great Kings], granting the characters in this series the [Great King] status enhancement, causing chaos... From then on, slaying ancient gods and annihilating demons became a piece of cake.

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Chapter 22: Auntie Was A Little Unreliable_1

Translator: Inschain Editor: Inschain

The red sun was setting in the west, and the evening glow was spreading.

At this moment, Xu Wang was standing at the main entrance of the school, checking the communicator that he had just taken from the school's Storeroom.

Even though Xue City First High School didn't have strict control over electronic products like communicators.

They had to submit it during class time.

Xu Wang had just turned on his communicator when a few missed calls popped up.

They were all calls from his aunt.

He looked at the screen.

Xu Wang was at a loss.

Because he had no relatives in his previous life.

He had yet to adapt.

At the same time, he did not know how to face it.

In his memory, his aunt was only five years older than him. The two of them had relied on each other since they were young and Aunt always doted on him.

It wasn't until four years ago when his aunt awakened the Card Energy World and left Xue City for the capital of Tiannan Province that he was able to live alone.

However, after four years of university, this aunt came back. While she found a job internship in Xue City, she took even more care of him.

As Xu Wang was deep in thought, his communicator rang.

He lowered his head and looked at the screen of his communicator. It was undoubtedly his aunt.

Xu Wang took a deep breath and picked up the call,

"Hello! Au... Auntie."

"Yo, our little man changed his personality today? You even know how to call me Auntie!" A teasing voice came from the other end.


Xu Wang's face darkened.

"Why aren't you saying anything? Come and tell Auntie. Is it because the awakening of the Card Energy World failed today that you're so obedient?"

Xu Wang grinned.

As expected, this aunt's personality was exactly the same as what he remembered. She was carefree in front of him and liked to tease him the most.

But to outsiders, she was extremely dignified.

"I've successfully awakened!" Xu Wang replied helplessly.

"Hahahaha! My nephew is great. Quickly tell me what stories you have and which school you want to go to..."

"It's getting late." Xu Wang interrupted her.

"You're right. Forget it, Wangwang. Go home quickly. When you get home, I'll have a good chat with you!"


"Today, I'm cooking all the dishes that you like! Auntie treats you well, right?" Xu Han said excitedly.

"Got it, Xu Han is the best! I'll hang up first!"

Xu Wang hung up the phone and walked on the sidewalk. Soon, he encountered a city bike.

The neighborhood he lived in was only two kilometers away from the school, so it only took him a few minutes to return to his current home.

Xu Han's temperament was gentle and dignified, but Xu Wang had never seen this.

As long as she was with Xu Wang, she seemed to have endless things to say.

However, Xu Wang knew very well that Xu Han's concern for him came from the bottom of her heart. It was just that he was not used to it in his memories.

Now, he was ready to adapt.

After washing his hands, he sat down at the dining table. Today's dishes were very sumptuous, and they were all his favorite dishes. His heart instantly warmed.

Xu Han picked up a piece of pork rib and placed it in his bowl. She looked at him curiously, "Wangwang, can you talk about your Card Building now?"

"10 stories."

After Xu Wang finished speaking, he took a mouthful of rice.

When Xu Han heard this, she almost spat out a mouthful of rice.

She said solemnly,

"Wangwang, if you haven't awakened, then you haven't. I won't despise you. Why did you make up such a ridiculous lie to lie to me?"


Xu Wang ate his food without saying a word. It was obvious that he had been misunderstood again.

"Alright! Alright! I'll treat you as if you have 10 stories. Have you thought about where you plan to go to university after graduating from high school?"

Xu Han looked at him.


When Xu Han heard this answer, she frowned slightly. Her internship was almost over and she was about to graduate.

According to her plan, she would follow Xu Wang to whichever city he went to for university to find a job.

However, Yujing City was the capital of Daxia. Even if she was a Tier 3 Card Designer, it would probably be difficult for her to find a job there.

"Got it. I'll go back to school next month. After completing the graduation ceremony, I'll accompany you to Yujing!"

Xu Han looked at him and said softly.

She thought that although Xu Wang had not awakened the Card Energy World, it would be very easy for him to go to Yujing University with his academic results.

"Xu Han! You've just gotten used to your work in Xue City. Is it really okay for you to suddenly resign?"

Xu Wang frowned.

"It's okay. I don't really like this working environment, especially when I have to smile at a particularly annoying colleague every day. Wangwang, you know, I don't like this feeling!"

"I've never heard you say that you have an annoying colleague."

Xu Wang was a little surprised.

In his memory, Xu Han had always been a very tolerant person and rarely hated people.

"Oh, by the way, Wangwang, did you drink other people's water in school today, or did you encounter anything unlucky?"

"Hmm?" Xu Wang looked at her in confusion.

"This morning, that annoying guy confessed his love to me. I couldn't reject him directly."

"And after that?" Xu Wang frowned again.

"Then I... I rejected him with the reason that you didn't like him. However, that guy was so fierce that he left me with a sentence, saying that he would definitely make you like him."

"What does this have to do with me being unlucky?"Xu Wang was even more confused. Xu Han seemed to be talking further and further away.

"That guy's cards from the Origin Card World are all extremely damaging cards or items. I'm afraid he'll use them on you."

"Damaging Cards?" Xu Wang was curious.

"I heard it from my colleague. That guy knows how to design an Auxiliary Card for the Bad Luck Pill. It's colorless and odorless in water. Drinking it will cause you to be very unlucky. There's also a card for the Soul Shattering Pill. I don't know the exact effect, but it's very hurtful to..."

When Xu Wang heard this, his pupils instantly widened.

Because in the memories he obtained, he seemed to be drinking a drink given to him by a classmate.

That classmate also said that his brother was happy today because he had found a woman he liked. Good things came in pairs and his brother bought him two bottles of drinks.

Therefore, he gave Xu Wang a bottle of drink. The reason was that he wanted Xu Wang to be happy and get rid of his bachelor status as soon as possible.

For this reason, Ye Yanci rolled his eyes at that classmate and said that Xu Wang was not the only one who was single.

Then, he even laughed at Ye for this, saying that with his simple-minded looks, the idea of finding a partner should be extinct as soon as possible and that he was only suitable to be a bootlicker...

"Wangwang, what are you thinking about? Why are you so lost in thought?" Xu Han's words pulled Xu Wang's thoughts back.

"What's your colleague's surname?"

"Lu, did something happen to you at school?" Xu Han's face was instantly filled with worry.

"No. No, this dish is delicious!" Xu Wang shook his head and pointed at the dishes in front of him.

His face was calm, but he was extremely surprised

because that person's surname was Lu.

At this moment, Xu Wang understood that "Xu Wang" must have met with misfortune before he transmigrated to this place.

No wonder, if "Xu Wang" was fine, how could he suddenly time-travel and only leave behind "his" memories?

So this was the problem.

Also, Auntie was a little unreliable. She dragged her nephew down with her. If he didn't come, "Xu Wang's" corpse might have been cold!

Xu Wang thought as he ate.

"Since you're playing dirty!

Then why don't I give it a try? With my current spiritual power, can I design a killing weapon like the Seven Arrows?"