
My Boss is scary

Li Zi Yun was the eldest daughter of the Li family but her dad hated her. Her step sister or should she say half sister was always ready to take everything away from her. Her step mother was trying to make her life a living hell. But she was no longer the old Li Zi Yun who was yearning for love. Her boss was waiting for the moment when he could make her pay for what she took away from him. But she will endure it all. She had nothing to lose. She will not succumb to the situation. Li Zi Yun was now in a respectable position in one of the top companies. No one can take advantage of her any longer. She was going to play by her rules. P.S: I Don't own the book cover. English is not my mother tongue. So please forgive me if I make any mistakes. Also Check out my other book 'Back to 22'

RachelDarcy · Urban
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Chapter 221

After a week, Wang Yu knew it was time to return to his hectic routine life. Though he did not want Li Zi Yun staying alone at home, but he thought it would be better to stay at the penthouse, than returning to the Wang family residence now that Wang Yiran was awake.

Every day started with Li Zi Yun waking up a bit early to prepare breakfast for her husband. She had more or less ordered Wang Yu to not leave the house without having breakfast. Before their wedding, lunch was sent from home for Wang Yu. Now Li Zi Yun brought him lunch every afternoon. Mrs. Wang had sent over few maids to help Li Zi Yun for household chores but she had sent everyone away. Rather than staying idle the entire day when the maids do all the work, Li Zi Yun preferred doing things herself. Only a chauffeur was on standby always, since Li Zi Yun did not drive.

Wang Yu and Li Zi Yun lived like a normal couple. Weekend they went shopping together, Wang Yu took Li Zi Yun out for movie, they even went on a short trips whenever they got time. Though Wang Yu said to Li Zi Yun that she could return to work if she wants, Li Zi Yun wanted to stay home now. She wanted to live a relaxed life now, with her only worry being about family.

One weekend, Li Zi Yun and Wang Yu went to meet the elders. After visiting Wang Yiran the last time, they had not come here. Now Wang Yiran could walk with the help of a stick or with someone supporting her. So she was no longer confided in her room. Wang Yiran wanted to check Li Zi Yun's room but the maids told her that Li Zi Yun did not have a separate room and she stayed in Wang Yu's room. Since Li Zi Yun lived with Wang Yu, all her clothes were kept in the closet with Wang Yu's.

None of the maids or family members were allowed to enter Wang Yu's room when he was not at home. This was a strict rule at home and no one dared to enter that area. So when Wang Yiran wanted to enter Wang Yu's room, her mother told her strictly it was off limits. But Wang Yiran not was not the one to give up easily. She kept on nagging her mother daily. All the family heirlooms that Wang Yiran had, had been given to Li Zi Yun now. When she was younger, she had gotten it all. But now everything had been handed over to Li Zi Yun. One of the reasons was because she was in coma, the other was, when Wang Yiran gets married and leaves to another home, she will become part of another family.

Now the Wang family was finally happy. Wang Yu was happily married and Wang Yiran had woken up from coma. The house was more lively now.

When the entire family was gathered, Wang Yiran said pointing a finger at Li Zi Yun, "Grandma since I'm awake now, tell her to return all the jewels to me"

Grandmother Wang was confused, "What jewel are you talking about?"

Wang Yiran repeated once again, "Grandma I'm talking about our family heirlooms which you gave me. Ask her to return it to me"

Grandmother Wang said in a clear tone, "Yiran she is your sister in law and it was me who gave that to her"

Wang Yiran did not give up, "But grandma I have woken up now. I want it"

Grandmother Wang said in final tone, "No she is the daughter in law of the family now and it is hers now. End of discussion"

Wang Yiran had a smug face now that she couldn't get back what she wanted. She was already pissed off that no one treats like before but now she couldn't even get what she wanted. Wang Yiran couldn't bear to see Li Zi Yun's happy face. Both Wang Yu and Li Zi Yun were always together no matter what. Wang Yu did not leave his wife's side for even a single second. During dinner, there was only seat empty by Wang Yu's side and Wang Yiran sat there before Li Zi Yun could sit down. But Wang Yu pulled Li Zi Yun to his lap.

Li Zi Yun wanted to get up but Wang Yu tightly held her hips, she could not budge an inch.

Li Zi Yun whispered through gritted teeth, "What are you doing? Let me go now"

The entire family was looking at Wang Yu and Li Zi Yun now. But Wang Yu was not bothered even a little.

Li Zi Yun whispered once again, "Elders are looking at us. Let me go now"

Wang Yu did not stop there. He started feeding his wife.

Wang Yiran couldn't take it anymore, "Zi Yun don't you know table manners? Brother this is why I told you to divorce her"

Grandfather Wang gave a cold stare at Wang Yiran and said, "Shut your mouth and use it only for eating or else get out of this room"

Wang Yu looked at his grandfather and asked him, "Grandpa does it bother anyone what I'm doing with my wife"

Grandfather Wang smiled and shook his head. He was quite happy that his grandson was getting along well with his wife without any problem.

From when Wang Yiran was young, she was never satisfied with what she had. Though she had everything that a girl of her age could get, she always wanted more. Since Wang Yiran and Li Zi Yun had studied in the same school from when they were kids, Wang Yiran and Li Zi Yun had known each other for a very long time. The things that Li Zi Yun had was nothing compared to what Wang Yiran had, but Li Zi Yun was happy with whatever she had. And Wang Yiran was jealous of the pretty Li Zi Yun, which soon turned into hate. Wang Yiran had thought that Li Zi Yun would be completely broken when her mother passed away and a step mother came in, but Li Zi Yun managed pretty well. So Wang Yiran had tried to bully Li Zi Yun whenever she got an opportunity.

Therefore, when grandfather Wang supported Li Zi Yun and scolded Wang Yiran in front of Li Zi Yun, Wang Yiran could not take it anymore.

I am back and you can expect regular updates. sorry to keep you waiting

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