

"I.. I'm sorry.. Rei-kun.." Ayana trembled as she spoke.

Her eyes full of curiosity, "Are.. you really dating Shizuka..?"

I just stared at her.

I decided it was time to tell her the truth, "When you rejected me, Ayana, my heart had shattered into a million pieces. I felt disappointed. I wanted to kill myself. As those vicious words left your mouth, I realized how worthless life is to live for. You took away the only hope I had in this world. I had nowhere to go, nothing to yearn for - my only friend, from childhood, rejected me. What a joke. And the thing made it even worse for me was that you didn't even seem to care that you rejected me. Your smile was ever brighter than it used to be before. It made me realize how little you cared for me. So, Ayana, I suggest you go kill yourself."

Her expression had become softer, her eyes twitching, a reaction from tearing up too hard. As she tried to process the words I had just spoken, I felt satisfied that I finally told her the truth.

"Rei-kun.. But I.." Ayana flinched, her eyes spoke of regret. That's what I hope at least.

"I understand why you did what you did, though. And no, I'm not dating Shizuka." I reassured her.

"Who would want an ugly guy like me right? I'm worthless, always the bottom-feeder, always the one to be clowned on by the class, always the one to eat alone, always the one to… get rejected," I stuttered uncontrollably as my vision was blurred by my own tears. 

Ayana sobbed, "I'm truly sorry, Rei-kun. I really loved you, I just didn't know how to tell you."

A fire full of rage started to build up inside me after hearing that pathetic excuse, "What…? WHAT!? YOU DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO TELL ME? YOU COULD'VE TOLD ME WHEN I CONFESSED TO YOU!" She froze, her mouth sewn shut.

"You're funny, Ayana. Have you ever thought of being a comedian?" I sarcastically commented.

I wiped off the tears from my face and stood up, "If you ever want to see me again, meet me up in heaven," walked out of the room and slammed the door as my final goodbye to her.

"I wish you well, Ayana." A solemn wish escaped my steel heart as I tried to find my way home through the rain.